Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 750 750 Killing Zelthrax

Chapter 750 750 Killing Zelthrax

Zelthrax's voice echoed through the void, resonating with a malevolent force. It was but a single word, and yet the power it held was immense. "Abyssal Maelstrom."

As she unleashed the Abyssal Maelstrom, the stars around them seemed to flicker and dim. A massive black hole, pulsating with dark energy, formed at the epicenter of her power. It threatened to consume everything in its vicinity, its gravitational pull distorting time and space.

If this was not stopped, the entire region of the galaxy might be consumed. How did Zelthrax did this? Based on his knowledge, this kind of power would need immense amount of mana.

Aldred, facing this new and terrifying manifestation of Zelthrax's power, knew he had to act quickly. He extended his hands, channeling his own mastery of spatial magic to counter the gravitational pull of the black hole. "As if I'll let you!"

The two forces collided, creating a shockwave that reverberated through the cosmos. Aldred, struggling against the overwhelming power of the Abyssal Maelstrom, realized that this battle was reaching a critical point.

As the struggle intensified, a sudden anomaly caught Aldred's attention. A small, but significant fluctuation in the fabric of space, a weakness in the heart of the Abyssal Maelstrom.

Seizing the opportunity, Aldred focused all his energy on this singular point, preparing to deliver a decisive strike. But as he gathered his power, Zelthrax's voice rang out, filled with a dark triumph.

Zelthrax intensified her power as well.

Aldred, with a final, desperate effort, launched his attack at the heart of the Maelstrom. The collision of powers was blinding, a cataclysmic event that would forever change the course of the war.

In the midst of their cataclysmic battle, as Aldred and Zelthrax's powers clashed with the force to rend the very fabric of the cosmos, the battlefield shifted unexpectedly. From the depths of space, a new combatant surged into the fray with startling swiftness and ferocity. It was Rayanor, the renowned Demon Hunter, his figure a blur of motion as he closed the distance between himself and Zelthrax.

Rayanor, wielding enchanted iron claws that gleamed with an otherworldly sharpness, launched into a flurry of attacks. His movements were a blur, striking at Zelthrax with a speed that defied human comprehension. Hundreds of thousands of slashes rained down in less than a second, each one aimed with deadly precision.

Aldred, recognizing the arrival of an ally, quickly adapted to the changing tide of battle. He extended his hands, his fingers weaving complex patterns in the void as he channeled his mastery over spatial magic. With a forceful gesture, he created a field around Zelthrax, designed to immobilize her and restrict her movements.

Zelthrax, caught between Aldred's spatial constraints and Rayanor's relentless assault, struggled to maintain her focus. The Abyssal Maelstrom around her began to waver, its stability threatened by the combined might of her two opponents.

"Rayanor, now!" Aldred shouted, his voice echoing across the battlefield. His spatial field tightened around Zelthrax, compressing the space around her, making it difficult for her to maneuver.

Rayanor, responding to Aldred's call, intensified his onslaught. His claws became a storm of steel, each strike resonating with the power of his enchantments. "Zelthrax, your reign of terror ends here!" he roared, his voice filled with the resolve of a seasoned warrior.

Zelthrax, despite being one of the mightiest of the demon admirals, found herself on the defensive. She parried and dodged, her own power strained to its limits as she contended with the dual assault. Her eyes, burning with a dark fire, glared at her attackers, her mind racing for a way to turn the tables.

She began to channel her energy, preparing a counterstrike that would shake the cosmos.

Aldred, sensing the gathering power within Zelthrax, knew they had little time. "Rayanor, we must end this quickly! She's preparing something big!"

Rayanor nodded, understanding the urgency. His attacks became even more ferocious, a whirlwind of slashes that sought to break through Zelthrax's defenses.

The space around them was a maelstrom of energy and light, a testament to the incredible power being unleashed. As the battle reached its climax, with Aldred and Rayanor pushing their limits against Zelthrax's might, a moment of truth approached.

Zelthrax, with a final, desperate effort, unleashed her counterstrike, a wave of dark energy that surged towards Aldred and Rayanor.

The two of them were pushed back.

However, their attack was effective.

In the aftermath of their ferocious battle, Zelthrax, the feared Riftweaver, stood weakened and wounded. The relentless assault by Aldred and Rayanor had taken its toll, leaving her once-imposing form battered and strained. Her armor, usually gleaming with malevolent energy, was now marred with scorch marks and dents from the relentless attacks. Blood, dark as the void itself, seeped from numerous gashes, evidence of Rayanor's deadly precision.

Despite her weakened state, a glint of cunning shone in Zelthrax's eyes. She glanced around frantically, her mind calculating the odds of escape. The demonic admiral, sensing her imminent defeat, began to muster the remnants of her power, desperate for a way out.

Aldred and Rayanor, recognizing the shift in Zelthrax's demeanor, redoubled their offensive. They hurtled towards her, a combined force of fury and resolve. Zelthrax, driven by survival instinct, roared with a rage that shook the very fabric of space. She unleashed a powerful blast, sending Aldred and Rayanor reeling back hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

In that moment of reprieve, Zelthrax summoned her last reserves of energy and tore open a wormhole in space, a swirling vortex of dark energy that promised escape.

But fate had other plans. From the shadows of the cosmic battlefield emerged Quantum Sentinel, the loyal sentient robot of Vortimer. With a speed and precision that belied its mechanical nature, Quantum Sentinel thrust a powerful mechanical spear towards Zelthrax, catching her off guard.

The spear pierced through her weakened defenses, its tip glowing with an energy that seemed to disrupt the very essence of Zelthrax's being. Quantum used the spear as a fulcrum, leveraging Zelthrax out of the wormhole's grasp and firmly into his metallic grip.

With a swift motion, he grabbed her by the neck, his mechanical fingers tightening with unyielding strength. Zelthrax struggled, her eyes wide with shock and fear, as Quantum Sentinel relentlessly stabbed her multiple hearts with the spear. Each thrust was precise, calculated to inflict maximum damage.

Zelthrax's attempts to break free were futile against Quantum's iron grasp. Her once formidable powers, now diminished and erratic, flickered in vain as she faced the cold, unfeeling eyes of the robot.

The wormhole began to collapse, its entrance shrinking as the battle reached its inevitable conclusion. Quantum Sentinel, ensuring that Zelthrax could not escape, delivered the final blows. The Riftweaver's form shuddered with each impact, her lifeforce ebbing away with every strike.

As Zelthrax's body went limp in Quantum's grasp, the wormhole dissipated, leaving behind a trail of dark energy that slowly faded into the void. The battlefield, once filled with the chaos of war, fell silent, marking the end of a fierce and decisive battle.

Aldred and Rayanor, regaining their bearings, approached the scene. They looked upon the fallen Zelthrax with a mix of relief and solemnity, knowing that the tide of the war had just turned in their favor

"I finally caught this fucking bitch!" Rayanor shouted.

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