Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 766 766 Ancient Forgers

Chapter 766 766 Ancient Forgers

As Captain Ilsa and her team followed the robot through the labyrinthine passages of the underground forge, they were struck by the sheer scale of its operations. The path they took was illuminated by the soft glow of molten metal, casting long shadows on the walls and revealing glimpses of the forge's vast capabilities.

The air was thick with the sound of industry: the clanging of metal, the hiss of steam, and the low hum of machinery operating beyond the limits of human engineering. They passed by factories embedded within the cavern walls, each dedicated to a different aspect of creation. Some chambers were filled with robots meticulously assembling devices that defied explanation, their forms and functions a mystery. Others were vast foundries, where the raw materials of the planet were transformed into alloys unknown to the team's scientists.

"Look at this," whispered the communications officer, gesturing towards a workshop where robotic arms weaved a material that shimmered with light, seemingly capturing the essence of the stars themselves.

Captain Ilsa, equally fascinated, responded in a hushed tone, "Everything here… it's like they've mastered the art of creation itself. These technologies could revolutionize our understanding of the universe."

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the forge, they encountered a facility that appeared to be a research lab, where robots interacted with holographic displays projecting complex equations and celestial maps. The sight was awe-inspiring, a testament to the advanced scientific knowledge of the Forgers.

Then, the procession came to a halt before a massive door, adorned with symbols that resonated with an ancient power. The leading robot turned to face them, its sensors briefly scanning the captain and her team.

"This is the threshold to the Council of Forgers," it announced, its voice echoing through the chamber. "Beyond this door lies the wisdom of ages and the architects of the technology you seek. Prepare your minds for what is to come."

The door slowly began to open, revealing a chamber bathed in a soft, ethereal light. Captain Ilsa took a deep breath, steeling herself for the encounter. She realized that they were about to meet beings, or perhaps something beyond beings, that had shaped the very fabric of the cosmos with their creations.

As they stepped into the chamber, a sense of wonder and apprehension filled the air. This was not just a meeting; it was a convergence of paths that had spanned galaxies and eons. Captain Ilsa knew that the fate of the Celestial Platoon, and perhaps much more, hinged on the forthcoming dialogue with the Forgers.

"Welcome, travelers," a voice resonated within the chamber, ageless and imbued with a quiet power. "You stand before the Council of Forgers. Speak your purpose."

Captain Ilsa stepped forward, her resolve firm. "We come seeking knowledge and aid against a darkness that threatens our existence. We wish to learn from you, to find a way to use your technology for the good of all."

In the chamber that seemed to stretch and bend reality itself, the Council of Forgers, a collective of presences rather than physical entities, responded to Captain Ilsa's plea with a reaction that chilled the air further. The ethereal light that bathed the room flickered as if echoing their sentiment.

"For the good of all?" The voice that spoke was not just a single tone but a chorus of disapproval, resonating from every corner of the chamber. "Such naivety to presume you understand the needs of 'all.' Your perspective is limited, Captain, bounded by the immediacy of your conflicts."

Captain Ilsa, taken aback by the sharpness of the rebuke, stood her ground. The weight of her mission bolstered her courage. "With respect, we face a threat that does not discriminate. The darkness we fight seeks to extinguish life, to unravel the very fabric of existence. Our plea is not born from arrogance but from necessity."

The Council's presence seemed to consider her words, the air humming with unspoken conversations beyond human comprehension. After a moment, the voice returned, softer yet still tinged with skepticism.

"Your fight is but a shadow of greater battles that have raged since the dawn of creation. The technologies you seek, forged in the heart of stars and in the darkness between worlds, were never meant for petty skirmishes or even the grandest wars of your kind."

Another member of Ilsa's team, a scientist named Dr. Ren, stepped forward, driven by a mix of fear and fascination. "But if there's wisdom you can share, knowledge that could prevent unnecessary suffering, isn't it worth imparting? Our aim is not conquest but survival."

The Council's voice, now a blend of many tones both ancient and authoritative, filled the chamber, addressing Dr. Ren's interjection with a stark dismissal that resonated deeply within each member of Captain Ilsa's team.

"What matter the survival of a small region in the galaxy compared to the survival of the entire human race?" the Council intoned, their words laced with a profound disdain. "A few trillion human lives are but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of existence."

The harshness of their judgment left the team momentarily speechless, their resolve shaken by the cosmic scale of the Council's perspective.

Captain Ilsa, however, found within herself a spark of defiance, fueled by the very criticism leveled against her. "With all due respect," she began, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions within her, "our 'small region' of the galaxy, as you call it, is our home. It's where countless lives strive, love, and dream. It may be a speck of dust to you, but to us, it's everything."

She stepped forward, her determination shining through. "You speak of the survival of the human race as if it's detached from the fates of those trillions of lives. But it's those very lives that define our race. Our 'small-minded' focus on survival isn't a limitation—it's our strength. It's what drives us to protect, to explore, and to reach out to beings like you for wisdom and assistance."

The room fell silent, the team members holding their breath as they awaited the Council's response. The air seemed to thicken, charged with the weight of Ilsa's words and the monumental divide between their perspectives.

After what felt like an eternity, the Council's voice returned, less sharp, more contemplative. "Your passion is clear, Captain Ilsa, and your devotion to your people is commendable. Yet, you must understand, the technologies we guard were born from necessities far beyond the immediate threats you face. To wield them without understanding their purpose and potential consequences is to invite disaster."

Captain Ilsa added, "Then help us understand. Guide us so we can make informed choices. Share with us the wisdom to use these technologies responsibly, for the benefit not just of our 'small region,' but for all humanity."

The crew members were in awe after they heard Captain Ilsa's replies. She responded to every remarks with certainty and confidence.

Aldred, who was watching in his flagship, was impressed as well.

"Incredible," Aldred said.

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