Reincarnated As The Diabolic System

Chapter 33 32. Throwing Bones

The view in front of Noah was so shocking that he stood there without moving. This mountain was actually made out of bones! Pure, white human bones!

"Why are these so clean….." Noah muttered, as if he was wondering about this, but deep down, even he knew the answer to this question. He glanced back at the eyeball approaching him at the fastest speed possible.

Then it disappeared suddenly and reappeared right in front of his eyes, at a distance of one centimeter. Noah was frozen as he stared into the big eye in front of him. It was so big that he couldn't help but tremble at the spot.

The black orb stared at the host in a creepy manner.

Shane was the first among them to wake up from his daze. He turned the camera of the screen toward the bones as he narrowed his eyes.

He could safely assume that these bones were thrown here after eating up other humans before Shane entered this place. So many people died here because of this eyeball….

The only strange thing was that none of the eyeballs seemed to be closing in on those bones. Shane frowned as he thought about it.

This strange eyeball seemed to have eaten those people, and because it didn't like bones, it spat it out in piles. So the reason that it wasn't going anywhere near that thing was probably becaus it hated these bones.

As soon as he figured it out, he instantly opened his mouth and said, "Noah, climb to the top of this mountain. Hurry."

The host blinked as he stepped back, but he couldn't move. He stayed frozen in place without moving, as if he was scared silly.

Shane gritted his teeth and glanced at the tool section. The free usage was again made available. It seemed an hour had passed ever since he had last used this tool. Good. He could now use it for his benefit.

He instantly clicked that tool as the control of the body was slowly transferred to him. The next moment he opened his eyes, he saw a giant eyeball staring intently at his face as if it wanted to eat him alive that instant.

Before Shane could react, the eyeball's black orbs split into two halves as big, pointy teeth appeared. The mouth kept getting bigger as a lot of small eyeballs continued to merge into this giant thing.

At that time, he abandoned the idea of climbing at the top of the mountain. He feared that the eyeball would probably eat him alive considering the thing's size.

Only one thing could be done at the moment—

He turned around and grabbed a pile of bones and started throwing them at the eyeball. As expected, the giant eye dodged the bones and made a disgusted expression. The corners of the giant lips of the monster curled down as if it were dissatisfied with the situation.

Shane didn't turn around as he took a lot of bones in his hands, as many as he could, and said, "Host, save these in your inventory. It'll come in handy."

After that, he handed the control of the body to Noah, who was still surprised after seeing the sudden changes in his surroundings. At that moment, he was a little late in throwing the bones at the eyeball's face. As a result, the huge mouth came closer and bit two fingers off of Noah's hand.


The latter's eyes widened as a flush of pain centered around his hands, reaching his brain in no time. All the bones he was carrying fell to the ground as the eyeball's giant mouth came closer. It was now only a little bit away from the host's head.

Shane had never felt so angry before. He never knew he would get such a useless host the first time he practiced his new job. He hadn't even graduated from the system university, and he was already getting a headache.

Even his university days on Earth weren't so frustrating!

He immediately paid five hundred Crana and took control of the body again. This was a special tool that was available for free with a reset period of an hour, but if there was an emergency, the systems could buy it at five hundred Crana for a few seconds of control.

The reset time would count from the free usage tool. Shane had already figured out how it worked. So he didn't think twice before purchasing it.

He then picked up the bones and kept throwing them at the eyeball's face as he scolded his host, "You f*cker! Do you have any idea how many Crana you're making me lose by your stupidity?!"

"I-I'm sorry!" Noah stuttered in a low voice inside the body's mind.

Shane said nothing at this time as he focused on running as fast as possible within these few seconds. These bones were really helpful as they helped him stay a little away from the eyeball, making the latter distracted.

Soon enough, the control of the body went back to the host as the boy kept running for his life. At this time, Shane glanced at the radar option and narrowed his eyes.

He could see another empty space in the distance. If they continued running at this pace, maybe they would end up reaching there unscathed. Still, he wanted to be sure of his survival.

"Host, take out your sword."

Even though Shane knew that they couldn't kill this eyeball of a monster, they could still delay it until reaching that distance. He could tell that the space this time would probably be the exit from this floor of the tower.


He glanced at the right hand of the boy that was missing two fingers and sighed. This stupid host had it coming. He said, "Use health potions. Otherwise, you'll keep losing blood."

"Yeah, I do feel dizzy," Noah staggered on his feet as he struggled to increase his pace. He frowned as he pursed his lips, trying hard to suppress the urge to scream from pain. He knew that he had already made so much trouble for his system, and he knew that he had become so useless. So he didn't want to cause too much trouble anymore.

At this time, he took out a sword he had purchased earlier along with one health potion bottle. He drank it all in one go as the bleeding stopped. He seemed to have gained energy all of a sudden, and the pain that was throbbing in his hands lessened at this time.

But before he could sigh in relief, the eyeball that had grown bigger than a ten-story building closed in on him.

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