Reincarnated As The Diabolic System

Chapter 60 59. A Silver-Haired Girl

Shane and his team walked out of the dungeon right before it crumpled into dust. The round portal in front of the cave disappeared without a trace before showing a few cracks. It almost felt like it was an electric bulb that cracked as the light dimmed slowly and disappeared, leaving only a hard fragile glass behind.

Dirt stared at four people jumping out in a haste as the portal disappeared without a trace and sighed. He wasn't new to such scenes.

So, his expression was quite expressionless at the moment, but looking at three people tottering behind Shane with pale faces, he raised his brows. Before asking for their permission, he walked over and said, "Stay still."

He seemed to have initiated a skill at this time that sparked up in his fingers. The divine energy spark floated in the air and directed toward the three people standing in front of his eyes. The power covered up their brains as the three of them stood there, stunned in place.

After a moment, Dirt frowned as he repeated the process and lowered his hand before he smiled, "I've healed you three. Go back. I want to talk to Shane alone. He might have obtained the thing from the dungeon that Master asked him to bring."

The three people said nothing as they nodded toward Dirt and walked away. Tess, before walking out of that place, patted Shane's shoulders and said, "I'll be resting. My head's a little uncomfortable."

Shane looked worriedly at his sister, but he said nothing and nodded as he saw them getting teleported somewhere else. Dirt remained in the same place as he glanced at Shane and said, "I can't read their past."

"Huh?" Shane tilted his head as he remembered the attribute of this person. Since it was time, it wouldn't be strange for the robot to read other people's past. In any case, Dirt had checked out Shane's past not too long ago.

So, the robot not being able to check it out was strange. He frowned and asked, "Why?"

"There's some kind of lock that's stopping me or anyone at the matter from seeing through their past."

"Not even Tess?"

Dirt frowned as he shook his head, "It seems as if someone did something inside. Tell me what happened. Every single detail," the robot paused for a moment and added, "If you're planning to hide even a single thing, I can still check out your memories."

Shane was speechless as he rolled his eyes and raised his hand, "Fine. So, the story starts with how we entered the lobby and…."

After that, he recounted everything from how the lizard or snake monsters appeared until the very end when they happened to meet that strange demon whom he had blasted off with his powers unknowingly. Shane paused and finally didn't hide anything about the weirdness of his powers and the luck factor of the sword.

Dirt frowned for a long time as if his circuits and programs had been challenged at this time. He couldn't come up with a single response as he sighed and said, "Let me check out your memories."

Shane nodded as he allowed the robot to do his thing. Meanwhile, Dirt started checking out the memories of the past few hours inside the dungeon. The more he looked, the more he felt something was off. The demon was killed way too easily, as if someone had orchestrated everything to test Shane's powers and determine if this young man was even eligible to become a danger factor for the villains.

He instantly opened his eyes and said, "We should go."

Shane pursed his lips and decided to come clean with his master about his CE and stats issue. That bald man might be able to provide him with deeper insights.

After a few seconds, they reached Ed's office directly as Dirt and Shane appeared there out of the blue. At this time, a strange girl with silver hair was standing in front of the bald man when the two people appeared. Her blue eyes glanced at the two people indifferently as she nodded at Dirt and walked away without turning back.

Shane glanced at the girl's back as he felt a sense of strangeness in his chest that he couldn't describe. It was his intuition, which was telling him to stay away from her.

When Ed saw his disciple's eyes glued to a certain silver haired girl's back, he walked over and tapped the young man's head with his fist, making the latter jump and turn toward him. The bald man looked at Shane with a serious and disappointed expression on his face, "Your fault for ogling her."

"I wasn't!" Shane's eyes squinted, "Can't you tell I was staring at her with vigilance?"

"Oh?" Ed raised his brows as he crossed his arms on his chest, "Why were you vigilant?"

The youth coughed as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "Here's the thing. My intuition says that I should stay away from that girl."

"Your intuition is right," Ed nodded with a pleased expression on his face. He leaned back on the chair and raised his head, "The girl's power is shadow, and she's an assassination system. A dangerous girl who comes under the top five powerful systems of this world, but she joined our institute a while back and insisted on entering this place.

"She says she wants to help more newcomers, which is impossible while staying in the Meridio continent, but I don't buy this b*llsh*t. She clearly has some goal, but she's good at hiding without leaving any traces. The girl's known for her ruthlessness, and it is unlike her to be compassionate to other people," Ed sighed, "Stay away from her. If she ends up following you or spares you a doubtful glance, come tell me."

Shane frowned, "Why are you giving her so much importance? This is also so unlike you. Deep down, you're a narcissist."

Ed ignored that last comment and replied, "Because she's the System God's only disciple."

Shane raised his brows and didn't speak on that topic anymore while remembering to stay away from the girl at this time. He put the topic to the back of his head and said, "About my powers…."

Before Shane could ask more questions, Ed raised his head and motioned for Dirt to come over. The robot walked over and used his powers. He seemed to be using some hidden skills as he transferred information to Ed's brain in an instant.

The bald man nodded and turned to Shane, "First thing's first, your CE seems to be of unlimited quantity for some reason, but since it's dark CE, it doesn't count in the stats upgrade system that is designed specifically for calculating the divine cosmic energy. You're probably upgrading through experience and it doesn't seem to affect your CE, which is undoubtedly of unlimited quantity as Dirt has also confirmed.

"So, the good news is, when everyone else feels their powers exhausted, you can still use it until you stay conscious despite your body's condition. In other words, even if you're half dying, you can still blast a powerful attack to surprise your enemy. The bad news is, we don't know until when this would continue. Since you're the first case ever, I'll have to research more about your condition."

Shane nodded as he heard his master saying the next words, "About the second thing…. Well, it seems your luck is really bad in choosing the weapons. With Dragonking, you can't do anything except for diverting the attention of your enemies."

"Why is that?"

"Because with zero luck, it's basically impossible to even hold the weapon firmly and attack smoothly," Ed sighed and rubbed his bald head, "Zero luck means the power won't work when you need it the most. So, forget about that sword. Let it rot in your inventory for a while and focus on strengthening your powers, which is more interesting than the weapon you got."

The two people didn't know that a certain silver haired girl's shadow was hiding right outside Ed's office and had heard the entire conversation before heading back to the girl's body. At this time, she was walking down the corridor as the corners of her lips curved up, "Interesting."

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