Reincarnated as the Son of Conglomerate

Chapter 123 A Night In A Tent (II)

The lights went out, and silence filled the tent. Klaus closed his eyes, but his mind could not fall asleep. He knew he wasn't the only one still awake; the two women lying to his left and right were the same.

Sylvia slept facing right and Olivia the other way around. For some inexplicable reason, they tried to sleep without facing Klaus.

After Olivia learned that Sylvia and Klaus once lived under the same roof, she made a scene, thinking they had an intimate relationship.

Of course, Sylvia straightened things out before Olivia got the wrong idea. She explained the situation then, about her younger brother's kidnapping and the Black Bulls. 

But Klaus didn't say much. He just rolled out the mattress and told them to get some sleep after the misunderstanding was cleared up. Olivia was upset at him, but he ignored her.

However, instead of falling into a deep sleep, they stay awake.

For almost 19 years on Earth, Klaus had always slept alone. He had never shared a room with another person. He felt uncomfortable, whether it was the hard mattress or the cramped space.

He heard a whisper from his left ear as he tried to fall asleep.

"Psst! Psst! Psst! Klaus! Are you still awake?"

But Klaus ignored her. He kept his eyes closed and pretended to be asleep. However, that did not make Olivia stop disturbing his sleep. Until finally, he lost patience.

"Goddamn it, Olivia. Stop it."

Olivia hissed. "I've called you so many times, but you ignore me. Don't think I don't know you're pretending to be asleep."

Klaus opened his eyes as he sighed.

Although they were annoyed with each other, they kept their voices low, keeping their noise from waking up the red-haired woman sleeping next to them.

"What is it?" asked Klaus.

Olivia did not answer immediately. She looked at Klaus while pursing her lips. This woman said something but had difficulty expressing it, as if something was stuck in her throat. And Klaus patiently waited for her.

"Can't you sleep?"

Klaus squinted. "You bother me just to say that?"

"Nah, sorry. I just wanted a friend to talk to. For some reason, I'm having trouble sleeping tonight."

"Damn, me too. Then go to sleep. I want to rest."

Klaus rolled his body to the right and closed his eyes. Meanwhile, Olivia was still looking at him. Her eyes lay on his back.

"I'm scared," she said

Naturally, Klaus opened his eyes. Her words sounded soft and broken. There was nothing contrived about that line. At that moment, Klaus knew one of his subordinates was in a serious situation.

"Afraid of what?" asked Klaus softly.

Her eyes became sad, implying the worry in her mind. "After you gave me that katana, I became more confident. Swinging the sword felt so light, and beheading monsters became easy. I feel like I can exert my full strength."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Olivia nodded. "At first, yes. But after we got into the dungeon, got rid of the drakes, and defeated the wyvern, I felt like something had changed inside me. The thrill of killing monsters makes me feel more alive and free."

"Then what are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid I'm turning into a monster, Klaus. Every time I kill a monster, it gives me a certain satisfaction. I feel... that killing gives me pleasure."

The answer she gave him made Klaus reflect. He had been in a similar situation.

The moment the nickname "Death Bringer" was attached to his name was when his hatred overcame him. Too many humans wanted to kill him, but no one who ever drew his sword on him survived. Klaus never gave mercy.

Death would only bring death. Those who die leave grief to those left behind. As a result, the number of people who wanted Klaus dead continued to grow. Of course, they are nothing compared to Klaus.

However, the more people died in his hands, the more he felt pleasure in his heart. He followed that sensation and started making trouble in order to kill people. Klaus didn't realize that the lust for killing had overtaken him.

At the peak, he unknowingly killed a farmer's family. His mind became clear when he saw their bodies. A father, a mother, and a son.

From then on, he withdrew and continued to avoid it.

He didn't expect that Olivia had murderous tendencies like him. And she was going there. Klaus must save her before something similar happens to this woman.

He rolled his body to face Olivia. Their eyes met as Klaus gave her a concerned look.

"When did you feel it?" Klaus asked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe since I fought the drakes."

"Starting tomorrow. You stay in the rear. Do not advance or retreat. Never leave your position. Focus on protecting the back no matter what."

Olivia frowned.

"What if things go awry—Aw!" She wanted to ask why she should follow his advice, but Klaus flicked her on the head. "What are you doing?!"

"Just do what I say. You have murder tendencies. I thought you wouldn't get it because you're afraid of killing, but the opposite is true. You must be able to restrain yourself. Or you'll turn into what you're afraid of. Become a monster."

Instantly, Olivia's facial expression changed. The annoyance on her face disappeared and was replaced by a sad look in her eyes. She was terrified of becoming a monster, like Klaus said.

When fear began to creep into her chest, Klaus held her hand. Naturally, Olivia twisted her face in confusion.

"Look, you kill not to be strong or prove something. But to protect the people around you. Keep that in your head."

Instantly, the anxiety in her chest vanished. His words calmed her feelings.

Klaus looked into Olivia's eyes and vice versa. They looked at each other for a long time.

And then, Olivia blushed. She unconsciously held his hand. She immediately withdrew her hand and looked away.

"Thank you. I'm sleepy; going to sleep," Olivia said.

Klaus smiled. He was happy that he could cheer Olivia up a little. He then also went to bed.

When those two closed their eyes, Sylvia still had her eyes open. She listened to all their conversations.


The sun had risen, but the white mist still covered the camp.

The awakeners woke up earlier than usual. They gathered in the center of the camp, surrounding a small platform. At the same time, others were busy taking down their tents and packing up their things.

They were in full gear, but they were still yawning. They talked to the person next to them to chase away the sleepiness.

Klaus sat on a box. He stayed away from the others to get a comfortable spot to watch on the stage. And he wasn't alone. Justin, Sylvia, Joanna, Olivia, and the rest of the Rays of Hope guild surrounded him.

Not long after, a man in gray armor and robes appeared. The echoes of whispers stopped, and everyone focused on him. The person they had been waiting for had finally appeared.

It was Noah Liebert. 

His brown eyes scrolled over the people standing below him. A look of dislike was clearly visible on his face.

"It's already noon! But I still see sleepiness on your faces. We're in a dungeon! Where's your spirit!?"

The awakeners were still too sleepy. Although Noah said it was already noon, it was only five minutes ago. In a way, the awakeners gathered after waking up from their sleep.

The silence made Noah furious. He clenched his fist and punched the stage.


The bang echoed and startled the dozens of awakeners standing there. It refreshed them from sleepiness.

"Should I smash more stuff so you can hear me? Or are you actually deaf?"

Their faces twisted in confusion. They did not understand what his words meant.

"I asked, where is your spirit?"

"Yes, we're here!" They answered in unison.

Actually, they weren't afraid of Noah. It was Gavin. Inevitably, they would have to bow their heads at Noah as long as that German-blooded awakener was around.

Noah continued his speech. "As you can see, some of your friends are packing up. Soon we will leave and catch up with Vincent and his men."


"Don't we have to guard the dungeon?"

"Dude, is she serious."

Skeptical whispers echoed through the air. Before getting orders from Noah, they had gotten one from Vincent to stay put. And his orders were absolute. Leaving this camp was going against orders.

One of the awakeners raised his hand. "Eugh, boss. Shouldn't we stay put? If Vincent sees us catching up with them, I'm sure they won't like it."

"Shut up!" Noah snapped. "No one asked for your opinion. I'm in charge here. You follow my orders."

The awakeners looked at each other, wondering what to do. They were like sheep. Timid and obedient. On the one hand, they were afraid of Vincent. On the other hand, they feared Gavin, who was behind Noah. It was a dilemma for them.

Seeing the indecision on his men's faces, Noah realized he needed to put even more pressure on them.

"Now, I'm giving you a choice. Those who obey Vincent leave now, and those who obey me, stay. But if you leave, don't expect to get any monster cores."

Instantly, disappointment rose on their faces. Monster cores were the only reason they joined this raid. If it was taken away from them, they would have no choice but to obey Noah.

Meanwhile, Noah looked at Klaus from a distance while smirking. They had successfully persuaded the awakeners to join them. And now, it was time for them to execute the next step.

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