Reincarnated as the Son of Conglomerate

Chapter 75 Taken (IV)

Kids were everywhere. They're on the floor. They're on the table. They're on the stairs. Their joyful laughter echoed in the living room before Sylvia stepped foot inside. The red-haired woman couldn't hide her surprised look as she saw many kids playing in this small space.

A similar expression could also be seen on Klaus' face. Although he was used to dealing with the stupidity and absurdity of his younger sister, he was never used to being with kids. Let alone a bunch of them.

"Have a seat. I'll call Mama," Emma said.

Klaus and Sylvia sat on the sofa while the kids who escorted them went to the back. Klaus saw Denzel gnashing his teeth before he left.

The sofa was hard as if it had been in this living room for centuries. The white walls were covered in crayon scribbles. Toys and napkins were scattered on the floor. Some kids hide behind curtains, watching them with curious eyes.

"I thought we're going to kick some gangster ass, Klaus," Sylvia whispered. The red-haired woman smiled as she waved at a little boy who smiled at her.

"I didn't know things would turn out like this either."

Suddenly, a boy approached him with a broad smile, and his lips touched his ears, showing off two holes in his teeth. His eyes were blue like the sky, and his black hair was curly. The boy wore a sporty shirt and a necklace with an apple pendant.

"Who are you?" the boy asked. He pointed at Klaus as he said so.

Raising an eyebrow, Klaus was a little surprised. In his eyes, this boy was too small and absurd, so he needed a few seconds to respond to him.

"I'm a guest," Klaus replied.

"Guest? You want to adopt us?" the little boy asked innocently.

Naturally, Klaus twisted his face in confusion. He might be good at acting in front of adults, but he couldn't fool the innocence of a kid.

Seeing his reaction, Sylvia smiled. She quickly answered the boy's question before Klaus found the right answer.

"We want to meet your momma."

"My momma died in a car accident," the boy replied.

Instantly, the red-haired woman's face darkened. She hadn't expected to get such a blunt answer. Nevertheless, she tried to keep a smile on her face.

"I mean the momma who looks after this house," she said. Her tongue felt loose as she said so.

"Oh, you mean Mama." The boy extended his hand. "My name is Jojo, by the way."

Sylvia shook his tiny hand. "Jojo? That's a good name. I'm Sylvia. And this..."

"Morgan," Klaus replied.

He used a fake name to match his fake identity.

An old lady entered the living room, carrying cookies and hot tea on a tray. The kids ran over and crowded around that old lady. She wore a lace dress and a long skirt. Her hair was brown with gray in places. Smiling weakly, she greeted Klaus and Sylvia.

"Mama! Mama!"

Klaus and Sylvia stood to greet her, but the old lady told them to sit down. Then, they introduced each other by name.

"My name is Miranda, but kids call me Mama. Nice to meet you."

The old lady introduced herself while pouring tea into cups. Although the aroma of tea wafted throughout the room, Klaus smelled the nose-stinging odor of bleach from Miranda.

Later, Denzel and Emma came into the living room. Those kids lowered their heads as if they were afraid to face something.

"Sorry if this place is messy. The kids like to play, and I'm the only adult in the house," Miranda said.

Sylvia nodded. "I understand. It must be hard to take care of the orphanage by yourself."

"Yeah, it is. But this house is not an orphanage."

Naturally, Klaus and Sylvia raised their eyebrows.

Although dozens of kids lived and sheltered in this house, Miranda, as the owner, had no license or legal permission. 

However, it functioned like an orphanage. She provided them with warm beds and bread and helped them to find foster parents.

Miranda said she was initially sorry to see abandoned children on the streets. She believed that if those kids were left alone, most would have joined gangs or become criminals.

Therefore, she took them to her house. Miranda housed them until they were at least able to earn their own money. As time passed, the number of kids living in this house grew until it was packed. 

She supported these children with her pension. Of course, it could not last long. Luckily, some people were kind enough to make donations.

"It was a noble act," Klaus praised. "Most people think so highly of themselves that they forget about the people around them."

"Thank you. But I've made it this far thanks to people's help. This body is getting old and tired. Luckily, some people are willing to help care for the children."

Klaus squinted. "Like Sheila?"

Miranda raised her eyebrows. "You know Sheila? She helps me a lot. She usually comes here once a week. What about her?"

Klaus already suspected that Miranda didn't know anything about the kidnapping. He could see it in Denzel and the other kids.

Inhaling a deep breath, Klaus told Miranda about the blackmail and kidnapping his foster children had committed. The old lady dropped her jaw while Denzel and the other kids bowed their heads.

Miranda didn't know what to say. She then apologized to Klaus, shedding tears.

"Mr. Morgan, I'm sorry. I didn't know that they would do something like this."

Klaus smiled. "It's okay. They're just kids."

After that, Miranda began to explain her situation.

The bank was going to foreclose on this house. Miranda told Klaus she had taken out a large loan to care for the kids. The donations and her pension were not enough to feed 25 mouths.

Of course, Miranda couldn't hand these children over to the government after the bond they had made over the years. Not to mention, orphans usually had to move around until they found foster parents. Or at least until they turned 18.

Most children living in these homes are 10 years old and above. It was difficult to find foster parents because most prospective parents prefer children under the age of 8.

Therefore, Denzel took the initiative to carry out this plan. The idea came to him when he found Sheila's abandoned cell phone. Sheila often helped them; he thought she worked for a rich man. Denzel traced the contacts and found a phone number named "Boss."

After that, they contacted Klaus to trick him.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Morgan. Miss Sylvia." Miranda apologized through tears.

"It's all right," Klaus replied.

Miranda scolded Denzel and the other kids in front of Klaus. They bowed their head in shame. Some cried, and some apologized. Sylvia felt sorry; she calmed Miranda and comforted the children.

Tears of emotion filled the room. Klaus didn't like this atmosphere, choosing to go out for fresh air.

Klaus sat on a chair on the veranda, watching the children playing outside. He didn't find Sheila's whereabouts, but he was sure his secretary was fine after hearing Miranda's story. It's just that something was nagging at the back of his mind.

Then, a little girl approached him.

"Thank you, uncle. I thought you would be angry at Mama Miranda."

"It's okay, Emma. It's no big deal. I won't be angry as long as my secretary is fine."

Suddenly, Klaus remembered his money. He hadn't heard from her in two days. Although he knew her smartphone was left behind, it was not her habit not to give news.

"By the way, Emma. Do you know where Sheila is? Mama said she last saw her yesterday."

Thinking, Emma squinted. "I don't know. Maybe she's with Roach."

"Who is he?"

The little girl pursed her lips. "Roach is Sheila's friend. He used to come here with her. Sometimes he brings cookies, sometimes he brings chocolates. He also helps us a lot."

Klaus remembered Sheila saying she had an acquaintance who would help her sell stolen arcana. Maybe Roach was that person, he thought.

"Do you know where Roach's home is?"

Emma shrugged. "I don't know. But they usually go everywhere together. Maybe they hunt a vampire."

Klaus was taken aback. "Wait, what? Vampires."

Emma bounced her head up and down. "Yes. A lot of people have been going missing lately. They say a vampire kidnaps children and women at night. But I don't know. Mama forbade us to go out at night. We have to stay home whenever she goes shopping."

Klaus never read the local news. He didn't know a monster roamed the Bronx.

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