Reincarnated As The Strongest Ancestor With a System

Chapter 339 The Queen

The middle-aged man wore golden armor that covered his entire body. He also wielded a huge ago, like he could easily bend the sky of Heaven.

His aura was much deeper than the Old Sage's, saying that it was the pinnacle of everything was no exaggeration at all.

When looking at the Devil Ancestor, he didn't show the slightest worry, as if it was the Devil Ancestor who should be worried about his existence.

"Great Dragon," said the Devil Ancestor in a low voice.

He turned out to be one of the four Supreme Immortal Beasts. And of course, the strongest of the four.

His cultivation had already reached the highest limit of the Immortal Realm. Coupled with his unrivaled bloodline, it was difficult to find an equal opponent even among the Supreme Immortals.

"There seems to be something wrong with both of your brains, have you given up hope of facing us?" Ancestor Devil said. Of course, he wasn't worried either since he was the same as the Great Dragon whether in cultivation or bloodline.

"When we defeat you, we still have freedom, unlike you, even if you win, you will forever be slaves," Old Sage replied without changing his expression, as if he didn't care at all about whatever the Devil Ancestor said.

"Hmph, you guys have become dirty, how is your aura now?" The Devil Ancestor snorted and laughed at the same time.

Right after he said that, Old Sage raised his hand. A black aura gathered above his palm. It was naturally not a black aura like the Devil Ancestor's aura. The latter was black because that was indeed its color, not something evil. However, the black aura above Old Sage's palm had an ominous scent, giving the impression like it was hiding countless souls.

That aura also appeared on the Great Dragon's eyes, turning the color of his golden eyes black.

"If anyone falls into the darkness among the Hundred Races, I'm guessing it's one of you two because of your selfish traits, who would have thought that it would turn out that you two fell together." Old Sun shook his head, sighing.

In fact, he wasn't really bad despite being on Holy Heaven's side. It was only because he had no other choice.

When hearing their conversation, Qin Yuan couldn't help but hold his chin, thinking and knitting his brows as he felt that there was something between those Dark Immortals.

They were also fighting Holy Heaven, but they were increasing their strength in a vicious way.

The question was whether it was possible to increase strength to the point of being able to match Holy Heaven just by doing that.

Another question was whether they could even swallow everyone?

So far, they had only been able to do so bit by bit. If it was like that, Holy Heaven would have broken through first.

'Or is there another secret behind it?' Qin Yuan wondered again.

This was truly something unknown and even Luo Shen had never told him any information about this, which meant she really didn't know either. Perhaps only the Supreme Immortals knew and those Dark Immortals.

"No need to say nonsense, let's fight," replied the Great Dragon, taking a step forward.

Although what he stepped on was only empty space, but the vibrations produced reached far away, causing many Realms in the Sea of Death to explode.

However, Devil Ancestor and Old Sun did not respond immediately, they looked at each other.

The latter threw a paper that instantly emitted golden light.

In a split second, the paper turned into a giant portal that had nothing but the infinite inside.

Naturally, there was an extremely terrifying aura within there, enough to make Old Sage and Great Dragon squint their eyes.


A loud bang resounded before a pair of giant eyes appeared from within the portal.

They were white as snow, and sharp as knives.

Just looking at those eyes was enough to make Immortals tremble.

Arthur who thought he would never be able to feel the sensation of fear again finally felt it once more, something that certainly surprised him.

'These aren't Holy Heaven's eyes, right?' He wondered.

He originally thought the portal led to the place of the God Ancestor, but obviously the latter was not that powerful to give him such a sensation.

Although it was said that the God Ancestor was the strongest in Heaven before the arrival of Holy Heaven, but his strength was not too far above the Devil Ancestor. If the two were to fight, it would take a very long time to determine the winner.

'Is this too much, Holy Heaven will move on his own.' Qin Yuan couldn't stop thinking.

However, he felt that it was difficult because Holy Heaven was completely focused on cultivating. Even if he wanted to do something, he would at best only use his manifestation. Those eyes should also only be a type of manifestation.

Qin Yuan didn't take long to find the answer as to why there was that eye within the portal.

At this moment, a figure that gave a boundless holy feeling appeared in front of that eye.

Her face could not be seen due to the light covering it, even her body could only be seen faintly.

Of course, it was an indescribably beautiful body, like a gigantic wave that moved swiftly and formed soothing waves.

From the moment she appeared, the Sea of Death that exuded an unpleasant odor instantly became fragrant, as if it turned into a flower garden.

Not to mention the men, even the Elf Queen had a reaction as if she couldn't believe that there was such a charming body.

Even more amusing was the Devil Ancestor's expression. The man pressed his lips together and even held his breath, as if something in his heart was being held back.

"Queen of Heaven," Qin Yuan said in a low voice.

Ever since hearing about her, he decided that he should be her woman.

Now, before even seeing her face, he already had the urge to flirt with her.


She suddenly stepped out from within the portal, appearing directly in front of the Great Dragon and Old Sage.

The portal itself disappeared right after she came out.

After the portal disappeared, the atmosphere became calmer.

Unfortunately, the light enveloping the Queen of Heaven's body did not disappear completely so it was still impossible to see her face even with the eyes of a Supreme Immortal.

"Devil Ancestor, go, I'll help her," Old Sun said to Devil Ancestor.

The latter seemed a little displeased, but he knew that he wasn't fit to fight here because the Great Dragon equal to him had already gotten an opponent, namely the Queen of Heaven. For Old Sage, Old Sun was enough, there was no need for him.


He finally resumed his steps, carrying Qin Yuan and the others.

In an instant, they appeared far ahead.

The figures behind were not even visible anymore.

However, an instant later, explosion after explosion echoed there.

The first to appear was a giant sun and a boundless ocean.

Each was quite terrifying even in the eyes of someone like Qin Yuan.


Then, there was an extremely loud roar before an enormous dragon figure appeared above that sun and sea.

The dragon's body was golden in color, but it wasn't completely golden, there were black stripes emitting an aura of death all over its body.

"Queen of Heaven, you think you can stop me." The dragon suddenly spoke. Its voice was so loud that it could collapse the sky.

There was no reply, but then a boundless sky full of majestic light appeared above the dragon.

From that sky, countless lightning bolts descended downwards.

If we talk about the Queen of Heaven's power, it's not far from her title. Basically, she had abilities similar to Heaven's, being able to create the sky and lightning.


There was suddenly a wisp of dark light that flew from there. It was extremely fast, even faster than the Devil Ancestor.

Upon closer inspection, the Spear Immortal and the others turned out to be within it.

"Hmph, all their movements are planned," said the Sky Devil Immortal with cold eyes.

This annoyed him because it was usually their side that planned things.

As for Arthur, he was still staring at the battle in the background while healing the Elf Queen who was almost healed.

And as they flew further away, he suddenly felt that something was moving inside his body.

"Mm!" When he probed further, he realized that it came from the power of the Holy Dragon inside his body.

'What is this?' He wondered and just as he wondered, he suddenly heard an exquisite voice in his head.

"Who are you? How is my power in your body?"

"You? Are you a Holy Dragon?" Qin Yuan was surprised. He asked by sending his voice into the dragon's power.

"Right, it's me," the Holy Dragon replied.

"Where are you now?" Qin Yuan quickly asked.

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