Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 108 - 30 - Revenge (part 1)

Back in the classroom everyone was still staring at Zoemi and whispering to each other, it couldn't be helped, the rumor has already spread and there's no way that something could be done about it that fast.

It was already the third period and the next break would be the long lunch break, but the moods in the classroom were as bad as one might expect.


Mirette was pissed off so much that her lovey-dovey mood broke during the previous break when Zoemi excused himself from talking with her and Horeo pushing it off on stomachache, but the dark-haired girl had already realized that he was distancing himself from her to protect her from the bad rumors surrounding him.

|They all are looking at him like he's a criminal even though they don't know the truth!|

Miriette who already knew the truth clenched her fists and her hair bristled again.

|That trash will pay...|

The dark-haired girl was staring holes in the back of Grazio's head and the red-haired youth who returned to the classroom right after she and Zoemi did, was fidgeting uncomfortably under the weight of her glare.

|No... I need to stay calm. Zoemi told me to not harm that trash...|

Miriette took a deep breath to compose herself, usually, she would just act on her wild temperament but since Zoemi was so serious about making her happy...

|Ufufu... Ohohoho...!|

Miriette fell all fluffy inside when she thought about that and smiled to herself.

... then she won't do anything that could cause him trouble.

|Count yourself lucky, trash!|

Miriette snorted and turned towards the teacher.

When the long break started, Zoemi went to check on the twins again and Miriette turned to the first prince to start a polite conversation before the meal, to keep up the appearances.

"My love... so it was all Grazio and some girls from our class? How stupid can one get?"

The conversation only looked polite, the actual content was kind of scary.

"Can you imagine that, my dear prince? If Zoemi didn't stop me I would have made that trash into a blood-mist already."

The first prince and his fiance were discussing the most pressing matter for both of them...

… that meant Zoemi's public opinion...

"Should I arrange an execution for that cumberworld after all, my love?"

The gold-haired prince asked with a charming smile while discreetly motioning at the red-haired Grazio.

"Ah, my dear prince, that would be truly lovely."

The dark-haired girl gasped and put her hand over the prince's hand.

"I'll be sure to look into that. Now, how are we supposed to restrain ourselves from the urge to kill him before that...?"

Horeo asked with an evil smirk that suited his inner thought much more than a benevolent smile he usually had plastered all over his face.


Miriette raised her hand to her mouth and laughed.

"I don't have too much trouble with that - after all, Zoemi held my face like that and told me I'm the most important person in his life! Of course, I'll comply with his request with all my heart!"


She demonstrated a lot more romantic version of what has happened and Horeo's expression grew dark.

"...Lucky wench..."

He muttered under his breath.

"Huh? What was that, my dear prince?"

Miriette heard him but instead of getting angry, she gloated over the insult – basking in the glory of victory.

"I couldn't hear you over all that jealousy about Zoemi liking me way more than he likes you."


She declared and Horeo clicked his tongue and turned his head away to not look at his boasting fiance.

|Why I wasn't born a girl... No, wait, if I was a girl and he still chose Miriette that would hurt, even more, now I at least have some excuse...|


The gold-haired prince sunk into his own dark thoughts but then someone entered his field of vision...

It was one of the girls who were absent since morning - the blue-haired Sifra.

Sifra was looking like a mess, her clothes and hair were fine, but she was trembling as if she had some disease.

The girl was deathly pale except for the swollen eyes, red from crying and just as the red nose - she was sniffling constantly with.

She was holding her arms below her chest like she was cold too.

"Tsk... Just look at that! If she's so sick then she shouldn't come to the classroom at all, what if she will infect others or something?"

The first prince shook his head with repugnance.

"You at least can applaud her dedication, if I was sick I would just let Zoemi pamper me all day!"

Miriette announced without a speck of shame.

"You would want Zoemi to see you like THAT...?"

Horeo asked pointing at the girl in a terrible state.

"I'm his most important person! He wouldn't mind at all!"

The dark-haired girl shrugged her shoulders and declared proudly.

"Oh really? Well, he needs to see your morning face every day so there's probably not any difference really."

The gold-haired prince raised his brows but then scoffed and waved his hand dismissively.

"Hmm? What was that? I couldn't hear you over the butt-hurt pissy prince's whining."

Horeo and Miriette were conversing with each other as they always would when Zoemi was not around.

Meanwhile, Sifra became surrounded by her friends, everyone asked her what happened and if she's sick but the blue-haired girl didn't respond at all and just walked past them all while staring at her own feet.

The extremely sick-looking girl slowly walked towards the seat, but not her own seat, she walked to Zoemi's seat.

Only then did she raise her head.

"S-sir Zoemi, I...! O-oh..."

She realized that Zoemi was not there and she started staring at her feet again.

"Miss Ralia, what business do you have with my attendant?"

Miriette rolled her eyes before she gracefully called out to the girl.

"L-lady M-Miriette..."

Sifra started shaking even more and she hugged herself tighter.

"I... I came here to... to... to...!"

She tried to say her reason but she loudly breathed in and started sobbing after only a few words.

"Hey, pissy prince, why could she want from Zoemi...?"

Miriette leaned towards Horeo and whispered.

"How am I supposed to know? I just hope she doesn't infect him with whatever she's sick!"

The first prince shrugged his shoulders.

"Ah! If he would get sick then I would take care of him! Ah! I wonder if he gets clingy when he's sick!"

"You? Take care of? Don't make me laugh, my love!"

"Haa!? My dear prince, let me remind you I'm still better than you when it comes to the house chores!"

"No you're not, even I can make my own bed now!"

The two were completely ignoring the sobbing girl – which honestly was a good thing – if any of them cared about their classmates enough to realize that this was the girl who accused Zoemi of violating her, they wouldn't let her off with just a scoff...

That was the time when Zoemi returned to the classroom.

He was in a good mood since when he checked on the twins they told him about the detention that the three girls received after sabotaging his opinion.

Having Grazio get away scot-free was a bit annoying, but he was already happy that at least some of the guilty people were getting properly pointed out as that would make clearing out his name that much easier!


But then he saw the crying girl by his desk and his smile was no more.

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