Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 31 - 7 - Part 2 - On The Way To The Academy (part 2)

"Zoemi, what's wrong? If you're feeling unwell just tell us, we can take a short rest if you need to!"

"No, it's nothing, my prince, let's eat!"

The worried Horeo patted Zoemi reassuringly on the shoulder but the black-haired boy only shook his head and smiled at him – through the smile did not reach his worried dark eyes.

"I'm starving, what do we have?"


He tried to act energetic but his forced smile looked a lot more like a grimace of pain - Horeo and Miriette looked at each other very concerned but didn't want to pressure the attendant so they didn't say anything about it, and the prince showed off the prepared food.

In the basket, there were sandwiches, muffins, as well as bottles of fruit juice – all looking incredibly appetizing - but Zoemi couldn't force even one bite down his throat clenched with worry.

The atmosphere in the carriage became rather stiff and Horeo and Miriette only occasionally glanced at each other and then turn back towards the pitiful-looking Zoemi.

The food that was supposed to be great, tasted like cardboard.


Suddenly that carriage stopped and Zoemi face became deathly pale.

|It's time!|

The black-haired boy put down the sandwich that he only took one bite from and began staring at his knees in preparation for the worst.

"Huh? What's going on? Why did we stop?"

"There's something going on in the front."

Miriette and Horeo were looking through the window, their bodies were touching when they were trying to see what was happening.

In any other scenario Zoemi would be throwing his arms up in victory but as things were now, seeds of doubt sprouted in his heart.

|What if I won't be able to help them? How long will Miriette and Horeo stay close like this? Am I really strong enough to change the scripted endings and protect Miriette...?|

Then he clenched his fist and an angry grimace twisted his face.

|Of course, I will! Miriette will be happy, there is no other option! Heroine or whatever, just come and try to mess with my master!|

His doubt changed into a conviction and he calmed down at least a little bit.

He took a deep breath and his expression became solemn.

"That's my younger brother's carriage! What's going on? Why did he stop in the middle of the road?"


But then the shocked voice of the confused Horeo made Zoemi jump and the black-haired boy joined the two by the window.

"Prince Surou? But didn't he leave earlier than us?"

Miriette asked stealthily inching closer to her attendant until their shoulders touched.

"He was supposed to... maybe something happened? Hey, Zoemi, do you think we should check if he needs help?"

The gold-haired prince responded while glaring at the girl who stole the first move, but he wasn't going to just let her win so he grabbed onto Zoemi's shoulder – moving him only enough for Miriette to lose contact with her attendant, and asked.

"Huh? What?"

Zoemi's expression crumbled from the unexpected information and he also stuck to the window and had to do a double-take on the situation...

Indeed, another royal carriage was blocking the road and some people were moving around it.


Zoemi spotted the blue-haired second prince, Surou, then some old lady, and...

Long-haired blond girl!

|It's her!|

He gasped internally, tensing up at the mere sight of the face which he saw so many times in cutscenes.

It was the heroine without a doubt!

But why was she talking with the second prince?

This was the spot of the first prince – the first event that would start his route which was the main and the most cannon route of the entire game – Horeo's younger brother would be introduced on the next day when the heroine would be in a hurry for morning lessons but she would lose her way and bump into him by accident!

"Oh? Who's that girl? Do you know her, Horeo?"

Miriette pumped into the prince's hand, causing him to let go of Zoemi's shoulder, and curiously turned her head towards him.

"Never seen her in my life."

Horeo squinted his eyes at her, taking back his hand, and shook his head in response.

"Hey! Why is she getting in the carriage with my brother!?"

Suddenly, he saw something that seemed to shake him to the core – or at least enough to stop fighting with Miriette over Zoemi.

"Ohohoho! It looks like the second prince keeps some secrets from his dear brother!"

The black-haired girl laughed triumphantly in a typical ojou-sama way with the back of her hand near her mouth and teased Horeo.


But Zoemi forced himself to not stare at how adorable she was at that moment and concentrated on the carriage in front of theirs.

Indeed the heroine entered the carriage together with the second prince and their carriage started to move again.

"What was that about?"

Horeo tilted his head in confusion and sat back in his place.



At that moment Zoemi's body started shaking uncontrollably and both Miriette and Horeo reached their arms towards him to show their support, but just before they managed to do so, Zoemi intercepted their hands' mid-air and busted out into laughter stunning his companions.

"Ahahaha! It changed so easily!? It was really that simple!"

He cackled and pressed his friends' hands to his forehead.

Truth be told, he only wanted to grab his master's hand but the prince's hand was just too close and ended up getting grabbed too, still, Zoemi was too happy to care about that detail at the moment.

"Everything will be fine! I really can protect you!"


Both Miriette and Horeo blushed and looked away.

"O-of course you c-can, y-you're m-my attendant...!"

"I-I don't need y-your protection, but I a-appreciate your th-thoughts...!"

Zoemi was so relieved because of how the first event didn't even properly happen, that he hadn't noticed the peculiar behavior of the pair in front of him.



His relaxed stomach grumbled demanding food and he reached towards the basket.

"So, care to explain why were you so flustered through half of the journey?"

Out of nowhere Horeo changed his seat and sat next to Zoemi, while casually asking a question.


Zoemi was halfway through stuffing the third sandwich in his mouth and couldn't speak properly.

He tried to swallow it all at once to answer the prince as fast as possible but the food turned up to be too dry and he started choking on it.

"Now look what you've done!"

Frowning Miriette handed suffering Zoemi her half-drunk bottle of juice and sat beside him on the only free spot left.

"Quick, Zoemi, drink this, you'll get better."

"Mpfha Hffedy...!"

Thankful Zoemi took the bottle and gulped almost everything and, able to breathe again, he wanted to put the bottle in the basket but Miriette took it away from him.

"I still haven't finished it!"

She pressed the bottle to her chest defensively.

"But, my lady, it's nearly empty, here, just have another one."

Zoemi tried to reason with her and reached to the basket for another juice.


Miriette raised her voice a bit too much and she blushed.

"I-I mean, no, there's no reason to, there's still a bit left in there, a noble shouldn't be wasteful! Besides, I'm not that thirsty anyway."

"Ah...! I see! As expected of you, my lady!"

She declared proudly and Zoemi felt admiration for his master - she was such a well-behaved young lady!

"Pfft! Yeah, right..."

But Horeo had a different opinion and snorted mockingly towards his fiance.

"Hmph! You're just jealous!"

Still, Miriette was unaffected and took an elegant sip from the bottle taken from her attendant, and literally, the three last drops of juice flowed into her mouth.

"Cunning fox... Hey, Zoemi, I'm already full and can't finish this muffin, since the noble shouldn't be wasteful could you help me with it?"


|Aww, they are so cute when they're teasing each other!|

While listening to the exchange, delighted Zoemi took the unfinished muffin off the prince's hand.

The rest of the travel passed by in a joyous atmosphere.

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