Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 37 - 8.5 - In The Kitchen (part 3)

"Quick we have to bandage the wound – no, wait - we should clean it first!"

Zoemi would never expect such a serious accident to happen in the kitchen, it looked like the brown-haired girl had managed to rip off both her skin and flesh in one swift motion!

"Sir Zoemi..."

"Shh! Don't say anything! I know it hurts, just, just don't look at it, alright? Everything will be fine, we're going to patch you right up!"

Veo said weakly, but Zoemi wouldn't let her speak.

"Sir Zoemi...!"

The girl tried again, this time a little bit louder and she was losing her composure because of the black-haired boy's concern.

"It's okay, everything will be fine...!"


The expressionless until that point Veo blushed and screamed, interrupting the panicking Zoemi mid-sentence and forcing him to shut up.

"Sir Zoemi, I'm fine! This is not a wound - it's just a crushed beetroot! Look!"

She put her hand under the sink and activated the magic crystal to start pouring water on the supposed exposed flesh.

The clumps of red meaty matter fell off and a healthy clean hand emerged from underneath it.

"But then, the knife... The blood...? But the sound! It was clearly a blade cutting the flesh!"

Although the scarred attendant felt a bit relieved once he realized that Veo wasn't seriously harmed, he still was worried that the brown-haired girl was just using the beetroot as an excuse while hiding some other, minor wound.

"It was just a beetroot juice and besides..."

The brown-haired girl shamefully picked up the knife and show it to Zoemi.

"The knife is clearly the one in the worst condition."

She declared pointing at the shining blade.


Zoemi stared in shock at the knife, the edge that was supposed to be straight and sharp now looked dull with four indentations in the shape of the fingers roughly in the middle of its length marking the spot where the innocent tool met with the girl's hand

"I was using the earth's physical augmentation enchantmet and overshoot it by a lot..."

Veo admitted with guilt.

"Why would you use spells while preparing food!?"

Zoemi tilted his head in confusion - he never thought of using the darkness blade to chop vegetables, so the idea that someone else might use their magic while doing so seemed outrageous to him!

"Because how else was I supposed to... I mean... I didn't want to get hurt... Because I can't cook... and the knives are scary...?"

For some reason, Veo changed her initial answer but clearly had no clue what she wanted to say because she ended up sounding very much lost.

"But then why are you in the kitchen then?"

Zoemi gasped in disbelief, as he realized that dealing with Veo was every bit just as vexing as trying to make Teo leave his room the other night.

"Because Teo wanted to change places even though she is the one usually responsible for cooking. She said she was too tired because she could not sleep..."

|The hell was she doing at night then!? Watching me the whole time or something!?|

Zoemi thought angrily but had no idea how close he was to the truth...

Nonetheless, he sighed out in relief and put his hands on Veo's shoulder.

"From now on you are officially forbidden from using the knives."

The black-haired boy said looking the brown-haired girl in the eyes.

"But I have to make the breakfast for my prince...! My master, I mean!"

Veo bounced up and exclaimed momentarily losing her expressionless mask when she mentioned Horeo – and the way she called him the first time, although it did not seem odd to Zoemi, made her embarrassed enough to change it.

"No, you have to bring him breakfast. Stand right here and don't touch anything."

The scarred boy shook his head and – with his hands on Veo's shoulders – he moved her next to himself, but far back enough for her to be unable to reach any kitchen equipment – before he returned to the cooking.


Zoemi soon learned that having a taste-tester wasn't bad at all.

"Why are you spreading the yolk on the fried egg? Isn't the point of the sunny-side-up to have the yolk still partially liquid?"

Veo asked curiously, leaning past the boy's torso as she was far too small to peek over his shoulder.


Zoemi took the fried eggs from the frying pan, cut them into equal pieces, put them on the tiny pieces of bread that were already garnished with ham, lettuce, and a few slices of fresh radish, then he sprinkled some fresh chive on top.

"Say 'aaa'."

Zoemi grabbed one of the tartines and fed it to Veo.


The girl obediently listened – and ended up with her face stuffed.

"Mm? Mmm!"

Her eyes sparkled as soon as she started chewing on the tartine.

"See, that's why."

The scarred attendant tilted his head, to show only the left side of his face as he smiled, and turned back to continue doing his magic.

"Here, those are for my master and those are for yours."

Zoemi said, pointing at two plates with tartines lined up like tiny delicious ships in the harbor.

"The first prince doesn't particularly like radishes so his have spring onion instead."

He said in a matter-of-fact tone, even though Veo should be the one to know more about the first prince's tastes.

Then he pointed at the big meaty sandwiches that looked almost like the hamburgers from the commercials just with crispy bacon and yellow cheese instead of a patty.

"Those are for lunch, I'll be taking them, if the weather is nice we have to convince our masters to have a picnic under the oak tree in the back of the academy, understand?"


Zoemi turned to Veo and she nodded vigorously.

It was Zoemi's plan to not only interfere with the scripted events that could bring down the affection level between Horeo and Miriette, but also create brand new events that would raise it instead!

He smiled satisfied and returned to the present.

"That's also what the salad from the imported fruit is for, here, tell me what you think about it."

The black-haired boy scooped a spoonful out of a bowl and fed it to the brown-haired girl who already had her mouth open like a baby-chick bird waiting for its parent.

"Mmm! Mawwy mwe!"

She mumbled with a delighted expression.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that..."

"I said I love it!"

Veo gulped down and cheered.

"Good! Here is freshly squeezed juice, try not to spill it when you'll be carrying it."

Zoemi prepared a tray and put on it two big plates full of tartines, a jug of juice, and three glasses.

Then he prepared a second tray and put on one big plate of tartines, one small plate with two sandwiches and a jug of juice and two glasses, then he took out a basket and packed the hamburger-like sandwiches, the sealed bowl with the fruit salad, a large bottle of juice and few plates, spoons, and glasses.

"Looking good~"


Nodding with satisfaction he pushed the tray with two big plates towards Veo.

She stared at it and tilted her head in confusion.

"Sir Zoemi, it seems you misjudged the amount, the first prince won't be able to eat that much, also... why are the three glasses for...?"

|And here I was beginning to think that her behavior is kind of cute...|

"Isn't it obvious? The two of the glasses and one plate are for you and Teo."

He boop Veo's nose and shook his head in disappointment.


She gasped in confusion looking between him and the food that he prepared.

"Don't forget to tell the prince about making Patishi the official baker! And remember, if it's sunny, bring the prince under the oak tree behind the academy on the lunch break, even if you'll have to drag him!"

Zoemi took the things he prepared for himself and his master and left the kitchen.

Veo was watching him go. She pressed both her hands to her completely red face.

"Wow... Teo wasn't kidding, he is way more amazing than we thought...!"

She muttered to herself before picking up the plates in an iron grip.

"Still... my prince definitely isn't losing to him in any way..."

She added looking to the side, thinking about the golden-haired boy waiting back in his room.

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