Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 56 - 11 - Magic Examination (Zoemi, Part 1)

The magic exam was divided into three main parts, combat, defense, and utility.

Each of them would divide even further., too.

The possible evaluations were: very weak, weak, moderate, strong, very strong, and extreme.

Combat exam consisted of checking the reach of the offensive spells and enchants: close combat - up to five feet away from the caster, short-range – up to thirty feet from the caster, middle-range up to one hundred sixty feet from the caster, long-range – three hundred twenty feet away from the caster.

There was one more target practice for anyone aiming to that extreme evaluation - those with the mana level of the light magicians – multiple dummies prepared for the extreme-long-range – one mile and further from the caster.

The examiners would pay attention to the accuracy, destructive power, and piercing ability to make a fair evaluation of the capabilities of each student.

For example, if someone's spell could barely reach long range and was inaccurate then even with the strong destructive power, the student's capability would be evaluated as long-range – weak.

In a similar way of thinking, if there was a risk of self-harm when using a spell the student's evaluation would be lower and if the spell was covering a big area at a safe distance, the evaluation would raise.

The defense exam would be divided into magic defense and physical defense.

That exam was the main reason why the whole examination was delayed for so long.

It was important for the students to not overestimate themselves - the examiners would be using non-lethal spells but it wasn't a completely safe test.

It was preferable if the students were able to use the spells and enchantments on something other than themselves but in many cases, it wasn't possible – and the danger came from that.

The utility was probably the broadest subject and the one that students would usually score the best on.

Students could show every other magical ability that wasn't purely offensive or defensive.

For example - long-range communication, terrain modification, detoxification - almost every magic had something that was useful in that regard, and in the worst-case scenario the physical augmentation enchants could also fit in there.

That year the examiners had to deal with one student who possessed a variant attribute - the long-extinct healing magic, that had not been recorded in centuries - and after questioning and testing her abilities beforehand after confirming that her mana reservoir was quite vast - it was decided that her test would be consisting of healing students who tried to bite more than they could chew on the defense exam... about killing two birds with one stone...

Students taking the exam would be divided into groups and each attribute would belong to their own group.

The students were told an estimated time they should arrive at the examination ground for their group – after all, they were - almost – all children of the noble houses that more often than not would not enjoy waiting, therefore the timetable.

It was normal to start with the weakest attribute and finish with the strongest.

While the Academy didn't force the students to arrive before their assigned time - it wasn't banned to come and watch the examination of others so a lot of students would come earlier or stay longer to cheer on their friends or just watch the spectacle.

The spectacular part was mostly reserved for the fire and light attribute groups as they were always the most flashy.

The current year there were around a hundred students in the batch of freshmen so the evaluation would go rather quickly in comparison to some prior years.


A group of examiners was already waiting for the arrival of the supposed student with the weakest attribute.


This year the first one to be tested was the first student with the darkness attribute that was sent to attend the Aspakeony Academy in over three hundred years.


Kros Rul Shuze an elderly teacher possessing the light attribute was looking at the documents in front of him and stroking his beard while putting his lips.

|Of course, that old goat would push this troublesome case on me! Why must we be childhood friends!?|

Kros cursed the headmaster and sighed.

"Good morning, esteemed teachers, is it time already time for my exam?"


Kros raised his head from above the documents and saw the black-haired boy with an ugly burn-scar deforming the ear and the right side of his face.

The elderly teacher saw a fair bit of conflicts in his lifetime and the scar marking the youth's face certainly wasn't even in his top ten most serious scars – but nonetheless, he furrowed his brows.

|That kid must not have an easy life with all those snobby fools around.|

Kros thought to himself.

"Yes, student Auequas, you're right on time."

The red-haired middle-aged teacher sitting to the right of Kros, checked his pocket watch and responded to the black-haired boy in a rather arrogant tone.

The elderly teacher frowned at his colleague who didn't judge people on their looks but certainly was very much biased towards the more influential people.

...and since the black-haired boy had been adopted by a member of the Auquas family – who got banished exactly because he dared to adopt a child from the slums – his attitude was... harsh...

But nonetheless, the examination had to proceed if they wanted to keep with the schedule.

First of all, the scarred student had to put his hand on the special device to have his mana pool checked.



After seeing the result Kros, the red-haired middle-aged male teacher, and the last examiner, the blue-haired young female teacher all looked at each other with consternation.

"Could you put your hand on it again?"

"Of course, teacher Perserios."

Asked the blue-haired woman and the student obediently did what he was told.

The result didn't change from the first reading.



"...this is... odd..."

"Is something wrong...?"

Student Zoemi Auequas tilted his head when he saw the confused faces of his examiners.

"It seems that this machine is broken."

Said the red-haired teacher.

"It shows that your mana pool is far below what it should be, it shows that it's only three times the amount of the magicless commoner, but it's enough for the mana to start influencing the color of the person's hair and eyes but nowhere near enough for the attribute to awaken... At least from the data that the royal magician has compiled... isn't it, lord Shuze...?"

The red-haired teacher looked at Kros for help.

It was only the first student and the machinery is malfunctioning? It was terrible! And, not to mention, embarrassing!

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