Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 84 - 22 (part 2) - Sickness...?

"My lady? By any chance, is the food not to your liking?"

Zoemi kneeled by his master's side and made a worried expression.

"Have I prepared something wrong? Or have I messed up the presentation?"

Since Patishi helped the black-haired boy choose the ingredients, there was no doubt that they were good - after all, Zoemi firmly believed in that youth's talent for cooking, and therefore didn't even consider trying to push the blame on them.


Miriette flinched and realized what mess has she done on the plate.


"N-no, no! It is really delicious! it's just that... I don't really feel like eating anything..."

The dark-haired girl blushed and looked away.

"My lady, are you, sick? Or maybe tired? Do you want to lay down? Please, bear with my forwardness for a moment...!"


Zoemi caringly put his hand on his master's forehead and his other one on his own – causing his master to almost have a heart attack from the sudden contact.

"Thank goodness... You don't have a fever, but maybe you should lay down just in case... Seeing something so worrisome like the scene from this morning probably took a toll on you."

He said with a soft smile, as there was no doubt in his heart that his master was a delicate person deep down...

And well... it wasn't like she was a heartless monster, but Zoemi might have been holding the dark-haired girl on a bit too high of a pedestal...

"No, I'm fine! E-eeeeehhhhh?!"

"My lady, please, allow me..."

Miriette protested but swallowed her words as soon as Zoemi effortlessly lifted her up in a princess carry.


Suddenly all the anger and jealousy disappeared from Miriette's loudly thumping heart, just like that.

"My lady, tomorrow is an important day for you, it would pain me greatly if you couldn't meet with the first prince because you fell ill. Please forgive this servant's forwardness."

The black-haired boy glanced down at her face, showing only his left profile, and smiled reassuringly, causing the already fluttering heart of the dark-haired girl to start beating so hard as if it wanted to burst out of her chest and run away.


Miriette closed her mouth and nodded making a small sound, as she put her hands close to her chest to resist the urge of embracing her attendant's neck.

She was so close that she could feel the heat of his body and the sound of his heart beating.

"Here you go, my lady."

|Why my bed has to be so close...!?|

The dark-haired girl lamented when Zoemi was putting her on the mattress.

|Wait... My bed...?|

Miriette suddenly froze when Zoemi grabbed the blanket from the bed to cover her.

|He will notice his vest!|

Miriette almost had a heart attack when she realized that if Zoemi would move one of her pillows while moving the blanket, he will notice the stolen piece of clothing that became the essential element of her bedding...



She shouted and surprised him.

The shocked attendant froze and looked at his master with round eyes.

"My... my lady...?"

He stuttered in confusion.

"Y-you are right... I should get some rest..."

Miriette said slowly trying her best to come up with something – anything - just to take Zoemi's attention from her bed!

"It might be best if you prepare some porridge for me. I think I might be able to eat some of that... So... I would be... really grateful... if you would prepare it... for me..., I will change into my nightgown and wait right here...!"

She managed to come up with a somewhat compelling argument through the way she presented it was far more suspicious than she ever intended to.

"As you wish my lady, don't bother about the clothes, just leave them on the bed and I take care of them when I return!"

Zoemi, delighted by his master's cooperation, bowed to her and left the room.


Miriette let out a huge sigh and pulled out the main culprit of her nervousness from under the pillow.

"Well, that was close."

She said holding Zoemi's vest in front of her.

To not get in the exact same situation, she folded it neatly and hid it below the bedsheet, and covered it with the biggest pillow.

"That should do the trick for now..."

The dark-haired girl nodded to herself and changed into the nightgown.

Despite what Zoemi has told her, she at least left her clothes on the chair next to the bed and nested herself on the pillow, before pulling the blanket right under her chin.

A couple of minutes later her attendant was back, with the bowl of steaming porridge.

"My lady, I have returned."


Miriette sat up on the bed, ready to eat and Zoemi smiled at her.

First of all, he put away the porridge and folded Miriettes clothes that were loosely spread all over the chair.

When he was putting together her stockings Miriette fidgeted remembering the morning.

She was so bold then...!


The dark-haired girl blushed and hid her face behind the blanket.

"My lady? Is something wrong?"


She heard Zoemi's question and she hurriedly put down the blanket to respond to him.

But as soon as she did that, it turned out that the black-haired boy's face was right in front of her own!


Looking into his obsidian eyes, from the distance shorter than ever before, the dark-haired girl forgot to even breathe.

"My lady...? Are you ready to eat some porridge?"


Zoemi asked as if being so close wasn't anything strange and his breath tickled the girl's skin.

|Eh...? EEEHHH?! Wh-why is he so forward all of the sudden...!?|

Miriette was surprised – that's for sure – but she definitely wasn't complaining about such splendid fanservice!

"Y-yes, please."

She nodded her head and let out a cute yelp that had fully revealed her nervousness, but she was already too busy being infatuated with her attendant to care.

"It's okay, my lady."

Zoemi smiled gently and took the porridge.


Miriette reached her arms towards the meal but Zoemi only laughed and shook his head.

He took the chair from the desk and put it next to the bed, and seated himself.

"Let me take care of everything."

When he saw confusion in Miriette's eyes he only chuckled and took a spoonful of the porridge and blew on it to cool it down.

"My lady, I can see that your face is getting red - you might try to act tough, but when you're sick you should lay down in bed and rest. Just leave everything to your attendant."

The black-haired boy's smile was so dazzling that Miriette felt really bad for lying to him about her health.

Well... it all started from his own misunderstanding - but still...!

"My lady, please, say aaa~."

Zoemi caringly put the spoon to her mouth.

"A... Aaa-om...?"

The dark-haired girl said in a daze and Zoemi put the spoon right into her mouth.

"Is it tasty?"

He asked softly and took another spoonful.


She confirmed before even swallowing.

"You can be at ease, my lady. After a good night's sleep, you will feel better. Now, say aaa."

Miriette got chills - the good ones - from his low gentle voice and obediently opened her mouth.

|Next time I should really get sick and have him care for me...!|

She thought to herself with a flushed face.

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