Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 90 - 24 - The Date Under The Moonlight (part 3)

"Zoemi, help me down."

Miriette said calmly.

"At once, my lady."

The black-haired boy with the ugly burn-scar disfiguring his right cheek complied and took lifted her from the cold windowsill.


Just for a second, Miriette thought that Zoemi will hug her.

It was only just a second, though.

"My lady, we should go, the prince must be waiting."

"...ah... right..."

Yes, for Zoemi, his master was always in the first place.

He realized that any feelings that he could harbor towards her might hinder her future happiness with the prince so he pushed them aside.

Though when he was helping Miriette down, just for a second he really wanted to hug her.

But he didn't.

His master happiness was in the first place.


The two of them walked through the night and after a few minutes they reach the meeting place. The first prince was already waiting for them.

"My love."

The prince smiled towards his fiance.


He waved his hand towards her attendant.

""My prince.""

Miriette curtsied and Zoemi bowed his head since Horeo finally managed to convince him not to kneel down every time they saw each other.

"Before we start, my love, can I have a quick talk with Zoemi?"

|Since we must do this anyway, just give him to me for a moment, you cunning fox.|

The gold-haired prince said but Miriette knew exactly what he really meant.

"But of course."

|Since we're doing this anyway, here, know my greatness and kindheartedness, little prince.|

It was the same for Horeo – he also knew what the dark-haired girl truly meant behind her compliant words.

As always, those two communicated in their own way.

With that, Horeo and Zoemi took a few steps back.

"Zoemi, I have a favor to ask of you."

The gold-haired boy asked.

"My prince?"

The black-haired attendant raised his brow in confusion.

"I need you to go somewhere for me."

The prince's expression was very serious.

"But my prince, I can't leave the two of you alone...! The protection...! And someone has to watch out for the teachers...!"

Zoemi was flustered - his master's happiness was the most important, but Horeo was a very important part of that exact happiness!

As an attendant, Zoemie couldn't just blow him off with a plain old 'no'.

"Zoemi, seriously. I got permission for this date from the headmaster! The teachers are actually watching us, so there's no reason to be worried."


Zoemi's jaw dropped.

The first prince... He came prepared better than Zoemi imagined!

"Don't worry, it will be romantic, blah blah blah, and if you don't tell her, she will think it's all secretive while it's totally safe. So about that favor..."

Horeo waved his hand dismissively and faced with that Zoemi had no reason to refuse.

If Miriette is safe and will be happy then the black-haired boy felt that he can spare some time for Horeo who will keep making Miriette happy...

A perfect circle.

"I'll help you to the best of my ability, my prince."

The scarred attendant assured.

"Perfect. First of all, I want you to answer a question."

"I'm listening."

Horeo became very serious and Zoemi nodded.

"Do you think I'm a bad master for my attendants...?"


And Zoemi tripped even though he and the prince were standing in place.

"Excuse me?"

The black-haired boy asked in confusion.

"Do you think I'm a bad master for my attendants?"

Horeo repeated the question.

"Of course, you are a great master, my prince! Where is that question even coming from!?"

The more Horeo talked, the fewer things Zoemi understood.

"Well, Teo and Veo are acting a bit... Peculiar..."


The first prince declared and Zoemi sighed - what those twins were doing? - and he even told them to keep their act together!

"If I may, my prince, where did you even get those two from?"

Zoemi asked in a tired voice but that made Horeo raise his brow.

"Do you remember that one time when we were exploring the castle and we met the robbers in the pantry and you stopped me from punishing them?"

The prince asked indifferently.

"You wanted to shoot them with your light beam! Those poor girls were so skinny it made me remember how I was before... Oh, crap... those two... It's them...? Teo and Veo are the two thieves from back then?"

"Yeah, it's them."

Zoemi was shaken by the revelation and Horeo confirmed indifferently.

"So you see, the thing is something must have happened, but I don't know what I did! And before you think something stupid - no I never asked them to do anything perverted or derogatory."

Hore explained and raised his hand, pointing his index finger at the black-haired boy before he could say anything back.

"I don't know my prince... there was that one time when you ordered me to dry your body after the bath..."

...but Zoemi smirked and said something unnecessary anyway...

"I was still seven years old back then and I honestly believed that was a normal thing to do! I would never ask a girl to do something so shameless now! And don't bring up that story ever again!"

Horeo got red from embarrassment and started talking very fast.


Then he took a deep breath and continued.

"So, I haven't done anything stupid, I haven't even thrown my clothes around or something similar. I don't know what to do, so I want you to talk to them. As their fellow attendant maybe you can figure out what is bothering them. Please?"

Horeo asked with a bothered expression – and it was very clear that he cares about the girls very much.

"Alright, my prince, first tell me what's that peculiar behavior of theirs is."

Zoemi nodded.

"In the morning my breakfast was waiting for me outside my door and when I went to check on them the door to their room was closed and I heard them crying inside."


The gold-haired prince explained and made Zoemi flinch.

"I went to check on them a few times already and it's still the same - only the crying isn't so loud, as far as I know, they haven't eaten anything either. Can you check up on them, I think they will talk to you since you're their hero and all."

Horeo dropped a bomb out of nowhere.

"I'm their what!?"

Zoemi asked, shaken to the core.

"Their hero. They wanted to become attendants because of you and all. Please, Zoemi, to make up for doing something stupid I must first know what exactly have I done. You're the only one I can count on in this situation...!"

The prince even bowed his head to him and Zoemi felt terrible.

|But I'm the reason they're like that...|

The back-haired boy reflected on what he said to Veo in the morning and a few things became clear.

He hurt the twins.

And taking it from Horeo's words, the two girls were devastated.

|I messed up... And those girls are my allies who, in the worst-case scenario, could help my master if just I wasn't enough!|

"My prince, if by any chance I'm not back before your date finishes..."

"I'll escort Miriette back to her room safe and sound. Don't you worry, besides - the teachers are watching over the future royal couple, remember?"

Horeo relaxed now that he knew that Zoemi will help him.

"Then I'll be going, my prince. Have fun."

"Good luck."

Zoemi rushed to the dormitory and Horeo walked towards the Miriette.

Lady Espine was looking down on him with a smug smile.

How did she manage to look down on someone higher than her? It's hard to tell. But she did.


Horeo looked at her and understood that he will be forced to listen to something great that happened between Miriette and Zoemi.

"I'll be jealous, won't I?"

He asked in a dispirited voice.

"Oh, you'll be SO jealous!"

The dark-haired girl trembled from excitement and smiled mischievously.

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