Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 95 - 26 - The Good News, The Bad News, Also, A Few Mistakes (part 3)

Thanks to the overheard situation, Zoemi's mood was lifted momentarily...

...right until he reached the twin's room...

At first, nothing seemed to be out of the norm, but when the black-haired boy knocked on the door and there was absolutely no answer he furrowed his brows.

|Are they asleep...?|

Zoemi thought furrowing his brows – if so it was better to return there the next day, but since he promised the prince to look into it as soon as possible, that option didn't seem that great to him.

So, just to make sure they aren't simply ignoring him – or need help because for example they sealed themselves with earth spells and have run out of air to breathe...


The black-haired attendant exhaled in concentration, for the first time trying to consciously use the odd shadow enchantment that to his knowledge he had pulled off at least twice already in a situation dangerous situation.

His eyes stopped turned lifeless and he let his mind sink into the morbid darkness...

|Just like before... the sea of shadows dancing around in an endless spectacle...|

The scarred boy thought to himself, staying perfectly still in the absolute silence that truly didn't fit any living organism...

And then...

Even in the hallway light up by sparse magic crystal lamps giving out a dim light so as to not disturb the student's rest, Zoemi's body suddenly a thin layer of murky shadow appeared on the body of the black-haired boy, and he felt his senses heightening to an almost ridiculous degree...

"We failed sir Zoemi, Veo..."

"He hates us now, Teo..."


There really was the sound of sobbing coming from the inside!

The muffled voices of the twins were, silent but Zoemi could hear their weak whispers!

|...Crap... Horeo wasn't overreacting...|

Zoemi's hand froze with his palm against the door, and his expression soured.

How should he go about the situation? How to make them talk with him... Will they even respond this time?

In the end, the black-haired boy nodded to himself with a serious expression - there really was no need for any roundabout tricks.

Zoemi's name was mentioned, so it was rather obvious to conclude that the twins were worried about failing him...

...why did they act like that was very confusing for the oblivious black-haired boy...


The answer for that was simple, right?

He should just tell them that he doesn't hate them, and everything should return to normal!

That should do the trick...

Or not...

In the first place, he didn't say anything that would...


No, no, -wait - yes, he did say something that could upset them both to that degree...

|What am I supposed to do now...?|

He shook his head, the only person who never experienced his cold personality was Miriette around whom Zoemi was trying his best to appear as the perfect attendant – with everyone else, the limit of his kindness varied with how close he felt he was with the other person.

People around him seeing his behavior towards his dark-haired master often misunderstood that he was a straight-up meek and kindhearted person, which couldn't be farther away from the truth...

People who thought like that would sooner or later meet with Zoemi's real personality hidden beneath the layer of loyalty and devotion.

...just how it was with the twin attendants of the first prince Horeo...

|No, I have to at least try! If Horeo's heart will be disturbed by the behavior of those girls, the heroine might find a crack and slip her way in, pushing out Miriette!|

Zoemi furrowed his brows in a rather one-sided realization and gritted his teeth, steeling himself for what was to come and knock at the door.



The crying stopped – and that meant that the girls were hearing him – and must have heard his nocking the first time...

"It's me, Zoemi."

The black-haired boy breathed out to try and stay calm while sounding friendly and approachable.

"Hey, listen... I'm sorry that I was mean to you both, alright? I don't hate you or anything – so... you know... return to doing your damn jobs, maybe?"


...Rember the limit for the kindness that Zoemi had?

Just keep in mind that he also often sounded rude even when he didn't mean to...

Not realizing his coarse words, the black-haired boy continued...

"After all, an attendant should always serve their master, something that you suddenly stopped doing – clearly without informing the first prince since he came to me to ask what was wrong with the two of you..."

...Zeomi had to pause because he felt the anger building up inside of him, thinking about the date he had set up for his master and which might be ruined because Horeo's mind might be bothered by the twins instead of his fiancee...!

"So... Tsk... Maybe you let me in and we will talk about what's bothering you or something? Your master is worried about you, you, know, as an attendant its ba... EKHM!"

He realized that his speech started sounding like scolding so he stopped himself.

"You know what I mean...!"

On the other side of the door, Teo and Veo were looking at each other with despair.

"W-we disappointed sir Zoemi...!"

Teo was sobbing with her head stuffed in a pillow to silence herself.

"Sir Zoemi, we are so, so sorry...!"

Veo was the one to respond to Zoemi's words.

"You don't have to be sorry, just do your job!"

Zoemi explained in the calmest manner he could, intending to convince the girls to cheer up... but that didn't exactly work out as the sudden loud wail and continuous crying showed him, that he has failed the negotiations...

"Hey...! What happened!? Are you alright in there? Should I come in?"

Now, on top of his own worries, Zoemi became worried about the girls too - maybe the twins were hurt and couldn't leave on their own!?

"Hey! Respond!"

The black-haired boy knocked on the door a lot harder than the first time.

"You alright in there!?"

He called out, but only illegible crying responded to him.

"Say something!"

He shouted and slammed his fist against the door leaving a dent in the wood, but that only caused the crying to get muffled instead.

|Screw this!|

He thought to himself, gritting his teeth.

If those two idiots did something dumb and are in need of help he must do something!

"Shadow connect!"

He said and a hair-like shadow shot out from below his foot.


But his shadow suddenly bounced off of the door...!


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