Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 133

133 Chapter 133 – Teased and pinched

The next morning Feng had a perfect plan in mind. The plan to bring the boys and the duke to get more intimate. So right after she woke up, she went to the boys’ room and urged them to get ready.

After they heard off to take a bath she ran to the duke’s study.

Surprisingly he was working from that day.

She watched him from the door. he frowned at some documents. “This is mess... I need to get this done again...” He was massaging his brows as well.

‘Uncle seems stressed out.... This is the perfect chance. I’m going to convince Ethan and Aiden to give him a hug and comfort him today.’

She snuck away and ran to the boy’s room.

Lana ran after her. “Young miss you have to get dressed. Your hair is not washed. Oh, we have so much to do. You can’t keep running away.”

“Shh Lana I’m doing something vital today. Don’t stop me,”

“Dressing up is also vital,” her poor maid sighed, running after her.


Feng chuckled. “I can change my clothes in a second.”

“Miss... are you planning on skipping out your bath? Oh no, you have to take a bath!” Lana shouted, running after her.

Chuckling loudly Feng evaded her and ran to the boy’s room. She opened the door to look in.

Both Ethan and Aiden were in their school uniforms.

The academy of magic had only one colored uniform. That was royal blue. every student was mandated to wear the school uniform that is usually provided by the school itself. Well-off families alter their uniforms to fit the frame well.

Looking at Ethan and Aiden, Feng was stunned. They were both wearing clean white shirts that tied up in the collar area and over that a velvet blue coat that fit their torsos so perfectly. Matching that with the dark blue pants made them appear much taller than usual.

Ethan and Aiden simultaneously looked her way.

Pair of blue-green eyes looked at her intensely.

Ethan was the first one to react. He walked up to her and held her hand delicately. “Why are you in your sleepwear? The temperature is low today. You have to cover yourself up.” he glanced back. {‘Aiden bring a shawl over.’}

{‘sure thing.’} Aiden answered telepathically. he brought a brown shawl and covered Feng’s slender shoulders. “did you run out here so early in the morning to peek at handsome faces?” he gently pinched Feng’s cheeks.

Feng looked at him gaping wide. ‘Is he.... Is he teasing me? Oh my god, the kids have grown up! They are so grown up that they are teasing me!’ she pushed his hand away. “Aiden I’m older than you.”

“so? I was only staying the truth.” Aiden leaned down a bit putting their faces close together.

Feng instinctively stepped back. “Who said I was peaking? I only came here to....”

Aiden suddenly cupped both her cheeks together squishing them softly.

Eyes wide open Feng looked up at him. ‘eh....’

“You should see the look in your eyes, Feng... you look smitten. it’s cute. I must admit having a handsome face really is an advantage... don’t you think so either,” he nudged his brother.

‘ehhhh...’ Feng looked at Ethan questionably.

Ethan just gave her a soft smile pulling his brother off her face. “Your maid is waiting for you anxiously. Why don’t you get dressed? well meet by the carriage,”

Feng blankly nodded as she left the room. ‘ehhhhhh?!!!! What just happen right now? Was I just... coaxed by Ethan?’

“Lana... I think I’m daydreaming.”

Her cute maid chuckled. “The young masters really love teasing you, miss.”

“Teasing.... Yes! They were teasing me! Yesterday they called me short and today they called me cute?! Oh my god, children grow up so fast.” She mumbled walking back to her room.

Her initial reason for coming here was all forgotten.

Lana ushered her into the room and had to force her to take a bath.

Once again Feng was scrubbed and polished like a shiny crystal. At the end of the session, she could definitely see a layer of her skin floating in the bottom of the tub. “I think I’m shedding like a snake.”

“That was all in your hair young miss. What did you do yesterday?” land pouted. “I did your hair so beautifully yet when you returned from your school it was a bird’s nest.”

“I didn’t do anything... oh wait does walking in cobwebs-covered hallways count,”

“The school of magic is so unkempt?” Lana looked at her worriedly.

“No, just my master is a messy person. I swear Lana I spotted a few dust bunnies flying around in the wind.”

Lana dramatically gasped. “You can’t stay there then! It’s bad for your health to stay in a dusty room. You will get breathing issues, miss. I will talk to lady Hiliana. Maybe she can help you out with this.”

“Nah it’s fine. I kind of like that lab.”

she said that to comfort her. Lana barely looked convinced though.

Lana leaned over to apply, powder to her face. “Your cheeks are red? young master did not have a delicate hand when touching you,” she pouted

“Red?” Feng peered at herself in the mirror. both sides of her cheeks were pink. “He squished my cheeks.” He gently touched her red skin. “Do you think my cheeks are too... chubby? I think I’m gaining weight,”

The day she came into this world, she was only a few kilograms in weight. her face was slim and bony. But now her cheeks had filed out, giving her a slightly childish look.

‘no wonder they both teased me.. I look like a kid... I don’t think I like that at all

Lana held up a few bows to her head, matching it with the clothes she had laid out.

“No bows! No frilly shirts, no extravagant jewelry,”

For women, the school of magic gives them two options for uniforms. One is a white shirt and blue velvet skirt combo. Or they also had the option to choose a pant and suit set like men. As some women are also in warrior classes skirts are quite inconvenient so some of them chose to wear pant and suit.

That was why she didn’t get any weird stares when she went to school on the first day.

Lana had laid out both the skirt and the pant set.

Feng obviously chose the pants set.

Lana sighed with slight disappointment. “at least the bow miss... you can’t just wear these clothes that are so... bland.”

Feng hopped into her clothes and looked at herself in the mirror. “how is this bland?” the white shirt had a bit of frilly details near the collar and the navy blue pants fit her small legs perfectly. As for the coat, it was slightly a bit bigger on her shoulders other than that it looked perfect.

She looked like those royal soldiers who guard the queen’s castle.

“Miss, you are from the Rofles family. You must wear accessories to show off your status. And these bows suit you well,”

“I’m not a child and I don’t want bows. Who said anything about showing off my status? Lana...listen. I’m an adopted child... it’s not proper for me to dress up too much or people will start to whisper. Instead, I’ll slowly but surely start to add a bit of accessory in my wardrobe, yes?”

As soon as she said this, she knew she had made a mistake. Lana looked downcast. She gently combed through her hair and whispered. “You are the young miss of the Rofles family. Nothing can change that. You might not be of the same blood miss but you are family. If anyone claims otherwise, you must fight back. Neutrally standing and hoping for their tongues to stop wagging is a bad approach.”

Feng sighed. It was not the real reason she refused the bow.

It was because of the twins.

Recently they had grown taller and they had started to treat her like a child.

Duke carrying her around and lady Hiliana carrying her around are okay. But Ethan and Aiden tested her about carrying her around, which alarmed her.

Since she was on the shorter side, they started to treat her like a kid.

She did not like that at all.

‘If I went out wearing cute ribbons and bow. the boys will tease me even more. I’m a mature adult so I wish to be treated that way.’

Lana pouted even more and mumbled things as she combed through her hair. She pulled her mousy brown hair up in a ponytail and did a few braids here and there.

Seeing her downcast look Feng decided to give up just for the day. “Fine give me a bow...”

“yes~” Lana excitedly ran around and bought at least ten bows’, earrings and jewelry.

“I only said yes to the bow....”

“But how can you match your bow to your clothes without these jewels.”

Feng realized that she could not win this girl. Finally, sighing she gave up and let Lana dress her up as she wished.

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