Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 147

147 Chapter 147 – The earth dragon

Feng glanced back at her uncle and Elle. “Why are you guys so far away keep up. you might get lost in the crowd.”

The duke who was carrying both Elle and Aiden stepped up his pace and walked beside he.

“Is something wrong with Elle?” she worriedly looked at the young girl who had her face in her uncle’s shoulders.

“No, she is just happy I gave her someone she wanted,”

“hmmm...” Feng gave then a curious gaze but ignored all the weirdness. A small sound of chirp was heard close by. She paused and looked to her right.

There was a small stall selling smaller cute animals.

Feng walked close and concentrated on a certain animal. it looked like little hamsters but they had small horns on their head.

The little creature chirped, running around the small cage. As soon as it saw them it ran away and hid in a corner.

The notification opened up in front of her eyes.



Tiny beast category.

Mage class: F

Hit points: 1

Vital attacks: none

Skills: Perception +7, stealth 20+

Ability: has the ability to hide well from predators, and sharp teeth.}

Feng looked at the stats with a small sigh. ‘What a name choice. Hanpick? Sounds so weird... the creature is weird too but I’ll just call it mutant hamster.’

“You want one?” the duke glanced at the small creature. “These things are not that clean. if you raise it, you must not touch it or handle it. and lt’s teeth look sharp I don’t want it anywhere close to you. one touch and it can chew through your fingers,”

Feng blinked up at him. ‘Say what now? It’s just a harmless hamster? Why are you so worried about it? it’s just a grade F class animal...’

But soon her thoughts were contradicted.

The shopkeeper came rushing to them when he noticed a potential customer. “it’s a very vigorous and active pet. Look at it, it also had a very voracious appetite,” the man pulled out a huge cow hind leg bone and threw it into the cage.

In just a second she saw the hamster-like creature chew through it and leave behind a small white dust. The creature even burped out loud and laid down flat on its back rubbing its tummy.

‘I stand corrected. This thing can definitely chew through my fingers. I’d rather not have one of those....’

She backed away with a smile. “We were just looking. Your pet seems very healthy.”

“its because it was recently caught. The hunters recently caught a huge variety of creatures. If you look around the market, you’ll find one that will satisfy you.” The shopkeeper was kind enough to suggest a few shops to her.

Feng gladly thanked him and moved on.

The whole street was filled with pet shops like these. She saw that familiar cat like creature with bunny ears in another shop but she didn’t get close to it as it seemed to be very feral and was growling loudly.

They simply walked around.

On the way duke found a few small food stalls and brought them a variety of snacks.

Like on her previous world street food as abundant here. duke had brought a few balls of what smelled like donuts. Like the dunking donuts ones. They were just small balls and when she bit into them, there was a sweet, chewy fruit inside.

It tasted divine.

Feng devoured at least twenty of those tasty treats.

As they were walking around, she suddenly paused. “Pain... hurts....” A small voice whispered in her ear.

Confused, she looked around the market.

“What is it?” the duke gently patted the top of her head.

“Do you hear that, uncle?”

“What do you hear?

“Someone is crying in pain..” Feng followed the direction of the sound. it led her to a pet shop.

a notification popped up in front of her without her even concentrating on it.

She had never seen an A class best before. hugging the broken sword in her arms She hurriedly rushed into the stall. It was usually crowded with many aristocratic children. They all seem to be flocking around the cute magic beats. But Feng pushed past all the cute creatures and ended up in front of a dingy cage. Inside was a raggedy-looking snake with a few of its white scales missing.

{Earth dragon

Godly beast category

Mage class: A

Age: youngling

Hit points: 100+

Vital attacks: Freezing breath, ice shards, hail storm.

Skills: Perception +50, stealth 100+, improvement 10+,

Ability: unknown.

The vitality of the creature has been heavily damaged.}

The poor creature was badly wounded and looked like it was on the verge of death.

Blood was dripping down, staining the already ugly cage.

“oh, customer this thing is not for sale. Its dying.. we don’t want to sell a dying product.” The shop keeper rushed up to them and hurriedly said with a kind smile. “We do have new pups that have been caught recently. They are all docile and very cute for a lady like you....”

“What will you do with it?” Feng crouched down and gently poked the cage.

The white snake looked her way. Its vertical pupils constricted as it met her kind gaze.

“We will dispose of it. this is but a F class white grass snake. It’s not much of value.”

“I want it,” Feng looked up at him.

“But miss we can’t sell you this. it’s dying.. it will not live for long and I...”

‘I want it.” Feng repeated herself. She then glanced at her uncle. “Can I have it, uncle?”

“if you wish to you can have it dear.” The duke finally cast a glance at the shop keeper.

Upon closer look at the customer, the shop keeper finally realized who he was dealing with. He immediately bowed and apologized.

“So is the snake for sale or not?”

“it’s for sale... it’s for sale your highness.”

“Good make sure you send this snake back to duke’s mansion. Make sure it doesn’t die in the way. Or else....” He gave a small glare at the man.

Feng gently smiled down at the small white snake. “Hey little one. I shall free you. But you have to wait with me until your wounds are healed okay. Don’t worry, I won ever hurt you,”

The snake hissed and rolled itself up into a small white ball like a python.

It was adorable.

She squealed slightly tugging at her uncle’s coat tails. “Did you see that? He hissed at me. Isn’t he cute? I find him so adorable..., its so cute.”

“Your tastes in pets are very nice indeed. But splendid choice.”

Feng smilingly looked at the snake. She had no plans of having a pet like this. but looking at the wounded state this creature was in she wanted to help. “ill make the pain disappear.” Saying this she left the stall to explore the market ore.

They spotted a lot more pet shops and the street changed into that of an aristocratic environment. On both sides of the stress were the posh-looking building either a boutique with beautiful clothes on display or jewelers.

The duke paused by a jewelry shop looking into the glass display. “This one would suit you, Elle. Let’s get it,”

“yes~” Elle happily squealed.

They all entered the jewelry shop.

The duke did not spend a lot of time choosing for them. Anything the shop assistant showed the duke okayed and asked them to send it to his mansion.

After everything Feng finally felt weird. She laid down on the glass display of the shop. Her tired eyes start to close on its own.

“Haily let’s get them home,” the duke gestured for her guard to carry her and Ethan.

Feng was only half awake at that time when she felt someone lift her up. smelling Haily’s familiar sandalwood fragrance, she calmed down and fell into a deep sleep.

The duke happily hummed carrying two children in his arms. “You like it?” he looked at Elle who was carefully tracing over the small groove of the broach he just brought her.

It was a simple red ruby broach with a small fox carved out in platinum and gold. It was not even that expensive or the most beautiful jewelry he bought her but the child seemed taken with it.

“I like it, it reminds me of that person,” Elle whispered with a soft smile.

“My healer?”


“you’re wrong, uncle. You must say Elle’s healer now. He is mine, remember?”

“Yes, yes I did make that deal.” He curiously looked at the fox engraving on that broach. “He reminds you of a fox? Foxes are crafty and malicious...”

“They are also smart and very beautiful.”

The duke shook his head. “You fell for his appearance. it’s not that stellar.,”

“You should look at the person inside.” Elle who knew the true identity of the healer, giggled. ‘I just got the strongest mage in this country in exchange for a small secret. Uncle you lost a lot in that deal.’ She thought with a bright smile.

Suddenly the third eye that had been dormant opened up. the next second she shivered violently.

“What is it?” the duke cautiously gazed at her pale face.

“u-uncle we must leave...We must leave!”


“He is going to kill you.!!!!!”

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