Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 – Task Completed

It was day two of them floating aimlessly on the nameless ocean. They initially were starved and thirsty, but now they were almost on the stage of losing consciousness.

Feng laid flat on the door and peered up at the scotching sun. It was as if an imaginary straw was sucking away all the water from her body. She licked her dry, cracked lips and sighed. ‘How are we going to survive, I couldn’t find even a piece of plastic to purify the salt water..... I couldn’t find any fish in this darn dark ocean. At this rate my new body will die soon,’ she sighed, caressing her sunken tummy. Her rib bones were poking out, while her stomach area was sunken and hollowed.

“Hey, you both, how are you holding up,” she whispered, leaning her head back tiredly. Their reverse sight was quiet, pitiful as expected.

Aiden and Ethan were both almost on the verge of death as well. Their faces pale, lips cracked beyond control, and their stomachs shrunken. ‘Even at this rate they might survive, after all they might be parts of the main cast, or even the surprise cast of the game. Me on the other hand, I am definitely going to die,’

“You.... you guys want to hear my last song,” she whispered hoarsely.

Ethan frowned, “conserve energy,”

“What’s the use, we might become dried meat at this rate,” Feng chuckled humourlessly.


Ethan shook his head and concentrated on his brother, his situation was way worse than expected, ‘why did I had to share the candy.... with that Aiden wouldn’t have had to suffer,’ he mentally chided himself. His sight subconsciously went to the little girl. ‘spy or not, she helped us get off of that ship. That was my repayment,’ he consoled himself.

Suddenly in the distance he heard a loud horn.

‘the ship is here!!’ he carefully placed Aiden on the ground and stood up unsteadily. “HERE!! WE ARE HERE!!” he shouted aloud.

Hearing this, Feng opened her tired eyes. “What happened?”

“HERE WE ARE HERE, HERE,” Ethan kept waving and jumping on the wobbly plank.

Feng slowly got up and saw in the distance a small silhouette of a ship. “We are saved,” she too stood up and shouted, “HELP, HELP, HELP WE ARE HERE, HELP,” her loud voice stronger than the kids travelled farther.

One of the sailors noticed them and ran to his captain. The ship moved slightly away from its course to their location.

“They are coming this way!! They are coming, oh lord we are saved!!!!” Feng shouted in glee. She swiftly turned back and picked up and Aiden carefully in her arm and shielded him from the sun.

“Let him down, I can carry him,” Ethan tugged her shirt.

“No, you both are too weak I can do this,” Feng shrugged.

Soon the huge cruise ship stopped just a few feet away. Few sailors boarded a smaller boat and rowed toward them.

Feng happily waved at them. Suddenly small mechanical chime was heard,

{‘Adventurer, you have passed your first task.

Level: 1

Task: All are swimming like a swine.

Task completion – 100%

Lives rewarded – restored to 3

Power rewarded – Restored back to 30

Health rewarded – restored back to 50

Special task reward – a cruise ride to the islands of Godiva,


The mechanical voice said and disappeared. Feng cussed at it mentally. ‘So we had to float in the middle of the ocean for freaking three days for the task to be completed. What kind of cruel game is this, I want a divorce, give me another system,’ she mentally screamed.

By then the sailors had reached them. Feng carefully got on with Aiden securely in hand. After placing him down she rushed back and lifted Ethan as well.

“Let go, I can walk,” he shouted with a blush.

“You can barely stand kid, come on, why are being embarrassed with your sister,” she chuckled and jumped onto the small boat. The sailors immediately gave them some blankets and some water.

Feng just sipped a little and handed the jar over to the kids. They both gulped it down. Seeing this she was mentally satisfied, ‘wa, these kids are cute whatever they do, I have to make sure no one kidnaps them again....’

“Here,” Ethan held out the jar to her.

“Thank you,” Feng mumbled and drank the rest of it.

The small boast reached the bigger cruise ship and the sailors kindly helped them get on board.

Inside lavishly dressed woman and men stood in a circle watching them climb up the stairs. Feng subconsciously raised her chest in a way of appearing confident, whist the kids covered behind her.

The captain himself came down to meet them. “Welcome aboard the marina, children, you must have had a rough journey in the sea, but in this ship you would be more peaceful,”

“Are you going to let them in? What if they have any disease?” a woman in red suddenly inquired.

The captain paused. “umm, dear guests, we can’t just abandon children in the middle of the ocean,” he whispered awkwardly.

“I know, I’m not asking you to throw then off board, why don’t you keep them in the lower decks in order to control the risks of infection,” she said with a small smile and glanced at the man standing next to her.

Seeing this Feng mentally scoffed, ‘she is just trying to impress this man by appearing knowledgeable, but....’ she peered at the young man, he was actually looking at her with a frown.

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