Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 158

158 Chapter 158 – Claus

The principal hurriedly used his powers to search for Hary’s master, Claus. it was such a mess. The duke Lineti had barged into the school along with the lady of the Rofles family. everyone seemed to be after seeing Feng on that state.

The principal Erin Adams tried his best to appease their anger but it didn’t work.

The duel got really angered that he smashed one of the lab’s tables.

Hary started to sweat seeing the state of his lab. “if my master doesn’t come here they will destroy my lifes work,” he thought wiping away his sweat.

“I’ll take care of it,” Erin closed his eyes and tried to locate that guy. he could only see a vague shadow of a person standing on a hilltop with a flowy white shirt and pants.

immediately the vision disappeared.

it had been thirty years since he had disappeared good knows here. They had once tried to contact him butt that guy had roamed off too far and they were unable to get to him. Now if they don’t find him on time the duke and the Rofles family will destroy their school.

Elle stepped up and held the principal’s hand. “I’ll assist.”

The principal was not a powerful seer like Elle but he had been alive for long and he had perfected that skill. but with Elle’s overwhelming power running through his veins, he was able to utilize his ability much better.


With his eyes closed, he searched for that guy in his mind.

Slowly his vision focused on the clouds... he was soaring through the sky.

it was apparent that he had inhibited a bird’s vision.

he watched the ground searching for the nearby hilltops.

A man in white stood at a hilltop softly blowing into a jade flute. The melodious voice echoed in his ears.

The principal hurriedly moved down and close to that man.

The man glanced back. even after thirty years, he hadn’t aged one bit. The man’s face still retained his teenage look. Not a wrinkle was seen anywhere on his white face.

Erin thought about it with a pout.

“focus!” Elle warned him.

Erin instantly focused his powers completely on the ability.

The man glanced at them with a blank look on his face. “What do you want Erin? I don’t have patience for your chatter,” he scoffed and glanced away.

“don’t be like that Claus. I need your help. One of my students is a time mage like you. She is sick... can you help her?’

The man’s beautiful face scrunched up. “Why must I? go away Erin you piss me off.” The man shushed him away.

the vision went farther away.

Erin Adams sighed. “Look, she is your student’s student. Aren’t, you her grand mentor too? She is your responsibility too... plus.... I’m pretty sure the school of magic will be torn down if you don’t do anything to help...” the principal glanced at the duke who was prancing around like a raging beast.

He was ready for bloodshed.

Claus sighed. “What trouble did Hary get into now? I warned him not to take in any students. He is a researcher not a teacher. He sucks at it.” the man’s delicate eyebrows frowned slightly.

“yeah, that’s why his student is in a shitty situation now can you step in and take care of her. Please... this is the only favor I ask of you.”

Claus had a thoughtful look on his face for a minute. “no, sorry I’m going to travel the world these following years so I don’t want an extra burden.”

Elle who had been silently listening to their conversation intervened, “what if she goes with you? My sister is strong. She can handle it.”

Claus raised a brow with a small smile on his face. “Erin? Are you using someone else’s energy to talk to me? Tsk you’ve grown weak. Its really tempting me to come see your wrinkled face...”

Before the principal could say anything, Elle added. “You should, his face is all wrinkled up and he is ugly now. If you want, I can ask the painter to make a lot of ugly expressions of his to send to you.”

Claus suddenly let out a loud laugh. “You’re finny kid, I would relay love that.”

“that’s a deal then. Please... please help my sister. She does not deserve to be in so much pain like this.” Elle glanced back at Feng. She was unconscious but even so her breathing had gone faster. She withered in pain now and then. “She is such a sweet person....” She held back her sobs.

Claus went silent for a second. “I’ll be there in three days. Make sure to keep her alive.”

“Three days?” Elle glanced back at everyone else.

The duke ran over to her. “Three days is too long. As him where he is I’ll send the flying beat carriage to pick him up.”

“My uncle is asking your exact location. Feng won’t last for too long..” Elle said through gritted teeth.

Claus sighed. “I can’t reveal my location. Show me your sister. I’ll see what I can do to prevent her death during these three days.”

Elle gestured for the principal to stand up. holding his hand, she dragged him close to Feng.

With difficulty, Elle shared the image of Feng with him.

Claus frowned. “she.. why is she wasting so much energy?”

“oh ohh, I’ll explain!’ Hary who had been silent till now started to explain Feng’s state to his master. ‘it’s not my fault master. I knew she was too powerful so I wanted to take it slow but I didn’t expect an accident to happen before that.”

“She is your student you have to take good care of her, you irresponsible thing. That’s why I told you not to take in anyone. I knew you would be like this.

Pouting, Hary lowered his head. “What can we do now?”

Gritting his teeth, Claus leaned back against the tree behind him. “Isolating her was the best choice, but you still have to deal with her injury. She might have internal bleeding too. Increase the scope of that isolation dome and let a healer in. change shifts and heal her baby and keep her alive till I come there.”

“yes master. Hary nodded his head like he was pounding ginger.

Claus cut the connection with a slice of his hand.

The principal Erin shook his head dizzily. “it’s been so long since I used my seer ability/.’ He mumbled slightly, disassociated with the surrounding around him.

Elle steadily recovered. She rushed to Feng’s side. “Uncle you heard him?”

“yes I’ve already called the healers here. Ten of the best healers will be here in an hour. Ill let them take shifts to heal her. For now, I’ll have to ask you to heal her mister, Erin.” The duke glanced at the principal.

The old man nodded and leaned close to Feng. He placed his and inside the isolation dome and started to heal her broken shoulders. as he observed her body, he noticed she had internal bleeding close to her stomach. he healed that too.

The moment he healed one wound another bleeding would start somewhere

Feng was literally a pot ridden with holes.

Erin continued to heal every single wound he found in her body.

By the end of it, his whole body was soaked in sweat. he slowly swayed.

Elle pulled his hand out. “Uncle call Yubiri.”

the duke looked apprehensive.

“You know he can heal her. why are you hesitating? Call him.” Elle firmly shouted at him.

The duke did not want to call that mage for certain reasons but since it was an emergency, he had sent a message. But it looked like Yubiri was busy. He did not see the communication crystal message he sent him.

the other ten healers had already assembled out of the school but they were not allowed.

Dragging the sweating Erin, duke Lineti walked over to the gate of the school.

“take good care of her. We will be back in ten minutes.” Lineti lifted the surprised old man up his arm and dashed off of the school.

Lady Hiliana gently sat down on the floor and held out her trembling hand to touch her daughter’s face. “she gets hurt a lot....”

“I’m sorry.” Lady Perlin sobbed beside her. “if it wasn’t for yesterday, she wouldn’t have..’

“shh don’t cry. yesterday was in the past. Let’s not think about it. and it was no one’s fault that this happens. Its fate....” Lady Hiliana gently torched Feng’s cold cheeks. “Fate seems to like hurting my darling girl a lot...”

“Fuck fate...” Ethan suddenly cussed out loudly. He was such and tired of hearing about fate and that it controlled their lives. “Fate does not control us. we control it... the choice we make leads us to consequences. Last night it was everyone was in fault for underestimating the enemy.” He glanced up at everyone. “We were weak. If not for her, everyone would have died. It shouldn’t be like this. we can’t let her shoulder such a heavy burden. It’s our fault for being so weak,”

Lady Perlin wiped away her tears. “it is...I’m so....”

“Mum don’t apologize. It’s a waste of time. Instead, let’s think of how to grow strong as a family. Every one of us much be able to defeat the dangerous adversaries ahead of us instead of depending on Feng for everything.”

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