Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 167

167 Chapter 16Chapter 167

Feng peered up at Claudius curiously. The last she saw this guy he was just below her shoulder with dark red hair. But now he was at least a head taller than her and had bulky muscles. The man looked like a walking mountain.

She blinked just thinking how such a small midget grew up to be like this.

Claudius scrayedh shi messy hair with a grin. “don’t look at me like that...” he whispered ever so softly.

Frowning Feng looked away. “Why are you even here?”

“The sun catcher has been venturing out of forest now and then causing massive panic. No one knows why. I was sent to scare it away. I think I fulfilled my mission perfectly.” He grinned widely.

The blood and dirt over his face really hid the rest of his features as he looked down at her. “so where were you all these years?”

“I was around...”

The cobnvstaon wnet dry after thius but cladious eys were lwsy on her.


Feng felt quiet weridfe dout by his gaze. She moved a step away as they walked.

“your hair... its golden.” he whispered ever so softly. “did you do something to itor....”

“just things happened and it turned out this way.”


Feng tcouehd her heair that was tied back. “is it weird?”

“no, i-it looks good on you. Very good.” He smiled weirdly.

Feng moved away a two more steps. “soi wat have to been upto thse few years? Training? School? Do you still talk to Ethan and aiden?”

“you don’t have to take the orundabeout route,. You can smplky ask me about thgem you know.” Hee said wth a soft pout. “I don’t talk to them much but they are stroing. You might not now this but they hja eboth advanced to be s class mages. everyone has been talking on how they are as powerul as the all poweruyl yubiri.”

Feng;s lips rose up slightly. “oh, what about you?”

“I’m a s class warrior of course.” He prudly puffed up his chts.

Feng hcukled. “tahsts good. Bring me up t datw it the recent news back home. Anything sginafiacnt happened?”

Cladious smiedl softly and held up sha habd. “you still avent held my hand.”

“I have functioning legs and I can walk without having to hodk yoru hand. So will you talk or shalli just alve?”

Cladious poutred. “youre always trheetring to leave. What harmd can my small ahdn do?”

“small?” she glanced ts hismucslar ahnd with a graomace. “im sorry sopmall dosnt define you any longer.”

The man;s exopresion changed slightly. “is it not to your liking? My muscles i mean?”

“it doent boteh me. Nesceu you are a warrior you ned all that energy to fight yoru clahan;wnmsges.”

Cladous nodded. “oh I once cahalnced Ethan. He just agve me a cold look and wlaked away. But I bet I can beat his small ass down.”

Feng glared up at him. “you touch him I will pesoannly hunt you down you hear.”

Cladous suddenly pasued. “you.... i.. I wont doanything to him like that. Hwy did you suddenly get serous. We were having such a pelasnt convesaruon.”

Feng wsped upa dn walked ahea do f him.

“I was joking! Hey!” cladous grabeed her hand.

Feng suddenly turend back and steoed close to him. “don’t ever joke about hurtimg my family. I will not stand by and lkisten to ut with a kidn smiel as many oethrs do. Since its you I will excuse you jst thisi ince. The next time you talk shit like that I will tear you down.” She poked his bulging muscles. “these muscles will no help buddy. You will not een feel it when I peel your skn off little by little..”

Cladous suddenly gul;ped. Ghis godlen pupils dialated peering down at her. He looedk dazed.

“are you even listening to me?”

“huh what?” he snapped back to relaisty. He stumbled bnack ismeaodyl;y with a bright blus on his afce. “y-you can stand close to me leik that..its imrpeoper.”

Feng just glared at him and walked away. ‘why am I wven waiting tiem with him. I can use this tiem to get homes.’

Inatailly she had waljed alosng side becseu she wanted to ehar about the situation back home. But since cladfous was so casual she got a clue that noting significant had happened.

But now this guy actually atlekd shit about Ethan? Preposterous.

“wait up Feng.” Cladous ran up to her and sieltnly walked alonge side.

They travele dmmostly in silece as Feng was not in the moddo to talk.

This conroinued for three days untyil they ecahe dteh city bordered.

Right aftert she saw the outskirts of tfh city Feng planned on didtching cladous but the man was relaucnatnt part. He folwled her alonmg like a huge shadow galring at everyone who cast a glance her way.

To be heosnt en was slightly dostaubed by this. to make mattrs worse cladous was still covered in blood. H eehandt cleaned up since they hadn’t passed theough nay o fthe natual pons in the forst.

Some of the emn looeed a his blood coevrd face and ran away intnat;y.

Fneg sighd louly glancing back at him keenly. “lets find an inn.”

Cladous isnetanly blushed. Flayrered he shook shi head rapidly. “we mustn’t! its not proper.”

“what lkidn of active imagination do you hodl in that bbrain of yrous. Im only reantinga room so that you can clean yourlsef uop. Look at yrou satte i tink you gave nightmares to at leats twety chdlren we pssed by,”

Cladious touched his own face. “its not that bad... its just blood. Peosl here must be use dto oy.”

“not use dto seeing a amn covered n blood. Lest they call the sodleirs to capture you fro murder,” Feng mumbled softly.

Only after that was cladous convibnced. They booked a room in the erany small inn. Feng was short on ons as usual but cladous geernosuly paid the tab.

The had speate rooms adjacent to each oetrh.

Cladous looked a the two speare doors and sighed. “it would aev been better to book a sangel room.””

“I would like to slep.” Feng waved at him and entered her room. Anous to se her parenst she had ben tracveling non stop for three days. And all that exhaustion came out the moenst she laid down on the soft bed.

Her eys closed on its own.

Feng immersed in her deamland.

On the oetrh ahnd cladouds who was next door was keenly lsoetjing to the soft breath coming from fengls room. “god... she relaly grew up into a beautiful lady....” He whisoered softly as he took off his hsirt.

Feng left teh school so suddenly that caldosu did not even get to sya goodbye. Every night he hadli down on his bed he wocl rember her small smmiel and soemwho the draesms became a welcomed thing. He had been anxous and nerevous to meet Feng again.

But she never retruend to school.

Years passed and the feelinsg still remained.

This made him widner if he relaly wa sin love wieth her.

Cladous cleane doff all the blood and then jumope dinto th wooden tub prepare by the inn. In just a few moimutes the clean water became murky form the dirt and ist from shi skin and his hahr.

He hurriedly wahe dhsi hahri had glabnced at his won refelction in the small mirror handging on the wall.

In tehse ten years he had grown expsonetually and grown taller than his own father. Is starength was unmatched coamred to the wareiuors of tteh same age ad older than him. There was not a match he had lost and not amission he had faiuled.

He touched his face slightly. “she dent look imopreed att my face. I look handsome though...”

The commnuncation cyatsl rang atthat moensy.

Not even bortehring to cover up he connevetd te call.

Ethan’s bored face was diaplyed. “did you do the jo or sshdoul I come and deal wit yrou mission?”

“you little shit, I did the job well.”


Contracry to what he told to feeng cadous had veen very close to Ethan an daidne tehse p[ast years. He had watched the two lite kids grow up into mature men. He hwad twache dhow powerflk they were.

He kenw that bith Ethan an aidne were waiting to meet Feng again.

Cladous glance dta the giy who had a codl look in his eyes.

‘if I tell him now they will rush out here and doisarupt opur alone time.. mabe if I have enough tiem maybe I can win over he heart. Who doent like me?’ he thopght wit habroht miel on his afce.

After taking a bath he change iunto new pair of lothing he had carried with him and made sur eto comb his hai neatly behdin his back wth a peuec fo cloth.

He chcekd his apeparnace on the mirror once bfreo elaving the room.

“heomsoem face...hirls will swoon for this.” smirking he lewft the room.

Lin ynfeng did not hurry into the store he waited patientnly for the zombie dgatere aro stater away. But the zombies did not budge they just lingere around.

Loosing his clam he picke du a cushe dip can on the ground and tosse dit as far as he codl into the oetrh side f the road.

the can clutter d around creating huge racket.

Te sonbeis sientanlyy staretd to ove towards that.

Taking this chance lin yunfeng crept ot of the apey way and into the mini mart. The glass doro opsn autaomatcilaly wich was a very very bad thing. He did not wish to stay here long becsu tshi was a gmapjor safety risk.


Hee made sure to kep his steps sliemt as possible as he wlake dtehough the aies of giod. Since it etehbeging of te end the racks wee stockd up. for a sceodn eh was tempetd to take a few of the food there.

But he feared eveb the smallest sound can bechon all of the zombeis n here. and that dutaomtc doro is syopping none of them. It oudl end up in a blod bath.

The wall that coonecet dto the aleley was to his right. He kind o fanalsed where he might hacve heard aht sodn. It actualy came fornm the back room.

The door was closed. There was a hjigh poisblity that soemeho was still aliev in tehre.

So as he got close he gentnly kocned on the doro in a same rhythm that person knocked.

The door isneanly oepdn. It was comeoeltyly dark in tehre and a habd daregd ghim in.

Eh was ready with a dagger to atb anyone whoi tros to hurt him but that deliacet hand did not doo anytin to him. That eperosn simply let go of his cloteh sa ssoona s he nere dthe store woom. And close dteh doro bedhin him.

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