Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Chapter 21 – Little Cotton Balls

Feng softly chuckled, hugging them. They weighed like two cotton balls in her hand, soft and smooth. “Why are you both so light? And how old are you both? I’m guessing five or six,” she whispered, raising a quizzical brow.

“Five,” Ethan mumbled, nuzzling against her.

“Oh my darlings are five, no wonder you both weight like little cotton balls. Don’t worry, I will make sure to feed you guys the best,”

Ethan scoffed again and peered at her. “You are thinner and short for you age as well,”

“Wow, that burns,” Feng blinked. It was the truth though, her body seemed like it was at least ten years old but her bone development was lagging, leaving Yeah, her short and skinny. “But I’ve yet to reach my growth period, that’s why,” she let them both down.

Ethan clung to her hand. “See, bones,”

“Yeah, you are so bony Feng,” Aiden chimed along with his brother.


“Enough roasting me. Let’s go out. I saw delicious spread on the way, let’s hog ourselves like pigs,” Feng happily tugged at their hands, but they both stood firm with a pout. “Don’t want to go?”

Ethan shook his head. “You... you will dance with her,”

‘Wow, you are still on that,’ scratching her head, Feng leaned down to his height and pinched his cheeks. “Aww, are you jealous my little bunny?”

Ethan swatted her hands away. “No! But you should only dance with us. Not her, not anyone else,” he declared with a glare.

Aiden glared along with him. “Yes Feng, only us,”

Their glares were least to say the cutest Feng had ever seen she almost fainted from glee. Holding both their shoulders, she looked at into their eyes. “Want to dance?”

Ethan and Aiden nodded.

Feng swiftly lifted one of them to her embrace, letting their legs hang about. “Let me down.”

“But you wanted to dance,”

“Not like this,” Ethan jumped down and gripped her hand. “I will lead, not you,” He tried to dance a few steps but since the height difference was so vast he was not able to do some of his signature moves. Growling, he jumped onto the window sill of the floor-to-ceiling window, boosting his height a little. “Now let’s dance,” he held out his hand to her.

Feng happily took it and slowly swayed with him.

“Have you danced with anyone?” he suddenly whispered.

“No, not that I can think of.... oh that time....” her first dance was with that devilish Eliot, so she did not want to mention it. She cleared her throat and whispered, “I have not danced with anyone. So you will be my first,”

Ethan blushed red. But Aiden on the other hand pouted. “Me, what about me? I want to be your first dance too!” he hugged her waist tight.

“She is my first dance!!” Ethan frowned at him. {‘Hey stop clinging to her; we are dancing right now,’}

“No, she is mine,” Aiden said with a pout. {‘I thought you said you were not fond of her. So I deserve her first dance,’}

The kids continued glaring at each other, leaving Feng in a precarious situation. ‘This can’t do, I can’t let them fight for long,’ She swiftly lifted them both onto her shoulders.

“Hey, we are not done dancing yet!!” Ethan shouted looking at her face.

“Well, we can always continue in our room,” Feng winked at him.

Ethan immediately burrowed his face in her neck, hiding his blush. Aiden on the other hand chuckled loudly. “Feng, I want to be the first in our room,”

Ethan pinched his hands. “Shut up,”

Feeling them both wiggle around, Feng laughed out loud. “Okay, okay, you both will be my first dance alright. Now let go stuff your little stomachs,”

She pushed the heavy curtains away and finally got out of it. Near the food area, she noticed the white-haired boy who helped her before and nodded at him.

Suddenly Ethan and Aiden stiffened up. {‘How does she know him?’}

{‘That fucking Yubiri, I’m gonna fucking kill him,’} Ethan clenched his fists tightly.

He could already feel Feng walking in the direction of that deceptive man. He swiftly pinched Aiden’s hands. {‘cry! cry now!!’}

{‘You cry!’}

{‘Oh lord, just cry for goodness’ sake} Ethan pinched him again.

Feng happily smiled at the young lad. “Thank you so much...”

“waaaa.... waaaaaa.” Aiden started wailing loudly, startling her.

“What is it? Oh lord, are you hurt anywhere?” Feng pulled him down and looked around. He was not hurt, but he was wailing so loudly that it hurt her heart. “Oh dear, what is it? Why are you crying? Tell me,” she hugged him. Next to her Ethan sniffed softly, hugging her shoulders.

“Ethan, what’s wrong? Why are you crying as well!!”

Feng swiftly lifted them both up and patted their backs. “Sorry sir, looks like my brothers are tired. I shall take my leave now,” she bowed to him and left the ball room.

Only after which the brothers stopped sobbing and wailing.

“Are you both okay? What happened who hurt you?” Feng gently rocked them side to side.

Ethan faced her, sniffing softly. “That man... he is evil. Don’t talk!”

“Yes, don’t talk to him!” Aiden cried, wiping his tears and snot on her new dress.

“Okay, okay, I won’t talk to him,” Feng gently rocked them side by side deep in thought. ‘I have heard rumours that having twin kids was tough. Now I understand. When one cried the other follows. No wonder people thought they were tough to handle,’ shaking her head she peered at the two blond head on her shoulder. ‘But my boys are good. They rarely cry that only means that man really might not be good at all,’

She patted their backs gently. As she was holding them, they both slowly slid down. So she grabbed them by their butt and lifted them up.

“HEY!!!” Ethan cried with a blush.

“Don’t touch our butts, you pervert!” Aiden said with his eyes closed.

“But I was only lifting you both, see,” Feng teasingly patted their small butts. “If I don’t hold you there, you might fall,” she cheerfully hopped back to their room.

Ethan and Aiden glanced at each other and swore, {‘when we grow up we have to exact revenge,’}

{‘Yes we are going to grab her butt too. Darn it, it’s too embarrassing,’} Aiden hid his red face.

Getting back, Feng found some night clothes folded next to the nightstand. She slowly lowered the two boys onto the bed to find them half asleep. ‘They must have been so tired.’ She helped remove their shoes and carefully cleaned their faces and hands with a wet cloth. ‘Wait, will they be comfortable in their clothes?’

The shorts were loose enough but the white shirt was a little tight on them.

“Maybe I should change them up,” but thinking back to their embarrassed expression she stopped herself, “they might wake up crying ‘pervert’ if I do that. I guess I should let them sleep as is”

Feng covered them with their duvet and slowly patted them. ‘It’s really nice having kids.... maybe I should have had mine in my previous world....’

Suddenly the mechanical voice chimed in her head.

{Adventurer, congratulation on completing your task.

Task: Dance with a beauty.

Achieved with: Ethan and Aiden.

Task reward: mud gem pin.

Have a wonderful time,}

“What’s a mud pin?” Feng murmured. A small light simmered in front of her and a brown gem hair pin magically appeared.

She ran to it and picked it up. “So this is the lifesaving equipment. But how is a pin going to help,” she looked at it in all directions. It was just brown gem pin. Sighing, she placed it on the table. “I’ll see to it later,”

Feng changed into her night gown and climbed onto the free side of the bed and slept peacefully.

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