Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Chapter 30 – Stale Bread And Marriage Proposal

The next morning came and Feng got up as early as she could today I’m gonna make sure that they fall in love with magic’ with renewed determination she swiftly took a bath and excitedly ran to their bed.

“Aiden, Ethan, rise and shine,”

The kids groaned and flipped over onto their stomachs.

“Come on guys, the sun is up and shining, the morning weather its breezy and pleasant. Why don’t we enjoy it,” she patted their butts.

Ethan moaned and opened one eye. “Don’t wanna,” he pulled the comforter tight over his head and went back to sleep.

Felling their blatant rejection, Feng pouted. “Fine, I can go on a walk by myself,” she picked up the book of magic and went out. She gently closed the door as in not to wake them up. As she was doing so, she noticed a shadow on her hind sight. ‘Shit, who is that? Why is that person lurking outside? Is he here to kidnap us again!!!’ she took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

Feng calmly walked over to the open-air deck, hoping that there might be some people like her who are up to enjoy the morning sun like her. But unexpectedly there was no soul in sight. Her heart started pounding loudly in fear. She subtly glanced back. The shadow had moved closer, standing right next to the only exit from the deck. That person lurking there, watching her every movement.


‘Goodness, this is so creepy. I never should have come out so early. Thank god the kids did not,’ she walked around the deck acting as if she was enjoying the scenery. But in actuality, she was searching for a way out.

Feng leaned over and glanced down. ‘Should I jump? Nah, I would probably die of hunger.’ She sat down on a small chair on the deck and opened her book. She intently acted like she was reading, but her eyes were only focused on that shadowy figure.

After sitting there for what seemed like an hour, she finally got tired and sleepy. ‘Whatever, I can’t sit here forever,’ she stood up, starched her back and got ready for battle. With her book tightly clutched in hand, she confidently walked over to that person.

But inside she was quivering in fear......

As soon as she walked closer, the shadowy figure started moving back to its original hiding spot in front of her room.

So that’s how you are playing huh...’ she walked over there and opened the door. Yet the figure did not act at all, just simply watched from the sides.

She closed the door and tiredly leaned against it. ‘It felt exactly like being chased by paparazzi. I can’t let this go on. If one of the boys ends up getting kidnapped by the stalker, I can’t forgive myself.’ Wiping her sweat away, she ran in. ‘there is noting that can be used as a weapon.’ She glanced at the book in hand. ‘I can’t toss Alvin’s book,’

Only a basket of break was in the corner. ‘I can beat him with this.’ She picked up the basket, but this was lady Hiliana’s property. So she chose the yesterday’s hard bread. ‘This will do for now,’

With fake bravado Feng walked up to the door, opened it wide and tossed the bread at as forceful as she could at the figure. She slammed the door close and locked it. ‘Ah, that should deal with that person. I hope he got head injury form that hard bread,’

On the other hand, Yubiri happily hugged the stale bread. ‘She must have known that I might get hungry guarding her... Feng, she is still so kind,’ he bit the bread but it was so hard that he literally chewed on it like a toddler. “Anything Feng gave me is precious. Wait, I have to store it well. It needs to be stored somewhere safe,”

He happily chewed on it and ran back to his room.

Hearing the loud knock, Kijin squeezed his eyes and opened the door. “Master, why are you so late?”

“Kijin~ what does it mean when someone cares about you and gives you bread?” Yubiri held his shoulders and peered into his eyes.

“um.... Once a girl gave me bread and her parents wanted me to marry her as a payment.....” the servant whispered tiredly.

Yubiri froze over. Even though his rational mind was telling him that Feng is not that kind of person, he was so happy about the implied meaning of her act. “Is that so... Kijin, your master got proposed today,”


Without waiting for his answer, Yubiri ran over to his study and banged the door close.

“But I was being scammed by that family...” the servant mumbled tiredly, scratching his head. He went back to his room to sleep his tiredness away.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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