Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 4 - Chapter 228 - The Rare Monster Drop Is a Golden Meat!?

"Nice Hannah. I knew you could do it. "

"Haa... I'm glad I didn't miss."

However, Hannah's expression, as she took down a rare monster with her splendid aim, was more of a great burden lifting off her shoulder than pure delight. I can't let it happen!

"Hey-hey Hannah, you should be happier. You're the one who defeated the rare boss so splendidly. "

"Zephyr is right! It's an amazing feat! Be more happy, Hannah! "

"Yeah, it was an amazing one-shot kill."

I, Lana, and Sierra took turns praising Hannah.

Ester also nodded after we expressed our admiration for her, and a tinge of understanding finally dyed Hannah's eyes after hearing us.

"O-Ohh. I... defeated it. Hey, Zephyr-kun, this is something amazing, isn't it? "

I firmly nodded to Hannah, who hurled her gaze at me to confirm it, probably still a bit doubtful about herself.

"Of course. No one was able to do that. You should be more confident, since you were the only one who had the ability to do that among our current members. "

"E, ehehe"

It seems she has finally come to terms with the fact, as her cheeks uplifted and a smile formed on her lips.

"All right, let's go and check out the drop. Rare Monster drops some extremely good drops. "

"Yeah! I want to check it quickly! "

I, together with Hannah and other members, descended down from the hill, and something that was still sprinkling out the golden effect caught our attention. That was,

"A golden... meat?"

"No, Hannah. This is just meat giving off a golden effect. It's not golden. "

I correct Hannah, who misunderstands seeing the drop.

Rare monster materials always emit the golden effect, probably to make them stand out from other materials. so that you can tell from a glance it's a drop from a rare monster.

The drop was just like Hannah had said, meat. The meat was enshrined above a big leaf. It seems to be about 5 kg in weight at a glance, though it's hard to tell if it's delicious or not. More like, the effect makes it too dazzling.

The effect would be settled down I think through processing skills and by cooking it, it should be able to return to its normal appearance.

"Meat...... This is Dinosaur's meat, isn't it, Zephyr-kun? Is it delicious? "

"Even I don't know since I never tried it, but it should be amazingly delicious given it's a drop from a rare monster. See, try looking at Lana and you may understand. "


At my urging, Hannah turned around to look behind her and saw Lana, who had an intense gleam in her eyes.

"I take back my previous words Hannah, you were terrific! It is a super-duper hit! I don't think anything less than awarding you with a medal would be worthy of this legendary feat! "

"Wh-Whaaa!? "L-Lana-sama, the look in your eyes looks s-scary..."

Lana approaches Hannah with quick steps and firmly grasps her hands, though Hannah flinches back from her.

"Calm down, Lana-sama. You're scaring Hannah-san. Besides, there isn't any precedent of awarding the medal for subjugating a rare monster. "

Ester quickly took over the situation and rebuked Lana. There appears to be no medal this time.

I also didn't have that much knowledge about the food items, so I inquired about Sierra, who was beside me.

"Is that meat really that delicious?"

"... Seeing a question coming from you kind of feels novel. The least I know is that the drop of "Golden Topple" is exceedingly delicious. I have had the chance to feast upon it twice and I can still recall the tongue-melting deliciousness. "

"Ohh, seriously? I absolutely want to try it then! "

Sierra, unusually explained in detail. And judging from Lana's reaction, it does seem so. I heard it later, but it seems to be Lana's favorite food.

But for me, it was nothing more than an extremely strong buff and a great recovery cooking item in the game. Thus, albeit slightly, I was disappointed with the drop. But I remember, this is reality.

It's the taste of an item I could never have had the chance of tasting if it had been in the game.

I should try it. Oops, now I can't stop myself from hurrying it. Let's ask Marie-senpai for a good chef> after finishing today's exploration.

I put away the meat under the fervent gaze of Lana and we resumed our exploration.

The exploration after that... well, it's hard to say, but I felt it becoming slightly smoother. The credit for all of this goes to Lana, whose monster sensor worked even more efficiently than ever before afterwards.

Apparently, Lana is extremely fond of food materials from the rare monster drops.

It seems it was something that was not easily available for even her home (royal palace), and so her eyes were constantly looking out for rare monsters from beginning to end with a fiery gleam in them.

No sooner than we realized someone's presence, it was always Lana who acted quicker than anyone and found the accurate position of a monster. Thanks to her, the monster hunting was much easier than on other days.

Well, episodes like that happen sometimes. I thought it was fun.

On our exploration, we found two silver chests from the two hidden rooms and three wooden chests from the treasure chest of the dead end, which further cheered us up.

Under the production jobs category, we obtained Cookware Grade 5 (mid), which increases the efficiency of the Chef, and Smithing Tool Grade 3 (mid), which increases the efficiency of the Blacksmith.

Leaving aside the "smithing tool" for now, we were in a dilemma if we should sell the "cookware" since there wasn't anyone to use it. For now, I don't have any plans to bring a chef to Eden.

Although Hannah doesn't have the corresponding job, I am thinking of handing it out to Hannah since it can be used normally too. However, it would be more cost-efficient to sell it and purchase normal cookware.

However, it would be impossible for us to get our hands on them again since you can never obtain the treasure chest from a hidden room once it is opened, which was the cause of our worry.

We decided to leave the decision for later.

Experiencing various things, and when it was past 5:30 p.m., we arrived at the floor where the second field boss is.

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