Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 4 - Chapter 250 - Gold chest time! Collaboration, the weird atmosphere, and the scary Sierra!

"We won!"

"We won!"


"We did it!"

"Fuhaha, we did it!"

From top to bottom, Lana, Hannah, Ester, Sierra and finally myself cheered in triumph.

It surprised me! Usually it's only Lana and I cheer with Hannah getting along on the flow but this time, everyone joined!

I guess this just tells how formidable the Intermediate Dungeon boss was this time. I was glad to see everyone happy as a team.

"Ah, the mark!"

Everyone's attention turned to their hand when Hannah exclaimed, and suddenly found a mark in our grasp.

I also looked at my hand and the mark was there, the mark that shows we have conquered the Dinosaur's Hill dungeon.

Hmm, it kind of feels nice to see that. After all, in the game, only a message would pop-up telling players they have got the mark but actually seeing it on my hand gave a different kind of feeling, pleasant and satisfying.

In looking at other members' expressions, Hannah and Lana seemed to be having a good time. Ester's lips were drawn into a sloppy smile and even the usually cool expression of Sierra's was coming out.

I couldn't look into the mirror, but I guess I should be having a broad grin on my face too. I quickly put the mark onto my chest.

There's now one more medal to shine on my chest! Fuhahaha!

After basking in the pleasure of passing a hard hurdle, it was now my turn to check out the drop.

"So the number of drops from the Intermediate Dungeon remains the same as Beginner Dungeons. Despite the boss' strength, it felt unreasonable."

Lana pursued her lips and pouted in dissatisfaction looking at the drops scattered around.

Well, that's how it is. Beginner Dungeon at the end is just a beginner’s. In other words, gentle on first timers.

And this is the result when you let yourself drown into that kindness. The world is so hard!

Everyone's gaze, after sorting out all the drops except the treasure chest, gathered in one spot.

Of course, their gazes were gathered at nothing else but the treasure chests. What's more, it was a Gold Chest! And the icing on top was that there were 2!

It was quite lucky of us to get a total of 3 Gold chests out of the 6 boss battles we have fought in this dungeon.

Maybe it's just beginner's luck?

No wait, of course it had to be the blessing of the great Sachineko-sama. (Totally believed it)

I definitely have to offer some delicious meat to the great Sachineko-sama later!

...... Perhaps it's the work of Sachineko-sama that is guiding my thoughts? The image of golden meat flashed past my mind.

No-, no. I must be imagining things. There's no way the great Sachineko-sama would demand anything like that!

Anyway, it was the treasure chest from our first Intermediate dungeon final boss.

Alright, there's no doubt what I'm thinking was right! This stage was for the guild master, me, to take on and open them as the representative of the conqueror's party!

"Halt there, Zephyr! I will not accept this transgression of yours!"

"Lana-sama is right, Zephyr-kun! There's no stipulation that the guild master has the authority to open the Gold chest first!"


Lana and Hannah, who perceived my intention, took no time and intercepted me before the treasure chest, stopping me from taking any further steps.

Who in Dungeon's name decided the guild master didn't have the authority to open the treasure chest? Preposterous!

"This is for the guild's master stage only! I think I should open the chest and take on the responsibility! No, I will open them!"

"You can't!"

"You can't!?"

I didn't expect them to say, ‘You can't’. It shouldn't have happened!

"Then who else has the right to open them but me?"

"Of course, it's me!"

"And I!?"


Kuh! Lana, you... She rejected me so brazenly. I even felt a bit of the princess's aura from her.

"Zephyr, I hope you haven't forgotten what I said last time. You haven't, right?"

Sierra interjected herself into our argument. Last time? Huh? I wonder what she's talking about.

And Lana already had a triumphant grin plastered on her face.

"The order was supposed to be Hannah and then Her Highness Lana's turn. It was you who opened them last time, didn't you?"

"Kuh, I think I remember that."

"Didn't you just forget that?!"

I thought I would be able to gloss my way through, but it was just my naive thinking.

"Geez, you really are quite a hopeless child, aren't you?"

I never expected Hannah out of all people to call me a hopeless child. There was nothing more terrifying than that.

"I don't think you have to make such a long face. Sigh. How about you two open together?"

" "Together?" "

My mind was boggled by Sierra's unexpected proposal. My and Lana's voices overlapped. Hannah was already sticking closer to one of the chests she has decided on and was trying to play dumb, pretending as if she didn't hear anything.

Still, though, opening a treasure chest together... This thought never crossed my mind. Not even when I was playing this as a game.

"But that's only if Her Highness agrees, though."

Lana was grumbling something in a voice that was ever so faint at Sierra's words. I think I heard something like "C-Could it be... working as a pair?" Was it just my imagination?

"Ahem. Well, I think I might give it a thought if you beg me, so?"

Whaaaat!? Of course, the answer was already decided!

"I absolutely want to open it with Lana!"

"Fuwa!? You didn't even hesitate? E-Ehh? "W-well, if you insist so strongly, I guess."

"Why the question mark?"

Nevertheless, the magnanimous Lana gave me permission to open them together! Thank you very much, great Lana-sama!

I was a bit curious as to why Lana looked slightly nervous, but there was no time to think about it. I took the right side while Lana took the left side as we stood in front of the Gold chest.

"Don't you think we're a bit too close?"

"There's no helping it. It's the Gold chest’s fault for being so small."

As we stood together, I noticed that I and Lana were completely glued together. Our shoulders would have been touching if I hadn't been wearing Firmament Armor.

Damn, why was I even wearing this armor? I wonder if the excuse of "It's quite hot there" and removing my armor would work. I guess not.

Somehow, I was feeling another kind of excitement, different from the excitement of opening the Gold chest.

I turned to look at Lana, and she was beet-red to the root of her ears. Huh? We're just opening the treasure chest, right? The air was kind of filled with some kind of ambiguity I wasn't familiar with. How did it come to this?

"I think I'm jealous of Lana-sama now."

"Indeed. I know I was the one to propose that idea, but maybe it would have been better if I was the one opening it."

Hannah and Sierra were whispering something behind us, but I couldn't hear very well.

My eyes suddenly met Lana's eyes. I felt like an invisible power was drawing me into her blue eyes, reminscing the ocean. I never knew Lana's eyes were so beautiful when I gazed at them from so close.

"H-Hey, Zephyr. Don't stare for so long. It's embarrassing"

"So-sorry... I was just dazed by your beautiful eyes; they sure are pretty."

"Wha!? H-Hmph. This doesn't make me any happier. Not unless you... Praise me more."

"Hurry up and open the chest!"

Sierra interrupted and chided us. Was I imagining things, or did her voice sound colder than usual? The air was scaring me a bit.

"Your Highness Lana, it seems like you're not so keen on opening the chest. Maybe we should switch places."

"Y-You can't! I'm opening it! Zephyr, the prayer!"

Flustered, Lana hurriedly offered her prayer to Sachineko-sama, and I followed her. I felt like I heard Sierra sighing behind me.

"Then let's open it when I say go."



I grabbed the right side while Lana grabbed the left side and opened the lid at the same time.

Everyone leaned over and checked the content.

What was inside was,






From top to bottom, Lana, Sierra, Ester, Hannah, and I let out astonished yelps in order.

The thing inside the Gold chest was something so famous and precious that hardly anyone would be unaware of it anymore. It was aー

< Advanced Job Ascension Ticket>.

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