Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 5 - Chapter 261 - Quest confirmation! The more I read, the more difficult it looks!

Chapter 261 - Quest Confirmation! The More I Read, the More Difficult It Looks!

«Dean's Quest #1 - He wants you to deliver various types of materials for the monster «Electric Bear-cum-Squirrel». (More Details are listed in the accompanying page.)

•Subjugate the rare monster «Electric Bear-cum-Squirrel» of the «Rokumori's Thundering Trees dungeon» multiple times.

•Deliver «Electric Bear-cum-Squirrel's Large Hide» × 20, «Thunder Claw of Electric Bear-cum-Squirrel» ×30, «Electric Bear-cum-Squirrel's Silver Whiskers» × 2.

•Deadline - ‹Until 19th may(Sunday)›.

•Rewards - ‹QP : 20,000›.

«Dean Quest #2 - He wants you to manufacture and deliver the Top grade Mechanical Carriage (Royal Edition)»

•Deliver the same type of Top Grade Mechanical Carriage Eden is using to the academy.

•Deadline - By the end of this month

•Reward - ‹QP - 30,000›.

Manager of the academy 一 Dean 一 has passed a request directly to our guild.

I lightly glanced over the documents wondering what might it be and it caught me off-guard, several delivery requests of materials which would normally be impossible unless we could somehow defeat the ‘rare boss’ ‘multiple times’ was written on it.

Along with the words 一 No one but Eden can complete it.

Ahaha... It has been exposed that we could farm bosses.

I mean, I'm always selling their materials at the Marie-senpai place so I was already prepared for this fact to be exposed someday and had my heart ready for it.

However, they're even requesting for high-speed carriage. Was he planning to use it for dungeon exploration?

Wait, ‘Royal Edition’ has been mentioned alongside so probably not. Though that's not the point right now.

"I want to confirm something about this carriage request, Eden is currently using it so am I correct in taking that we have to build the same type of carriage and deliver, right?"

This was something very important to confirm before anything. I really don't want to submit ‹Thunder Javelin›.

"Yes. Manufacture and delivery is written on the documents so there's no mistake in your understanding."

Hearing Phyllis-sensei words, I was relieved.

It's already one and a half months since I have enrolled in this academy and It was about time for the academy to catch up with the ‹Official Hidden Tactic - Boss Farming›.

However, asking for us to perform requests like this rather than directly asking us to hand over the ‹Official Hidden Tactic - Boss farming› does make them stand out in a favorable light to me.

You know how it's been in a light novel, I imagined a scenario like authority forcing us to reveal all the secrets but fortunately, the real ‹Dungeon Activity› at the very least wasn't anything of that sort.

The requests were ridiculous though.

Besides, requesting, that means not everything has been exposed yet. Probably...

If it was known, they could have done it themselves.

Nonetheless, no matter the situation, I haven't slightest bit of intention to reveal ‹Official Hidden Tactic› to anyone else.

Were this to be exposed, the deepest part of dungeons would turn into a hunting carnival. It was as clear as day that riots would start occuring in the struggle for hunting ground no matter which angle you take it from. It would halt even the dungeon exploration.

Some sort of rule would be necessary to laid out if they have any plan of making it public. There would even be the need for guards too.

Hmm, that may be why the academy wasn't directly taking over this matter.

For they have the vision to see the havoc it would cause, and that's not something academy want to see 一一 must be what these requests basically mean.

I see. Though I'm not sure what to do with these requests even if I know what they imply.

I suppose it's necessary to speak with Dean at least once.

I looked at the requests once again.

In a single word, ridiculous. Normally, it's impossible.

But conversely speaking, these requests aren't impossible since they're not normal requests.

Above all, Eden wasn't a normal guild either. We might barely be able to do it, but it's not impossible.

I have to seriously think about all the scenarios before deciding.

The first request is for the material delivery of ‹Electric Bear-cum-Squirrel›.

‹Rokumori's Thundering Trees Dungeon› is one of the Int-low dungeons, so our E-rank guild can challenge it without any problem. But as the name implies, the dungeon mainly has attacks with the thunder attribute, so we have to be careful. Because thunder attributes can induce an abnormal status called "paralysis" after all. That's why countermeasures were of the utmost necessity.

Then coming to the rare boss, ‹Electric Bear-cum-Squirrel›.

You may have already guessed from the name, and indeed, it was the same type of opponent as the Beg-low dungeon boss's ‹Bear-cum-Anteater›. A squirrel that looked like a bear. Seriously, what kind of squirrel was it?

I recalled my days of battling ‹Electric Bear-cum-Squirrel›.

I'm curious which of the members would be effective against it. It would be impossible for Hannah this time, so I have to think about an alternative lineup. Hannah can't surmount the wall of rare monster status after all. She would be down in no time.

But if I did that, I'm sure to face a sulking Hannah.

I feel bad for her when she's working so hard just so she can keep up with us.

Hmm, maybe I can have her create several types of explosive items that might come in handy.

Even Hannah... nah, she wouldn't be able to fight even if she made these items.

But I will have her prepare the items. Our opponent is a rare boss from an intermediate dungeon; having some extra measures under our belt wouldn't hurt us.

As for Hannah, I will have to consult on the matter directly with her.

Oops, I suddenly started to think about Hannah midway. Focus, Zephyr. Focus.

Next, I checked the materials to be delivered.

The total number of materials I have to submit is, let's see, 62.

Normally speaking, a rare boss drops around 10 boss-type materials. If we managed to hit two treasure chests, the drop amount would then be doubled. In exchange, however, the number of drops from small fry on the way would be lowered.

Breaking a part of the boss's body would net us one more drop in addition to the original ten. But ‹Electric Bear-cum-Squirel› boss doesn't have any party that could be destroyed, so the amount is fixed at 10. In this case, we have to defeat it at least seven times. But there's no way we could get all types of stipulated materials in just seven times, so we will have to fight it more than seven times, actually. I don't know how many times we have to take it down.

Maybe 50 times? Defeating a rare boss 50 times?

I glanced at the deadline section, and it states we have to submit the quest by Sunday.

We only have 5 days left as of today, May 14th (Tuesday).

Delivering all 62 rare boss materials... I do have to say that only Eden can pull it off.

In fact, I was rejoicing over the fact that I had gotten three more flutes from ‹Goblin Emperor› but at the same time, even Eden would have been hard-pressed if we only had originally two flutes.

I kind of feel like I'm being caught up in a scheme.

But, the reward was ‹20,000 QP›. This was a super-duper amount, to be honest.

I mean, the consolation rewards for participating in the large-scale quest from earlier were ‹100 QP›, and only ‹2000 QP› if they managed to complete it. For an E-rank guild, even 2000 QP was an amount that was like striking gold in one hit. So I believe I don't need to tell you just how super-duper these ‹20,000 Qp› values were.

By the way, QP can't be converted into Mir, but I heard the rate is something like 1 QP = 1000 Mir.

20,000 QP was equivalent to 200 million Mir. We could earn 200 million Mir in just 5 days. Of course, I know it's ridiculous. Daily wages are like $40 million; had it been in Japan, I absolutely wouldn't have wanted to take on such a request. Wouldn't I be a deadbeat on the weekend?

I guess the request is absolutely ridiculous, which explains these figures.

I think I'm beginning to see Dean's intention.

Speaking of it, the average reward for a F-rank guild is 500 QP

For the E-rank guild, it is 1500 QP

I'd heard that the average reward for D-rank is around 10,000 QP, but that's not a good reference because D-rank is a max of top and bottom, making it difficult to participate. because there were just so many D-rank guilds that earned as much as C-rank.

Conversely, there were many more D-rank guilds that earned just as much as E-rank guilds.

Of course, the gap between the E-rank guild and the D-rank guild is quite large, but that's the meritocracy for you.

It's an indirect way of saying hurry up and become D-rank.

Leaving the deadline aside for the time being, the reward amount alone is enticing. What's more, there's a high probability the amount can be increased depending on the negotiation.

It might be worth it to accept it.

Next, I looked at the manufacturing and delivery ‹Top-grade Mechanical Carriage (Royal Edition)› quest.

They want the same type of carriage that Eden is using. Talk about extravagance.

Though it's not like I have the right to point at others.

Well then, this carriage too requires rare boss materials, albeit less than the ‹Electric Bear-cum-Squirel› quest.

It was manufactured from the recipe in a ‹Gold Chest›, so its value is absolutely extraordinary. Whether one can manufacture or not is another thing.

The truth is, there aren't that many pieces of carriage equipment in this world, or it wouldn't be wrong to say they aren't used at all. I found out about it accidentally so I tried to investigate this matter in detail and found out that apparently I was the first to whom the recipe for a carriage was dropped to.

Well, there's a possibility that someone in the past might also have gotten hold of the recipe, but at the very least, they hadn't left their imprint in the records.

After all, it is a special equipment, and it is impossible for anyone to use it if they do not hold special categories such as knights, etc., so this could be why it never saw the light of day, but even so, it's difficult to swallow.

However, it was the fact that it was now a luxurious commodity. Wait, more like, Eden had the monopoly on it.

The rewards amount must have taken this into consideration as well, I presume. After all, the amount is once again sky-high: 30,000 QP!

It is seriously insane to be able to earn that many points just by manufacturing and delivering a ‹Mechanical Carriage›. Super-duper insane.

As expected from the recipe from the Gold Chest, I absolutely don't want to let it go out of my hand.

Imagine if such quests came to me on a regular basis... Oops, I let my imagination run wild for a moment there.

Are they implying that recipes can continue to be monopolized?

These quests don't sound too bad based on these figures. In fact, they're pretty good.

We could earn 50,000 QP if we managed to complete them successfully, greatly exceeding the rewards of the large-scale quests mentioned in the class I accepted earlier. Wait, did I accept that?

Ah, I haven't. They're like roadside pebbles now.

Ahem. Anyway, I will decide whether I'm going to accept Dean's quest or not after talking with Dean himself. So I turned my legs towards the Dean's office.

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