Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 5 - Chapter 291 - All hail the ‹Perfect Beauty-4 phenomenon›!

"It's here, the ‹Perfect Beauty-4 Phenomenon›!!!"

My heartbeat reflexively skyrocketed as soon as I saw them.

"Am I seeing things!? There are four gold chests! What's going on!"

Lana also put both of her hands on her face and let out a baffled shout. Her face was slightly flushed, I guess she was also delighted to see them.

I can definitely relate to what she's feeling.

"4...... There are 4 gold chests? Not silver...?"

Karua looked at them while cocking her head in surprise. Though the way she tilted her face with a completely clueless expression was awfully cute.

I really want to pat her head. Wait, let's just do it! ... Ah, Lana took a headstart before me!?

"What is going on Zephyr? Did all bosses in intermediate drop that many treasure chests?"

"Of course not. This is the upgraded version of ‹Beauty-4 phenomenon›, it's called‹Perfect Beauty-4 phenomenon›! And it happened with the gold chest! What's more, it was double the number! It's the rain of the treasure chest!"

Rika was perplexed at the sight of a super amazing scene like 4 gold chest dropping. She had already experienced the four silver chest phenomenon when we fought with ‹Cowboy Cactus›, so she was able to understand my explanation albeit with a bit of surprise.

"So this is the best of best phenomenon that Zephyr-dono had talked about. It's really a magnificent sight just as rumors go. I can understand why Zephyr-dono so wishes for it."

Even Ester was unable to take her eyes off the luxurious set-up of 4 gold chests. I know no one could be immune to this sight, it's the ‹Perfect Beauty-4 Phenomenon› after all!

"Now the prayer time! ‹Sachineko-sama›! ‹Sachineko-sama›! Thank you very much for your kind graces! I will bring very expensive meat today for you, so please look forward to it!"

I prayed with my heart filled with gratitude! I also made up my mind to offer some expensive meat! In times like this, the meat of the rare monster ‹Golden Topple› is the best.

I feel like Now! Is the best time to utilize the meat that was left in the end from the celebration last time. It's not my imagination this time for sure.

"Karua. Let's do our prayer too!"

"Hn, pray."

Lana and Karua, who had been patted by her, also did their prayer.

Dang, I also wanted to try patting her.


"Let's open them, Karua!"

"Hn, looking forward to it."

"Stop! Stop! What are you doing there ignoring me!"

I intercepted Lana who was about to rush towards the gold chest while carrying Karua.

She's way too excited! Look, even Karua's leg whom she was hugging from behind was dangling. Though Karua was also looking like she was having fun. I could keenly feel the merry air radiating from her.

There's a chance they might accidentally open the gold chest with the level of excitement they're overflowing with.

I also want to join them.

Ahem, my true thoughts suddenly spilled out. I should calm down a bit. .

"Anyway, the number of gold chest we have gotten this time is unbelievably 4. It's a miracle honestly. However that also means there would be one among us who wouldn't be able to open it. And that's a serious problem."

Reality is often heartless. One wouldn't be able to participate in this miraculous ‹Perfect Beauty-4 Phenomenon›.

I felt the tension in Lana and Karua increasing. I was equally tensed.

And while we were surrounded in a tense atmosphere, Rika proposed an ingenious idea.

"Then how about I open together with Karua? We all can participate in this way. Is it fine with you, Karua?"

Her proposal was to do it through group work.

Karua nodded her head while being carried in Lana's arm at Rika's proposal.

"Hn, I will. I heard it from Lana, and I was a bit jealous of Lana 's group work with Zephyr."

"Hey, Karua! I told you it's a secret from Zephyr!"

"Is that so? Ug, Lana, your grip."

I didn't know Lana had talked about that scene with others.

Karua's face turned blue when Lana's arm holding her tightened.

"Great, then let's open it together. Karua. Lana-dono, I think you should let down Karua."

"Haa, relief... Thank you, Rika."

Karua thanked Rika after being escaped from the vice grip-like hug that almost made her unable to participate in the ‹Perfect Beauty-4 Phenomenon›. That was a bit interesting to see.

"Alright, time to open them! On your position everyone!"

"Hey, that's my line Karua!"

Lana, who stole the guild master line as if it was rightfully hers, smoothly ignored me and encamped in front of one of the gold chests.

She's really quick on such things. I also quickly followed after her and chose my liking of gold chest.

"Hn, this will be fine... Probably."

But then Karua, who also have ‹Intuition›, and mine hand overlapped.

...... Karua looked at me with a hopeful gaze.

Hmm, it's a pinch.

"............ I will look for another."


I relented since Karua and Rika were jointly opening the chest this time.

Rika gave her apology with a wry smile to which I raised my one hand to say “don't sweat over it” and stood in front of another gold chest.

And the last one naturally becomes Ester's.

Then Lana said as soon as everyone was in their position.

"I'm opening it! Give me something good, ‹Sachineko-sama›!"

Is there really no value of my authority as Guild Master…… Lana completely stole my limelight today.

Anyway, gold chest is more important!

"Oh great ‹Sachineko-sama›! ‹Sachineko-sama›! Please give me something good! Thank you!"

Matching with Lana's opening timing, we also opened our respective gold chest at the same time.

Rika and Karua also opened simultaneously shouting “Get, set一”.

"Ah! It's a key!"

"Holy crap!?"

I could feel my guts churning hearing Lana's report. I quickly turned to look at her and saw her holding a silver key.

There's no doubt, that is一一!

"This is, a recipe?"

"A recipe from a rare boss's ‹Gold Chest›!?"

Just when I was astonished at Lana's report, another absurd report from Ester reached my ear and reflexively turned to look towards her.

‹Perfect Beauty-4 Phenomenon› really lives up to its name, there's no end to its wonderful surprise!

And as if that wasn't enough, another surprising report arrived from Rika and Karua's side.

"Hn, a toy?"

"This is quite big. Is this what they say, a miniature?"

"What did you say!?"

In the gold chest which got both mine and Karua's ‹Intuition› to whisper “There's something good in this treasure chest” had something unthinkable.

I quickly peered into the treasure chest of Rika nas Karua's without opening mine.

And in there was一一

"It's ‹Dragon's Miniature Garden›!"

The same thing I had thought.

一一Holy God!

This is unbelievable, again, it's an incredibly unbelievable treasure!

"Is it really that amazing?"

"Even saying amazing is undervaluing! It's impossible for me to describe it in one word. That's how much of an unbelievable thing it is!"

I realized I have been repeatedly using unbelievable work since a while ago! The surprise from the items had killed my vocabulary!

It's not an overstatement when I say we have hit the jackpot of our lifetime in this time ‹Perfect Beauty-4 Phenomenon›! Big enough of a jackpot that I was satisfied to end our today's schedule right here and then!

Alright, time to break the suspense and explain about the drops one by one.

Seaking of drops, my gold chest dropped ‹Advanced Job Ascension Ticket›. The chance of them dropping from the intermediate dungeon's rare boss was 2% and it was our 3rd ticket!

Seriously, I feel like we have used our lifetime worth of luck in today's ‹Perfect Beauty-4 Phenomenon›!

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