Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 6 - Chapter 297 - Quartet's Goddess of Salvation, the limitless reach of Brave!

After classes.

For the whole day, the class was shrouded in strained atmosphere. Considering the ruckus in the morning, that was obvious.

I was also caught up by Sierra and was preached in the break time. I did try to explain it was all because of Saturn-kun and all, but to no avail. I didn't even remember how my lunch taste like.

I must have an explanation from Misato today.

"So what do you have to say, Misato-kun?"

"Err, even I don't get why the situation has come to this. To begin with, I had joined their guild on the temporary basis and on condition that I can leave anytime. Also, I didn't say that I'm going to ‹Eden›. Though I may have replied ambiguously like "maybe~"."

Hearing the explanation from Misato in the classroom, I turned towards ‹Best of the Best, The Great Star›.

"Or so says Misato, is she right?"

"S, stop. Stop looking at us with that gaze of your, Zephyr."

"Fu, terrifying. What a terrifying gaze. He may be smiling but that smile isn't reaching his eyes."

"Stop spouting unnecessary things and hurry up and explain."

Saturn and others flinched for some reason. It was the sign they were guilty.

"W, well, this might be the general gist......?"

"W, what!? This Venerable had gone to all lengths because you said Zephyr is planning to pull Mistao in his guild!"

Tom-kun let out a rough voice and averted his eyes while saying that.

And Saturn-kun, you don't need to pose it as a question, this is how it is.

Then following him was Helck-kun who raised his voice as if being astounded at his statement. What, was he alone forgotten and kept out of the loop?

“However, It didn’t change the fact that we're almost facing the crisis of losing her. Our guild only has 5 members. On top of that, we would need to disband if we even lost our healer Misato!”

Saturn-kun hollered.

A minimum of 5 or more people are needed to keep the guild alive as stated in the academy’s rule. In case the number drop below the requirement, they would be given one week of buffer time and failing to recruit any new member despite than would lead to the guild disbanding. And since the academy provides the guild rooms, they are especially strict on this rule.

On the other hand, the quartet had also gone to other classes in an attempt to recruit members but were cleanly rejected by them. I can bet that they must have said “Rejoice, for we are willing to let you join our guild” with a pompous attitude.

Students from class-3 and onwards should be level lower than quartet so I'm sure it would be beneath their useless pride to invite them either.

Anyway, returning to the main topic.

"In short, it wasn't related to ‹Eden› at all huh?"

"Fufu! Y, yes. This may have turned out like this in most likely scenarios."

"It seems like we have a grave misunderstanding. But, maybe, that's the general gist."

"Why is everything different from what you told this Venerable!?"

".........I see."

These guys have at last admitted it. Good grief, then why are they wasting their time on me, they should persuade Misato if that's the case which is faster.

"So, what were you planning to do in case you couldn't find a middle ground in negotiation with me?"

In case it were true, there was a high chance of negotiations between us breaking down as far as I can see.

"Fu, Errr. That's, you see..."

"We would have..."

Jilong-kun and Tom-kun now began to slur on their words. Their eyes were restlessly darting here and there. Hmm?

"Hurry up and spit it out."

"We would have gone for ‹Dual Battle› with Misato on the line. And then the rewards from ‹Eden›......"

"S, Stop Helck!? T-T-T-That was just a figure of speech. That's not how it is, Zephyr. I had never thought about doing it even once!"

Saturn shuddered furiously at Helck's unexpected words.

Have these guys really not learned their lesson even after tasting complete defeat in the guild battle last time? Wait, maybe they remembered it and that's why Saturn was uncontrollable trembling.

I guess their pride must have gotten over their head again. Good grief, their pride is like the weed springing up as soon as you leave them unattended. Time to prune it later, thoroughly.

Though waging a battle with a girl on line kind of sounds adventurous. It was kind of like seeing a wild pig-gentleman riding a crimson aircraft.

In that case, we would have to put the Mir as a wager. Hmm, I'm going to smash their pride for sure.

"Alright, do you have anything else to say, Saturn-kun?"

"Hiii!? W, wait Zephyr. Calm down, I'm sure we can talk it out!"

"一一一Training schedule, 3 time."

I imposed my penalty seeing that Saturn-kun had begun to resort to excuses. Hearing that, the quartet immediately made an attempt to run away.

But they forgot one thing一

"You cannot escape from the clutches of Brave!"

"I, impossible!?"

‹Eden› members had already secured the two exits and the windows. They were ready to move at any time.

The quartet were now like the rat trapped in a bag.

"I, I'm not lying Zephyr! We're...... Weak. I know that we're not your opponent at least for now. That was, yeah, we get carried away, I just said it on the spur of the moment. Just a bit of our daily frustration and resentment got over our head only!"

"You need punishment even more so then!"

They have finally shown their true colours. They must have given up any resistance seeing they can't run away from the penalty.

"Well, can I say something?"

It was then the Goddess of Salvation appeared.

Mistao called us to stop.

"Actually, I was thinking it would be a bit cruel to leave them like this. That's why I have found someone who's ready to take my place. This should save the guild from disbanding."

And the information she dropped truly was like a salvation for them. Jilong-kun even muttered out “Ohh, Misato is really an angel... No, she's a goddess...!”

"I know it would be morally wrong to leave the guild immediately after joining since there was no one else to accept the invitation. I have found you two people. One is a healer ‹Holy›, and the second has a scout job ‹Spy›. I will introduce them later."

"Ohh sob, Misato, you, you did it for us!"

The quartet sobbed as they let out tears of gratitude hearing what Misato said with a slight shy expression.

Wait you guys, Misato has already began her preparation to leave soon, you aren't going to stop her!? I really don't get what goes in the mind of quartet.

However I know this at the very least, there's no escaping them from the punishment.

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