Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 113: The Red Knight (1)

Chapter 113: The Red Knight (1)

The day Glen had foreseen arrived.

Awakening from her slumber, Siriel rubbed her sleepy eyes, taking in the inside of the tent.

“It’s dark.”

Carefully, to avoid waking the still-slumbering Lucia, Siriel grabbed her armor and stepped out of the tent, looking up at the sky.

Red clouds.

Even for an abnormal magical realm, the red clouds overhead were disconcerting. Having overheard parts of Shiron and Glen’s conversation, she had some idea of what to expect, but witnessing it firsthand was another matter entirely.

“You’re up early.”

Shiron, busy preparing food by the campfire, noticed her presence.

“I was about to wake you, but I’m glad I didn’t have to. Come and sit.”


Siriel didn’t reply. Instead, she lifted her hand to check her hair, relieved it was still in place, and then settled down comfortably next to Shiron.

‘Delicious smell…’

Shortly after, a bowl of thick soup was set before Siriel.

“When did you get up, brother?”

“I woke up around two hours ago.”

“…Aren’t you tired? You’ve had night watch duties recently.”

Shiron’s turns for night watch were either just before dawn or just after dusk. It was a difficult shift, immediately falling asleep and then waking up early, hardly resting enough.

“It’s fine. I’m not the only one on duty.”

Shiron replied casually, spreading out an assortment of usable weapons on the ground.

The Fire Spear Ornot, the Holy Sword, the Shield of Hesed. The Dwarf’s Useful Staff, the Giant’s Greaves…

With the red clouds above, it must signal the presence of the 5th Apostle, Bernoulli. Unlike the 3rd Apostle, Oblivion, Bernoulli roamed the magical realm, a roaming disaster.

‘Fortunately, he’s not too difficult to handle.’

What should they be wary of? The red raindrops from the sky that reduced resilience and randomly induced confusion.

He set out pre-made lemonade.

Reflecting further, there was also the issue of red lightning. When red mud accumulated, lightning would strike without warning, significantly restricting movement.

He secured the Giant’s Greaves.


Approaching her with the Fire Spear, Shiron called out. She turned toward him, having just finished her soup.


“Can you show me the sword you’re using now?”

Without complaint, Siriel entered the tent. Moments later, she emerged with a slightly worn longsword.

‘An unknown weapon.’

“…Is there a problem?”

Siriel noticed the concern on Shiron’s face.

“You can handle a weapon with both hands… no, can you manage a spear?”

With those words, Shiron handed her the Fire Spear. It made more sense for Siriel to wield Ornot, given that Shiron would primarily use the Holy Sword.

“Is this for me?”

Gratitude illuminated Siriel’s face as she took the spear. She had felt a twinge of envy at Lucia’s ivory sword, but receiving a ‘gift’ of a weapon from Shiron made her smile broaden.


Contrary to Siriel’s expectations, it was a denial.

“I’m lending it to you.”


“Return it after you’re done.”


Thud- Thud-

A cold sensation touched Shiron’s skin. Red… an intensely red rain began to fall. It wasn’t just Shiron who sensed that something was amiss.


Lucia glanced at the pot, her face shadowed.

Red stains marred the white soup.

Was it because she woke up late? An unexpected rain had ruined the meal she had so carefully prepared.

Glen tapped Lucia’s shoulder.

“This rain bears a peculiar energy. It’s causing unrest in the mind. Stay alert.”

“…I’ve been alert all along.”

Lucia’s gaze shifted to the horizon. In the distance, at the edge of the clouds, thump—something crashed to the ground.

Despite the distance, Lucia’s eyes discerned the adversary. A figure clad in red armor, standing two heads taller than Glen behind her. Her instincts whispered that this entity must not be left alive.

‘…Do I need to kill that bastard?’

Lucia unsheathed her ivory-colored sword. Glen’s caution about remaining calm seemed almost amusing now. In her previous life, she had faced such creatures countless times.

Perhaps it was the rain from the sky that made her body feel slightly chilly, and her heart seemed clogged, but as she drew mana from her core, the unease lessened.

‘It must be Bernoulli.’

Realizing the enemy’s identity, Shiron picked up the Dwarf’s Staff, a consumable weapon that could shoot lightning, regardless of the caster’s skill.

Shiron did not want to wait for the enemy to come closer. He swung his staff in the air, and white energy gathered above the red armor.


Despite the sudden lightning strike, the party did not pay attention to Shiron. Instead, they watched the enemy who continued moving despite being hit by lightning.

‘I knew he wouldn’t fall so easily.’

With a hint of regret, Shiron swung his staff repeatedly. White energy gathered and struck the knight directly. Bang! Bang! Bang! After about twenty times, the staff in his hand turned to dust.

The enemy knight’s movements faltered. The once entirely red armor was now dirtied with soot.

And then…

The slow steps quickened. A gleaming gaze from within the enclosed helmet fixed on Shiron. A creeping fear made him more alert. The knight in red armor, Bernoulli, was charging towards the party, but Shiron was fully aware that he was the target.

“Watch out for puddles. Lightning will strike.”

“…Got it.”

Shiron warned Lucia. Taking a deep breath, Lucia forcefully stamped on the ground. Her wet, red hair rippled in the air. Swirling mana transformed into white blade energy, striking Bernoulli.


She tried to strike him down in one hit but couldn’t. A dark-red greatsword blocked Lucia’s attack. A brief struggle of strength ensued. Despite the amplified strength from mana, the enemy did not budge an inch.

The clashing swords separated. Bang! They clashed again and again, an unceasing exchange of sword strikes.

‘He’s good with a sword?’

[State your name.]

The voice originated from within the helmet, but Lucia didn’t respond. She knew it was better not to waste time talking when she could be landing another strike.

Lucia amplified the mana from her core even further. Her sword strikes became faster and more ferocious. The energy of her sword swelled. She abandoned the intent to kill with a single strike. Instead, she swung her sword wildly, aiming to break and dismember.

[Answer me.]

Lucia dismissed the command.

Despite wielding two swords, the whirlwind they generated was extraordinary. The bloody raindrops no longer reached her, and the heated breath from her elevated body temperature was intense.


Her breathing became labored.

Thump thump thump thump—

Her heart raced.

The accelerated sword strikes and slicing energy quickened her blood flow, with mana pouring from the intertwined vessels.

[This is a dishonorable fight.]

Lucia clenched her teeth instead of replying. What nonsense. In a life-or-death battle, where did honor come into play? The dense magical energy around her induced nausea, but her mind remained sharp. The heavy magic only strengthened her resolve to defeat the enemy confronting her.

At that moment, the Fire Spear Ornot struck Bernoulli from behind. Siriel, brandishing Ornot, had taken him by surprise.

‘I need to be wary of the puddles.’

Paba-paba-pat— The spear, infused with potent energy, struck repeatedly. The points of impact caved in and deformed, never regaining their original form. Siriel felt as though she were stabbing not air, but thick, sticky clay.

‘Why is it so difficult?’

Shiron’s spear couldn’t breach the armor. Despite her surprise, Siriel remained composed. The open space surrounding them was ideal for a combined assault.

‘The areas not yet turned into puddles…’

The enemy’s sole weapon was a single sword, and he possessed only two arms. There had to be a vulnerability. Siriel executed a flurry of spear thrusts. She enveloped the red spear in sword energy, causing brilliant flames to erupt from its tip.

The Red Knight leaped to the side. If he had continued to face their combined assault, defeat would have been certain. He stepped back—one step, three steps! He tried to narrow the range of incoming attacks. The pouring dual sword strikes were clearly visible.

Through his helmet, Bernoulli saw them: the dishonorable ones trying to cut, crush, stab, dig, and pierce him—trying to kill him!

On the red ground, the shadows of the three twisted and turned chaotically. It was like a painting; from a distance, it appeared as though they were snakes swirling in the desert.


A murky aura spread out from Bernoulli. Lucia’s eyes widened. Siriel clenched her eyes shut. She couldn’t open them. It felt as if sharp blades were trying to gouge out her eyes, the pain was unbearable.

No, ‘painful’ wasn’t sufficient to describe the agony that began to consume Siriel’s thoughts.



Suddenly, Siriel’s body was yanked forward. Someone had grabbed the coat tied around her shoulders.



Lightning struck right in front of Siriel.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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