Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 121: Familiar Worries

Chapter 121: Familiar Worries

On the main road to the Imperial Palace:

The line is incredibly long.

Lucia, after peeking out of the carriage window, retracted her head and spoke with exasperation. The procession in front of and behind Lucias vehicle made it impossible to move either way.

Itll take a while just to get in, wont it?

The reason is that this banquet is the Night of the Long Swords.

That name sounds quite grandiose.

Hugos response prompted Lucia to tilt her head. The earrings on her exposed shoulders, over her dress, jingled.

Its not just any banquet held once or twice a year. It needed a name to set it apart, I suppose.

Hugo chuckled at Lucias sulky expression.

In Rien, various social gatherings take place, but the Night of the Long Swords and the Assembly of the Sun are held in the palace, making them particularly prestigious. Its also an opportunity to show oneself to the royal family, hence the large turnout.

It wasnt only the attendees who seized the opportunity.

Noble families of the empire and delegations from friendly nations displayed their allegiances. By managing these groups in line, the royal family maintained its authority and showcased the empires grandeur.


Just as the carriage inched forward slowly, like a turtle, it came to a sudden halt.

-A brief inspection will take place.

The word inspection made Lucia turn her head sharply, but Hugo, as well as Siriel, who had joined them courtesy of Eldrina, and Shiron, sitting opposite, appeared unruffled.

Realizing the principle of stay quiet and youll get through, Lucia kept silent and feigned calm.

Theyre not going to search us physically, it seems.

True enough, after some bustling outside, a flash of colorful light swept over the carriage, signaling the end of the inspection.


After clearing a few more checkpoints, the carriage finally reached the building where the banquet was to take place.

Hugo, befitting his large frame, personally opened the door. A flurry of ether flashes burst forth, and the noise from outside rushed in. His keen hearing distinctly picked up the murmurs.

Its Hugo Prient.

Whos with him?

I dont see Lady Prient

The party disregarded the murmuring.

Watch your step.

Hugo offered his hand to Siriel, who delicately lifted her dress and descended from the carriage.

Taking a cue from Hugos gallant gesture, Shiron followed suit.

Lucia placed her hand in Shirons, and together they proceeded along the red carpet amid a cascade of ether flashes.

The esteemed sword of the empire and a living legend, the head of the Versailles family, Margaret Versailles.

A senator and the head of the Rozaille family, Count Mobillon Rozaille.

The guardian of the southern gate, General Igor.

Leader of the Red Lion Knights, Dexter Dras.

As they made their entrance, introductions reverberated throughout the grand space.

True to a banquet hosted by the royal family, there were no unfamiliar names among the guests.

And then, Hugo made his entrance.

The Empires finest swordsman, Hugo Prient.

His introduction was succinct. Unlike the others who were announced with grandeur, his was noticeably short.

Even those who had previously been inattentive now turned their gaze toward the entrance of the banquet hall.

Amidst many impressive warriors, Hugos stature rose above them all, making him particularly conspicuous.

What a hassle.

Hugo exhaled quietly and averted his eyes from those eager to greet him.

It looks like we wont be able to stay together.

Dont worry about me; go ahead. I also have some matters to attend to.

After separating from Hugo, Shiron quickly scanned the banquet hall.

The lavishly decorated hall, showcasing the authority of the royal family, filled with people of all sorts. Looking around, Shiron recognized about half of them, while the rest were strangers.

Among them, the Emperor stood out the most, receiving greetings from those lined up. The Emperor, leaning on a blue staff symbolic of the royal family, did not look well.

Whats this?

Narrowing his eyes, Shiron observed the Emperor, who seemed too young to need a staff.

He shouldnt be close to death yet.

Shiron tilted his head.

There were scoundrels causing trouble for Hugo. As he was checking them out, he made an unexpected discovery.


While counting the number of age spots that makeup couldnt hide, a young man approached Shiron.

Slightly curly blond hair. The familiar, kind eyes he had seen since childhood. The young mans behavior had become a bit arrogant.

But Shiron didnt take issue with it.

A little arrogance was permissible for someone involved in the struggle for imperial power. Shiron made a teasing gesture towards him.

Who do we have here if it isnt His Highness Victor?

Stop it, its creepy. Are you keeping your distance because its been a while?

Its not because its been a while.


Victor squinted, and Shiron shrugged nonchalantly.

Are you perhaps harboring an excessive fondness for me Im quite concerned.

Excessive fondness? What do you mean?

Its hard to explain with so many people around.

Shall we move to a quieter balcony?

No. Lets talk here.

Shiron immediately responded seriously.

A half-joking speculation but the situation was turning awkwardly uncomfortable. Shiron pulled Lucias shoulder and stepped away from Victor.

Victor made a suspicious face, then smiled at Lucia.

Its been a while, Lucia. Im glad to see youve been well over the break.

Yeah, I guess.

Anyway, its nice to meet after so long. I didnt want to meet in such a busy place, but Ive been too occupied.

What was the reason for sending the invitation?

Shiron turned his gaze away from Victor and looked around.

Engaging casually with a prince of noble status, he attracted a variety of conspicuous stares.

All from strangers.

Their looks were unkind.

Yet, Shiron didnt want to cause a scene here.

What business does His Highness Victor have with Their expressions revealed their thoughts, and although Shiron felt too deflated to protest, the message was clear.

The reason I invited you is



An annoying sound cut off Victors words. Shiron noticed Victors jaw clench briefly.


The voice that called the name wasnt Shirons. It bore a deeper tone, infused with blatant hostility and disdain.

The First Prince. Austin.

Whom are you talking to?

I was talking to a friend.

Victor replied, exhaling a sigh.

A strange smile spread across Austins face.

Is a friend more important than your brother? Ive been searching for you, dragging my weary body around.

I apologize.

Its a joke. Relax your fists.

I never did that. Ha ha

Victor laughed awkwardly, flexing his hands open and closed.

Really now?

The ensuing conversation forced Shirons eyes to widen.

With the Second Prince absent, Victor was caught up in the succession battle.

They were supposed to be rivals.

At the very least, equals.

Or at least they should have feigned as much

Hes completely under his thumb.

Victor was thoroughly dominated by Austin.

Just as a laugh almost slipped out, Shiron pressed down the corners of his mouth, stifling it.

is he doing okay?

Of course. But its nothing Your Highness needs to concern yourself with.

Even now,

Austin and Victor continued their conversation, treating Shiron as though he were mere scenery.

Hes still being schooled.

The act of summoning a subordinate to flaunt ones authority was not lost on Shiron; he understood how Austin perceived him.

Im also a target of their wariness.

Having decided on his next move, Shiron interjected in their conversation.

Prince Austin.

Though he had interrupted their conversation, Shiron bowed respectfully to Austin, whom he met for the first time. Despite his internal feelings, he recognized the importance of this gesture of respect due to Austins rank.

He still possessed the energy for such formalities.

Austin met Shirons gaze.

Hm? You know who I am?

Yes, how could I be unaware of the name and visage of one of the empires luminaries?

Ha ha. Thats rather flattering, I must admit.

Perhaps influenced by Shirons initial bow, Austin turned to engage him, appearing open to dialogue.

At ease. Ive been meaning to speak with you directly for some time.

Is that so?


Austin then cast a brief look at Lucia.

The impression Ive received from what Ive heard is quite different.

Austin caressed his chin with his slender fingers.


Shiron blinked in surprise, but Austin chuckled heartily, as if interpreting Shirons puzzled look.

Ive heard so much about your arrival at the royal court that Ive been eager to speak with you.

Thats fortunate. But

Shiron nodded.

Which rumor has reached the ears of His Highness?

Do you not recall? The one about Sir Hugos reckless nephew.

Ah, now I remember. Yes, there was such a rumor.

Shiron grinned as he looked down at Austin. Given that Austin was shorter, he had to tilt his head back to maintain eye contact with Shiron.

However, it appears that the rumor was overblown. I was told you had a scuffle with my brother, Victor Have you mellowed with age? Our exchange is more cordial than I anticipated.


Victor attempted to interject, but Austin flicked him on the chest, blatantly ignoring him and quashing his enthusiasm.

Shirons brow furrowed at this distasteful display.

Its true that you need to meet people face to face, to experience them for yourself.

Ha Your Highness speaks wisely.

People needed to be experienced to be understood.

Certainly, a true statement.

He knew Austin wasnt entirely good, but he hadnt realized until he experienced it firsthand that every action would be so disagreeable.

Ha ha. Ha

Feeling heat rise to his head, Shiron tried to cool down. His forehead was hot to the touch, and his sighs were heated.

Austin grinned at Shiron.

Why are you so restless?

He asked despite knowing the answer.

If youre feeling unwell, I can call the royal physician.

Its not that.

Shiron scratched the bridge of his nose.

I was just pondering something.

Is it something you can share? Maybe I can offer a bit of help.

Um Its a difficult matter to discuss.

Ask away. Im quite curious by nature.

Then, well.

Shiron nodded and smiled broadly.

I was contemplating whether to beat you up right here.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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