Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 125: The Beaming Crown Prince Maker (2)

Chapter 125: The Beaming Crown Prince Maker (2)

In the scriptures of Lucerne, there was a passage that all people in the world are sinners.

Now, because it was deemed too unreasonable, no one would utter this passage aloud, but Shiron had a particular fondness for it.

Isnt it like saying theres no one who doesnt come up dirty when shaken?

The next day. Before dawn had even broken.

There was someone who had arrived early at the meeting place.

He, like Shiron, was wearing a black cassock, and perhaps because of the early hour, the situation looked like a clandestine meeting of unclean criminals.

Brother. Are you prepared?

Of course.

Shiron greeted Cardinal Deviale with the sign of the cross.

I have been taught to destroy evil and pursue light. I always follow the teachings, so I am always ready.

A good mindset.

An exaggerated answer.

However, Cardinal Deviale did not take issue with it. The excessive zeal characteristic of a new priest could lead to mistakes, but Deviale preferred a brave fool over a coward.

Then lets go.


Nodding, Shiron followed closely behind Deviale. The two walked endlessly along the well-paved streets until they finally arrived somewhere.

Uniformed officers were surrounding a mansion. Shiron turned to look at Deviale.

Did the Cardinal arrange this?

Why would I do that?

Deviale sighed deeply.

I heard the Finance Minister requested protection.

Fleeing is one thing, but to be under house arrest Doesnt this make the Finance Minister seem like a victim?

I was thinking the same.

Deviale nodded and looked towards the mansion.

All the windows were boarded up, seemingly to prevent sniper or assassin attacks, which confused Deviales thoughts.

Whether hes truly a victim or just acting to divert attention, well know only after meeting him, but its clear this incident is no ordinary matter.

Deviale turned his gaze from the mansion to Shiron. The young mans face, clenching and unclenching his fist, was one Deviale had seen many times before.

Hes nervous.

Brother Shiron, theres no strong magic presence in the mansion. You dont need to be so tense.

Is it that obvious?

I have a lot of experience, you see.

Deviale patted Shirons shoulder and moved forward. A representative of the officers saluted him as if they had been informed in advance.

Weve been waiting for you.

The officers complexion was poor. Whatever the devil was, it relieved Shiron that their duties were clearly divided.

Given the situation, Deviale and Shiron entered the mansion without any obstruction.

The security became stricter as they moved inside.

Despite being from the historically desk-bound Schtraer family, heavily armed knights filled the mansion as if they were borrowed from somewhere else.

However, unlike being ready for battle at any moment, they could not hide the fear on their faces.

Deep inside the mansion.

Opening a thick iron door, they were greeted by another bizarre sight.

Ah, my lords, weve been waiting for you!

Finance Minister Strasser, clad only in a robe, welcomed the party.

The middle-aged face that met them was frankly a mess. The face was so drained of blood from terror, and the eyes were shadowed from days of sleeplessness.

But that wasnt all. Looking around the room, Shiron frowned.

What on earth is this?

In the middle of the room was a giant bathtub, surrounded by relics faintly imbued with holy power.

Is the water in that bathtub, perhaps, holy water?

Yes. Ive been bathing in the holy water more than ten times a day, fearing contamination.

Thats not cheap.

Is it not worth ones life? I can only maintain my sanity this way. To be alive means theres a purpose in spending money.

This makes the minister look like a victim.

What, what do you mean?

Strasser looked at Deviale with alarmed eyes. Deviale, stroking his lips, surveyed the room and said,

Well, it makes sense Wasnt the evil devils temple discovered in the basement of the ministers villa? Then, wouldnt he be the most likely suspect?

No, its not true!

Schtraer suddenly fell to his knees on the floor.

I dont know, I dont know why that terrible temple is in my villas basement! Im a devout believer, baptized by the church since birth! Please, please spare my life!

This is difficult for us. We have just arrived and need to hear the statements of the minister, who is under suspicion of heresy.

Deviale said this and attempted to help Strasser stand up, but he seemed to have collapsed in panic and couldnt rise.

Heretic A heretic


Deviale eventually gave up trying to calm Strasser down. This was a first, even in his decades as a clergyman.

What a situation. No trace of weak magic that would suggest contact with the devil, and he desperately claims innocence

Then theres nothing to be done.

Shaking his head, Deviale turned to Shiron.

Brother Shiron. Help me prepare to transfer the suspect to the cathedral.


To the cathedral?

Strasser, gripped by the shoulders, started.

You mean Im going to be interrogated for heresy

Dont misunderstand. If you are truly innocent, the cathedral will be safer than this mansion. At least its safer than these temporary measures, being in a sacred fortress.

Deviale reassured him and touched the trembling middle-aged mans forehead. A warm light emanated from his hand, and Schtraers eyes slowly closed.

Brother Shiron. What do you think?

Im not sure.

In response to Deviales question, Shiron looked down at the ground.

At the very least, his eyes didnt seem to be those of a liar. And.


As you know, Cardinal, theres not even a trace of weak magic in this room.

Shiron looked around the room.

For someone able to obtain the blood of a devil, its strange that theres no trace of heretical energy, especially being so close.

I agree.

Deviale nodded at Shiron. Unlike the villa with the evil temple, this room only radiated a sense of holy power, likely due to the holy water.

It feels like were further from the truth.

Lets move to the cathedral for now. And well need to request the dispatch of knights from the Empire of Blessings.


Shiron lifted the heavy, middle-aged man with one hand.

The next day, at the secondary palace of the First Prince.

Austins eyes widened at the news that had come since dawn.

What are you saying? The Finance Minister has been detained?

Yes, Your Highness. Please look at this first.

Austin quickly scanned the document handed over by the man.

A temple of heretics What does this all mean?

I dont know the details, but it seems that a temple of heretics was discovered in the basement of a villa owned by the Finance Minister. Because of this, His Majesty the Emperor issued a decree, and an investigation was promptly conducted. Its not even been two days since the incident occurred, and the Finance Minister is now in the cathedral.


Austin let out a disbelieving, hollow laugh. He was surprised, yet he felt no regret or anxiety.

He was merely astonished by an unexpected side of someone he had thought he knew well.

The Finance Minister. He didnt seem that way.

The Finance Minister had been known to attend services at the cathedral not only on weekends but also on weekday mornings. To those around him, he had seemed excessively fanatical.

Does everyone harbor secrets?

Austin felt conflicted as if he had uncovered the hidden affairs of a trusted subordinate that should have remained unknown.

Because he had dabbled in the peculiar practice of sorcery himself, he expected that there were others involved in heresy. However, he did not know that someone he had recently been drinking with was such a person.

Indeed. There are things one just cant understand.

Rubbing his eyes briefly, Austin looked away from the report and stared at the ceiling.

Then, slowly, Austins mouth opened.

You there.

Yes, Your Highness.

What do you see on that ceiling?

The ceiling, Your Highness?

The knight looked where the prince pointed.

There was a chandelier with its lights off.

I see a chandelier.

Just leave for now.


Without understanding the reason for this abrupt question, the knight quickly left the room.

Alone, Austin stared blankly at the ceiling.

He couldnt take his eyes off the splendid scene that had been capturing his attention.

Clouds were visible.

Rainbows were visible.

In the midst of the colorful and sparkling spectacle, it was then that Austin lost himself in this fantastical vision.

How strange.

A familiar voice echoed in his ears.

To say it echoed meant that it was a muffled, indistinct sound, making it hard to discern where it was coming from.

Thats not like him at all.

But the second sentence he heard was crystal clear.

Turning his head, he saw a man in exotic attire sitting by the window.

Boland When did you come in?

I have always been beside Your Highness.

Thats a tasteless joke. Its creepy, stop it.

Austin clicked his tongue sharply. It was bizarre the man hadnt been summoned, nor had a meeting been arranged, yet there he was. How did he breach the strict security of the imperial palace? Or rather When exactly had he entered the room?

Then lets have a proper conversation, not a joke.

As if sensing Austins suspicious gaze, Boland showed a strange smile on his gaunt face.

You need to be alert.

What are you saying? Is this some new advice?

I have a bad premonition.

Boland nodded his head and glanced at his wrist. As usual, there was nothing there, not even a watch.

A bad premonition?

Oh, its time for me to go.


In a fleeting moment, as Austin blinked, Bolands figure had disappeared.

But Austin wasnt surprised by this spectacle. Boland had always vanished suddenly like this in front of him, so it was a familiar, almost tedious sight.

And a week later.

Austin realized what the ominous premonition was about.

Five temples of heretics appeared in the mansions of those who had supported him.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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