Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 134: Past

Chapter 134: Past

Shiron is weaker than me.

Though she didnt say it out loud, Lucia believed it.

Putting talent aside, the biggest issue is his inability to use mana. Because of that, learning magic is a waste of time, and even if he learns swordsmanship, he cant use Qi. Is that all? Since he cant use internal energy, its hard for him to become a great martial artist.

Despite that,

Shiron didnt know when to back off.

Considering he got beaten up and fainted when he was young, wouldnt it have been better to avoid life-threatening battlefields?

Pride aside, knowing the dishonor of running away in a crisis, he should have given up long ago upon realizing he had a curse-like disability that prevented him from using mana.

This time was no different.

Where he had been fighting was unclear, but Shiron crawled back, covered in blood. Judging by the fact that he was wrapped around Victor, it seemed he had gotten involved in a nobles power struggle.

Though she spoke lightly, if she were to express her feelings at the time, she thought she was going insane with worry.

Was this what parents who leave their child by the waters edge felt? Lucia was filled with worry that Shiron might actually die.

If Shiron were to die,


Lucia tied her shoelaces. She strapped on her scabbard and followed Shiron, sword in hand.

I have to protect Shiron. Im stronger than him. And I have the ability to fully protect him.

It may have seemed arrogant, but Lucia was strong not just in her past life but in this one too. Her conviction only solidified after entering the academy and going through the adult ceremony.

The knight in the red armor. Facing that monster, which was no less terrifying than Yuma, seemed to require no desperate effort now.

If not me, who will protect Shiron?

Siriel? Seira? Or Yuma?

No, its not them. Im stronger than them, and I will become the strongest in the world.

With that triumphant thought, Lucia gripped her scabbard tightly.

This time is different.

Mastering the flow of mana was incredibly easy for her. Although it was in a past life, there was a time when she was known as the Sword Saint. Her skills remained sharp, her memories intact.

So, I have to protect him. Just like last time, Ill protect him this time too. I can do it, right? Thinking about it, it seems I wasnt very good at protecting people. But I once saved the world, so protecting just one person should be easy. Its nothing

Moreover, helping Shiron brought her joy. It was always a pleasure to be of help to others.

Yura had expressed something similar. It seemed so.

The act of sacrifice is in itself worthy of respect.

So, a person who sacrifices is a great person?

Of course. Even without any gain, enforcing the justice held in ones heart is noble! Isnt that cool?

I see

Kyrie, you want to be a cool person too, right?

Yeah. But, if its as you say, am I not already noble? Im already a great person. Do I need to do more?


Im great, so Ill endure.

Right. Its not much longer, so lets hang in there a bit more. Fighting!

That was the last conversation with Yura before the final battle. Lucias memory was crystal clear.

I can do it. I can do this! This time, I refused to wield the holy sword, so I can surely protect Shiron.

With that thought,

The door to the Alhyeon Room cracked open.

When the moment finally arrived, her body didnt tremble.

It was strange.

The ceiling was engulfed in a darkness that was visibly dangerous, a darkness that couldnt be dispelled even by holy light, something she had encountered only once in her past life.

Rare powers were generally dangerous.

Lucia knew this from her past life experiences.

Shiron wont be able to handle it.

From the far end of the Alhyeon Room to the door, despite the distance, Lucia sensed the impending crisis.

I have to step forward.

Lucia straightened her bent knees and stood up, ready to plunge her sword into the damned darkness at any moment.

That firm resolve crumbled the moment she saw the black ring.

Her legs gave way, and her lips turned pale.

From the ceiling, a black ring slowly fell.

Her gaze wavered, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Why is this happening?

Lucia couldnt comprehend what was unfolding before her.

Her hand holding the sword trembled violently, refusing to grip the sword firmly, let alone draw it.

It was strange. This shouldnt be happening; her body had always moved as she willed, even beyond that.

Why, of all times, was it causing trouble now?

The answer was replaced by a dreadful voice.


Though its appearance had changed, making her doubt her ears, the subsequent conversation confirmed that the corpse wearing the black ring was Jaganata.

Lucia couldnt forget that voice. How could she?

That thing killed Yura.

On the day of the final battle,

Yura died on her way to the battleground, with unsteady steps, trembling hands, and Kyries hand, wet with tears, in her grasp.

Kyrie survived, but Yura, being a mere human, was destined to die.

With a swung hand,


Its your fault.

Thus, the creature continued, mocking her repeatedly.

Mocking her until death, blaming Kyrie for Yuras death.

So, she tore it to pieces and killed it. But, the person who had gone did not return. Kyrie had already reached the demon in front of her, unable to even conduct a funeral for her best friend, guardian, and reliable colleague.

Its your fault.

Its not my fault. What nonsense. How could it be my fault? I did nothing wrong, I proved it through my actions. Even without Yura, I killed the demon!

Your nature drove your companion to death.

Despite her denials, that damned voice would not leave her head.


Youre still unable to draw your sword and charge in. Ive watched, so I know. Youre no hero. Just a spoiled, cowardly brat who cant do anything alone. Thats your true nature.

-Hey. Hey!

Lucia covered her ears, but it was futile. The voice ringing in her head couldnt be blocked by simply covering her ears.

The series of incidents at the imperial palace were urgently resolved.

After eliminating the cause, Austin, Shiron took charge of sorting out the deceased and injured, ensuring there were no disruptions in the administration. Fortunately, the emperor survived, and the cardinal, having regained consciousness, took over the emperors treatment.

However, a greater problem lay before Shiron.

Having borrowed a villa in the imperial palace, Shiron laid Lucia on the bed.

Why did you follow me?

Shiron sighed while looking at her visibly exhausted face. He was thankful for her willingness to follow without persuasion, but the situation had become inconvenient.

Shiron wanted to rest immediately after the intense battle. Was it because he had swung his sword beyond his limits? Or because he had exhausted his holy power? His body ached, and being exposed to the thick curse felt like burning.

I should be the one lying down.

Despite saying so, seeing Lucia finally calm down and fall asleep, Shiron felt a sense of relief.

Having known Lucia over the years, Shiron realized her spirit was fragile.

So, it wasnt that Shiron couldnt understand Lucias feelings.

Seeing the one who killed herself appear before her, wouldnt anyone panic and freeze?

That darkness. I definitely felt the demons power. Thats why. A child seeing the demons aura directly, its natural to be terrified and panic.

Seira, sitting across, spoke as if defending Lucia.

So dont be too hard on her. Thats what demons do.

I never said that.

But I clearly heard you just now?

You must have heard wrong because you were asleep.

Shiron, seemingly making excuses to Seira, retrieved a thick notebook from his bosom. He flipped through the pages until he found a blank spot, then did what he could in the moment.

[The higher the Reputation, the higher the probability of encountering an Apostle, and the lower the Reputation, the lower the probability of encountering an Apostle. Players are advised to keep this in mind.]

Shiron wondered why an Apostle had come to him.

The last Reputation level confirmed with Latera was -800.

Latera hadnt mentioned the detailed demerits afterward, but from his words that it was a close call, it likely hadnt decreased but had increased instead.

The function with Reputation as a variable follows a logarithmic rule, so its efficiency drops after a certain interval, but an Reputation level below -800 was sufficient to drop the probability of accidentally encountering an Apostle in the field to decimal places.

Yet, despite having lowered his Reputation as much as possible, he still encountered an Apostle. How could he be so unlucky?

So, once in seven years?

Shiron rubbed his heated eyes. Upon reflection, what he faced wasnt even an Apostle. Shiron was convinced that the beheaded angel was Jaganata, but it was not a weak opponent that could disappear with just Seiras bombardment.

The First Apostle Jaganata was as strong as its grandiose title of the first Apostle suggested. That probably wasnt its true body.

Such an event couldnt happen in Reincarnation of the Sword Saint, but this was reality. It was more accurate to think that things outside the system could happen.

So, even though theres a system, things not covered by it can still happen?

Shiron expanded his thought process to consider a wider range of possibilities.

Though he muttered to himself, he didnt disregard the information Jaganata had revealed.

The fact that Austin was supposed to become an Apostle, and the specific mention of the Prients prophecy, confuses me. Is there a backstory? Since it hasnt been revealed yet, it doesnt contradict the setting.

Yet, something was nagging and uncomfortable.

His uncertainty stemmed from the ring floating above his head, but indeed, Jaganata could read Shirons thoughts.

Just like Latera.

Having experienced Latera in the Heros Abode, he was quick to cut off the stream of thoughts. Thanks to this, even when facing Jaganata, they couldnt reveal the upper hand in information that they possessed.

Then, a thought occurred to him.

Did Latera appear in Reincarnation of the Sword Saint?

He remembered that she hadnt appeared. The Heros Abode was also unknown. In his past life, he had seen Kyrie fall, but it stopped there.


Thinking about it, the help Latera provided was significant in getting this far. Without her, surviving up to this point with his frail body, incapable of fully utilizing the system, would have been impossible.

He had received much help from those around him, but no one showed unwarranted kindness like Latera.

I cant keep her waiting any longer.

Shiron thought of the girl who must be waiting for him desperately.

There was a lot I wanted to ask.

Just as he was organizing his flood of thoughts,

Knock knock.

Someone knocked on the door of the room.

Should I send them away?

No need.

Shiron shook his head at Seira. Having spent quite a long time together, he could guess the identity of the uninvited visitor by the heavy footsteps approaching.

Shiron got up and walked towards the door.

Cardinal, what brings you here?

Opening the door, Shiron greeted Deviale.

Despite having heard of the intense battle, Deviales face bore signs of fatigue but not the shadow of death.


The usual gentle smile was nowhere to be found on his face.

You shouldnt be standing in your condition Please, come inside.

Then, excuse me.

Shiron glanced at the approaching cardinal, bowing his head.

Deviales steps into the room did not belittle Shiron.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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