Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 136: Organization

Chapter 136: Organization

The First Princes Rebellion

What Austin led was destined to be a significant event chronicled in future history books. Yet, despite its magnitude, the cleanup was swift.

Upon regaining consciousness, the emperor immediately set to work organizing the aftermath. Perhaps he was eager to erase the memory of his first son, Austin, who had not only dabbled in bizarre sorcery but also staged a rebellion?

Shiron speculated as much.

Under the guise of needing absolute rest, the emperor did not summon Shiron. Likely, apart from the staff residing in the main palace for medical treatment, he wasnt inclined to meet anyone face-to-face.

Shiron understood the emperors standoffish demeanor.

The funerals of the deceased.

The purification operation of the imperial palace.

And the long-delayed crown princes appointment ceremony.

Despite being the one who attempted a rebellion, Austin,

Regardless of the grief from losing a son, the current emperor had much to attend to.

He probably had no time to process his emotions, overwhelmed by his duties.


Shiron decided to return to his mansion. It was presumptuous to seek hospitality where resources were stretched thin, and there was no reason to linger in the detached palace.


Inside the rocking carriage, Shiron gazed at the gradually receding imperial palace with a distant look.

Then, his gaze shifted to Lucia, who sat opposite him, unable to meet his eyes.

Tha-that Shiron?

Feeling the weight of his silent stare, Lucia was the first to break the silence.

That It was my fault. So, dont just stare; say something.

Lucia tentatively addressed Shiron. Having silently alternated his gaze between the window and her It seemed he had something on his mind but chose not to voice it, leaving her in unbearable suspense.

Just looking, so dont mind.

However, contrary to Lucias hopes, Shiron didnt probe further. Since Lucia had fainted at the sight of the light, he refrained from delving into matters that might cause her distress again.

Just watching to see if she was okay.

However, contrary to Shirons intentions, Lucia thought Shiron was making a silent protest.

According to Seira, who had left for the mansion earlier due to an appointment, Shiron was worried about Lucia and could not rest properly despite the fatigue from battle. It was natural to feel a significant inconvenience.

Why did I do that?

Lucia bowed her head, sweating coldly. She couldnt understand why she had drawn her sword and rushed out, only to cower and tremble like a coward.

Was it because I was afraid Shiron would be killed by the self-light? Or because I might be attacked instead?

Despite considering various reasons, none seemed convincing. The most logical explanation was that she was terrified and had panicked.

However, apart from that, Lucia could not face Shiron properly.

Intense embarrassment.

She hadnt said it out loud, but the memory of boldly promising to protect Shiron and rushing out was vivid.

While dwelling on an unanswered question, Shirons tightly closed lips opened.



Startled, Lucia looked at Shiron. Her bent back straightened, and her fidgeting hands snapped up to rest on her knees.

I want you to honestly answer the question Im about to ask.

What is it

Why did you tail me?

Shiron stared piercingly at Lucia.

He did not ask why she had fainted. He already knew, and he was worried that Lucia might have another episode.

But, he needed to know why she had followed him.


From the annex to the imperial palace, you secretly followed. You hid your presence so well that I only noticed much later.


Lucia scratched her increasingly reddening cheeks and continued shyly.

You suddenly came in well, drenched in blood into the annex, carrying Victor on your shoulder. So, I wondered what had happened. But there was no chance to talk.

Siriel interrupted before me, asking questions, and you went upstairs, leaving Victor collapsed. I wanted to ask when you came down again, but you left without looking back

Lucia rambled on, her words unorganized in her head.

She couldnt bring herself to say that she had followed him, hoping to protect him in a moment of crisis.

Should I just be honest?

But she knew she would be mercilessly teased the moment she said it. It would have been a different story if she had just peeked through the door. But having teared up and fainted in fear, she couldnt say that either.

Now, in the moving carriage, there was nowhere to run.

I was worried about you.

After stalling for time, Lucia managed to give the best response she could.

I had a bad feeling. Seeing you covered in blood, it was natural to think you had returned from a battle, and going out again in that state, I thought you were heading back to fight?

So, I followed you. It wasnt really tailing. It was something I did out of concern. It was like trying to provide an escort!

With her face flushed red, Lucia ended her speech with a twitch of her mouth. Considering her flustered state, she had spoken well.

Shiron quietly observed Lucia, who was visibly excited.

So, next time, can I openly ask for your help?

Hm? Ask for help? Are you going to fight somewhere again?

No, thats not it. But you said you were worried and followed me.

Thats right.

Then youll worry every time I go to fight. Instead of making it complicated, just call on you when I need your help.

Is that how it works?

Lucia tilted her head, puzzled. Shiron leaned forward towards her.

Isnt that better, when you think about it? Why sneak around? It makes more sense to just come with me.


Lucia stared blankly at Shiron.

That makes sense?

Despite a bad feeling, Lucia couldnt think of any objections, so she accepted Shirons suggestion without much resistance.

Two days later.

Shiron knocked on Hugos office door.

Shiron, what brings you here?

Hugo, with glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, greeted Shiron with a bright face. The emperor wanted to keep the incident at the imperial palace a complete secret, but Hugo had roughly heard about Shirons exploits.

Are you feeling alright?

He didnt chide Shiron for the reckless act. According to what he heard through Deviale, Shiron was indeed a descendant of the hero that met Hugos ideals.

Im fine. I wanted to visit as soon as I returned, but Im sorry I couldnt. But more importantly

Shiron lightly brushed off Hugos somewhat burdensome gaze. It was because the gaze of a guest who had arrived earlier kept drawing his attention.

Its been a while.

Cardinal Deviale. Upon seeing Shiron enter the office, he got up from his seat to greet him.

Cardinal, what brings you here? Werent you busy with the aftermath?

Im here to see Sir Hugo as part of my duties. The autumn expedition is approaching, after all.

Deviale looked at Hugo and Shiron alternately with a kind smile.

Such fate exists.

He had discussed a successor with Johan during the last expedition, and seeing them together now, the picture seemed perfect.

A successor to Hugo, who had shown unparalleled skills in the history of the empire, couldnt be just anyone.

The skills Shiron displayed, as witnessed by Deviale, could indeed fill the void left by Hugo, making his heart feel reassured.

After confirming that Hugo and Shiron had taken their seats on the sofa, Deviale opened his mouth to continue the conversation.

I heard that Master Shiron has also discussed participating in the next expedition in advance. If thats the case, I believe youre fully qualified to discuss the next expedition here. What do you think, Sir Hugo?

Of course.

Hugo nodded in agreement. Despite the turmoil in the imperial palace, preparations for the upcoming expedition, which could not be delayed due to monsters crossing the mountains, had to proceed without regard for their personal circumstances.

However, Shiron hadnt come here to say something that aligned with their expectations.

Theres something I need to discuss regarding that expedition.

Shiron declared to the two middle-aged men facing him.

Dont go on the expedition.

What do you mean?

Hugo asked, his eyes widening.

Didnt you say last time that you would accompany the next expedition? Have you changed your mind since then?

Yes. My mind has changed.

Shiron answered crisply, without hesitation.

Uncle, have you heard about the rebellion that recently took place in the imperial palace?

Of course, I have. But what does that have to do with the expedition?

The issue is that youre handling most of the suppression alone.

Shiron looked at Hugo, his eyes wide with concern.

The occurrence of a rebellion suggests that its acceptable for the country to be in temporary chaos, doesnt it?


The princes casually engaging in political strife, killing each other. When facing an external threat, we should be uniting more! But they engage in such foolish acts because the external threat doesnt seem real. Isnt that the case?

What was he talking about? Not only Hugo but even Deviale couldnt grasp Shirons point.

From ancient times, its been said that internal turmoil can be resolved by directing it against external enemies. Isnt it strange that every expedition is resolved with minimal damage? If the monsters were to invade their front yards, they wouldnt engage in such unproductive foolishness, would they?

After expressing his thoughts, Shiron took a deep breath.

I think its necessary to realize the void left by my uncles absence.

The talk of not getting good recruits lately was part of it. If they were sensible, they wouldnt engage in acts to counterbalance Hugo.

Ive thought for a while that my uncle has been working too hard alone. Right. How about you take a break and go on a vacation with great-aunt?

I think so too.

Deviale decided to support Shirons argument.

Though initially hard to agree with, Hugos bespectacled appearance swayed his thoughts.

Hugo needed a rest. Hadnt Deviale explicitly said so after the last expedition?

Sir, you know your skills are not what they used to be. Whipping a running horse only goes so far before the legs break.

Even the Cardinal

For political purposes and considering your well-being, I recommend you take a rest.

Hugo did not reply, only pursing his lips.

Seeing this, Deviale decided to pour out the words he had been holding back.

Come to think of it, isnt it about time Sir Johan considered retirement? To reorganize and let Sir Johan rest comfortably. Its not just about other families checks and balances, but no knightly order would want to join if they see its being run into the ground until death.

I get it, I get it. Lets do it that way.

Hugo, overwhelmed by the barrage of words, waved his hands in a panic.

Seeing this, Shiron rubbed the back of his neck.

Did it go well?

He wanted to say they needed to go to the holy land to save Latera instead of an expedition, but couldnt bring himself to say it directly. Surprisingly, the unexpected support made persuasion easier.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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