Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 138: The Holy Land Brahham (1)

Chapter 138: The Holy Land Brahham (1)

It wasnt only Lucerne that worshipped the right god and had a theocratic structure.

The Desert Kingdom of Daviard also worshipped the right god and was a nation operated based on theocracy. Before Kyries death, they, like other ethnic groups, believed in the false god. The story that the entire nation converted after the death of a great hero was not easy to accept.

Moreover, their conversion was not due to external forces like Lucernes missions; despite believing in the same god, their culture and system of worship were intriguingly different from Lucernes. The fact that Kyries tomb was there added to the intrigue.


While reviewing information about the holy land, Shiron unfolded a map from his pocket. The distance from Rien to Daviard was quite far. However, he did not ponder on how to get there.

Shiron gestured towards a magician with a blank expression.


There was a convenient means of transportation here. Among the five in the world who could use teleportation, Seira was Shirons guest. Indeed, what could be more rational than seeking her help?

Although Seiras teleportation magic required the place to be familiar enough to have coordinates remembered, Brahham was where Seira had offered flowers at Kyries tomb for hundreds of years. Seira immediately recalled the coordinates of Brahham.

Its Brahham in Daviard, right?

Yeah. The two Brahhams.

Just as Shiron was about to tap Lucias shoulder in response, Siriel approached him with a sorrowful expression.

How long will it take this time?

Faced with Siriels blocking demeanor, Shiron looked troubled.

It wont take long.

Youre not going to disappear for years like last time, are you?

Ill come back as quickly as I can.

You mean, it could take years?

It definitely wont take years. At most, a few weeks even if I hurry.

Just as tears were about to fall, Shiron gently wiped Siriels teary eyes with his hand.

I think something like this happened 5 years ago too

Facing a situation not so different from before, Shiron couldnt help but see Siriel as still a child.

I, I wanted to go on a trip with you too.

Its not a trip.

Dont get hurt, sob

Ill try not to. So dont cry, okay?

Shiron said gently as he wiped away the flowing tears with a handkerchief. Then, as if making up her mind, Siriel grabbed his collar tightly.

Then, just do me one favor.

I wish I could take you with me

Its not that.

What exactly is she asking for?

Shiron felt troubled by Siriels whims. While it was good to have won Siriels heart, it was too much. However, Shiron didnt openly show his discomfort. The reason Siriel liked him was bigger than he thought.

Siriel was mouthing words as if deciding what to say, and Shiron felt a sinking feeling. The force pulling on his collar was too strong to resist.

Their lips met.

Thats the request done.


Shiron, caught off guard by the sudden event, licked his lips without saying a word.

Siriel wasnt the only one surprised by the sudden turn of events.


Lucia also had a shocked expression. Given the serious atmosphere until now, her mouth was half-open in surprise.


Seira, preparing the teleport, let out a deep sigh.

Young ones these days have no shame, doing whatever they want in front of others.

Are you ready?

Yeah, seems so.

Shiron, without turning his head, placed his hand on Lucias shoulder. Then, a sensation of lightness and a slight dizziness were felt immediately.

Along with that, the cool air was covered by a wave of intense heat. The feeling of their feet sinking deep into the ground was felt.


Shiron, with a hint of regret, looked ahead.

A grand desert, and beyond it, a fortress encircled like a white band was visible.

That place is Brahham.

Having confirmed their destination, Shiron turned to look at Lucia, who still seemed dazed, as if she was suffering from motion sickness, buried in a pile of sand.

He briskly lifted Lucia, shaking the sand off her clothes.

Lets get going.


Lucia, without properly dusting off the falling sand, moved forward blankly.

They increased their pace. Running in the scorching heat seemed like madness, but they did not feel the heat at all. The white band on the horizon drew closer.

After a while, a group approached from the horizon.

Covered in black cloth from head to toe, they stretched out their hands as if to stop the two.


Shiron and Lucia complied without panic at the sudden appearance of the group. A bulky figure, seemingly the leader, approached them.

Identify yourselves.

Shiron smiled warmly at the figure who appeared to be the captain. He did not want to cause unnecessary trouble with those who had not first brandished their swords.

Just pilgrims.

Your affiliations and names. And explain your purpose in detail.

I am a priest from Lucerne, a noble from Rien. My name is Shiron Prient, and as I just said, I wish to enter Brahham for a pilgrimage with my younger sister.

Wanting to add credibility to his claim, Shiron pulled out a rolled-up credential certificate and presented it forward.

The leader reached out as if to inspect it. The hand that was extended was covered in a gauntlet, and the sound of armor clinking could be heard from within the black cloth.

Though their identities were hard to discern due to the black cloth covering them, Shiron had a feeling he knew who the group was based on the brief information given.

[Brahhams Guardians]

They were all paladins of Brahham, possessing the mystical power known as the Lions Eye.

Back to the annexs backyard.


Seira wiped the sweat beading on her forehead with her sleeve. Teleportation magic was indeed demanding. It felt like her dantians mana was completely drained, leaving her body devoid of strength.

Though she wanted nothing more than to collapse onto a bed and sleep, Seira did not immediately leave her spot.

A girl stood stiffly in the absence of her departed lord. Seira couldnt bear to leave Siriel alone.

How pitiful.

Seira, as if she were an elder looking back on youth, sent a compassionate gaze filled with a sigh.

Though it was usually considered rude to look at someone with pity, this situation was an exception. How could one not want to comfort and encourage her, emitting such a pitiful atmosphere?

Not only that.

Seira was aware of the tangled emotions between Siriel and Shiron. Siriel would sometimes talk about Shiron when learning magic from Seira, and Seira could painfully discern how deeply in love the girl was from her behavior.

To the extent of blatantly kissing in front of her

No, was it fortunate that it stopped there? Given the depth of love, Siriel could have clung to his clothes, crying not to go, to take her with him, but she did not.

What a brave girl.

Seira slowly moved towards the girl, feeling the sting of unrequited love.

Flutter Tremble

Despite her limbs trembling from mana exhaustion, Seira still had enough strength to offer comforting words and gestures to the likable girl.

Thus, Seiras hand gently patted Siriels back.

You just need to train harder.

The kid couldnt help it. Teleportation can only take up to two people. And the destination is Brahham, after all.

Brahham was known for its daily sandstorms and poor security.

Although she hadnt done it recently, Seira, who had offered flowers at Kyries tomb for hundreds of years, knew quite a bit about what kind of place Brahham was.

Besides, you need to go to the academy, right? As someone whos been through life, I advise you, its good to attend school.

Kyrie also regretted not learning many things. When the nobles and the staff of the expedition criticized her for not having a long enough strap on her bag, she couldnt retort and just spent the night sniffling and chewing on the blankets edge.


Siriel dabbed her tears with a handkerchief and sighed. Then, she lifted her head to look at Seira.




Siriel clasped Seiras hand. Due to their proximity, Seira could see Siriels face from a close distance.

A face without a trace of tear streaks.


Confusion spread across Seiras face.

It was hard to believe that this was the same person who had been sorrowfully crying just moments ago, as the girls face was clear and transparent.

Unconcerned with Seiras puzzled expression, Siriel spoke emotionlessly.

Please prepare.

Prepare for what?

The teleportation. We need to follow them.

Siriels statement was made without hesitation, as if it was the most natural thing.

But that wasnt all.

Somehow, she was holding two large travel bags. It wasnt just being well-prepared; it was clear she never intended to stay behind, to begin with.


Siriel was planning to sneak along despite having received a parting kiss. Seiras eyelids fluttered at the greed apparent in her actions.

No you, youre not letting go?

Seira attempted to shake off Siriels hand with a firm rejection. However, perhaps due to the fatigue enveloping her body, she couldnt free her arm from Siriels grasp.

What strength?

Why not?


Strength alone wouldnt work. Realizing this, Seira decided to persuade Siriel instead.

I cant use teleportation.

You just did it perfectly a moment ago.

You might not know, but teleportation is an extremely difficult grand magic to use. Just one use completely drains the cores mana, making it impossible to use again even if I wanted to!

Seira exhaled sharply as she spoke.

Yet, despite Seiras pitiful plea, Siriel did not let go of her.

Siriel, blushing and fiddling with her lips, showed a determination that couldnt be seen as giving up.

Sure enough, Siriel began to send pitiful glances.

Teacher, please.

I cant, even if you look at me like that


Stop it!

Seira extended her hand as if to push away Siriels suddenly advancing face.

Even so, Seira was conscious of her softening resolve. Having acceded to Shirons requests over the past few years, Seira had become susceptible to persistent pleas.

Teacherrr, I need your help.

Siriel did not miss Seiras weakening will. She began to whimper and squeeze out tears just like before.

The core can be replenished quickly in the training room, right?

Followed by pitiful glances.

If I listen to you, will that be the end of it!

Seiras stubborn attitude lasted less than 10 minutes.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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