Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 156: Shadowed Face

Chapter 156: Shadowed Face


It wasnt a word to be taken lightly, even while leisurely chewing on sweets. Wasnt there something grand about it? Wasnt engagement considered a trivial matter in the noble society of the empire? Shouldnt it be a significant event that decided the fate of two people?

Is it okay to speak of it so lightly?

As these thoughts rapidly crossed his mind, Shiron calmly set down the teacup he was holding. Eldrinas lips curved into a smile at his markedly different behavior from the rough and vulgar actions he had taken just moments before.

Youre not panicking. I thought youd at least stutter, even if you didnt spit out the tea you had in your mouth

Its just an engagement, after all. You also clearly stated its nothing grand.

Is that so? Then this will be quick.

Eldrina chuckled as she gazed at Shiron, who glanced at Latera trembling beside her.

Does being quick mean its a matter that can be decided as long as I express my intention?


Siriels thoughts on this has already been asked long ago

Ah, thats not what I mean.

Eldrina waved her hand dismissively.

This is purely my own decision.

But, as you know, if it were Siriel, she would want to proceed with the wedding ceremony right away, not just an engagement. Think of this engagement as something akin to a surprise gift.

I see.

Upon hearing this, Shiron closed his eyes and sank deep into his chair. The woman in front of him, Eldrina, was not normal. He had felt it before, but right now, the thoughts he had been turning over in his mind were quickly becoming convictions.

No, am I the one whos not normal?

Strategic marriage.

The word that came to mind summarizes the current situation.

Without seeking the individuals consent, a parent decides who their child would be engaged to, treating such a potentially once-in-a-lifetime act as a mere gift. To Shiron, who had always mingled with high society without being constrained by financial concerns and had frequently been in the company of high-ranking individuals, the noble society to which both Eldrina and she belonged felt distant.



Shiron didnt find Eldrinas proposition to be uncomfortable.

If were talking about my will, Im not indifferent towards Siriel. So, I view this engagement positively.

Thats good to hear.

Eldrina nodded a few times before speaking. For a moment, her eyes narrowed as she looked at Shiron.

But not being indifferent?

Eldrina was uncomfortable with Shirons vague manner of speaking.

Should I interpret it as you having a fondness?

Why do you ask?

Its neither a clear expression of liking nor a denial of the possibility, which bothers me.

It seems you could just let it pass.

Ive known you for more than a day or two. I think its best to clarify even the minor things in preparation for any eventuality.

Eldrina no longer smiled. She put away the fan that had been covering her lips and faced Shiron with a stern expression, a face she never showed in social settings. However, this was because Eldrina had some understanding of the person named Shiron.

Shiron Prient, the nephew of her husband, was not someone who acted without thought. Sometimes he acted cautiously according to the situation, and at other times, he acted impulsively. Eldrina understood this as the inherently aggressive nature of ancient martial arts.

And Eldrina knew how to handle them.

To ensure clear fact-checking, to leave room for flexible handling of future situations. Thats how she somewhat dropped her pretense.

I wish for Siriels happiness and cannot bear to see the engagement twist into a breakup.

Hmm, I understand your concern. May I speak more frankly?


You might find it uncomfortable or even get angry at what Im about to say. Being a person who has not been careful with words but has repeatedly succeeded in certain environments

Im broad-minded.

Eldrina chuckled in response. She knew she was thorough and sharp about Hugo more than any other woman, but she thought the phrase broad-minded could apply to her in other aspects. Of course, Shiron agreed as well.

Over the past six years, Eldrina had not interfered much with Shiron and Lucia. To put it negatively, it was indifference, but since she mostly granted their wishes, Shiron had no choice but to agree with her words.

Im a person who worries a lot.

Oh, it doesnt seem like it.

As much as I worry, there are many things I fail to take care of. In a situation facing a tiger, one cannot pay attention to ants gathering, right?

So, theres a more significant issue unresolved than getting engaged to Siriel Should I understand it like that?


It wasnt a situation where one could fully concentrate on love. A compromise where neither Siriel gets hurt nor Eldrinas pride is damaged. Shiron was speaking as elegantly as possible.

Have you ever thought that the world could end tomorrow?

Well Ive thought a few times that it would be nice if it did. If that thought doesnt just end as a thought and becomes reality, I can understand why you wouldnt be fully focused on your engagement with Siriel.

Thank you for understanding.

Right now, the Makal Mountains hadnt collapsed, and not only Lucia but also Glen was still alive. Even if the Demon God awakened from a long sleep, it should hold up for a while.

But thats not the only reason for my vague answer.

Is there another reason?

Its sudden. Im not well-versed in the culture of the nobles, but is it common for engagement matters to come up around this time? Or, I think it feels a bit late to call it an engagement.

Um I hope you wont feel bad about this.

With those words, Eldrina made a call and requested something to be brought over. Moments later, she held several envelopes tied together with a string.

Whats that?

Shirons gaze shifted back and forth between the bundle of envelopes and Eldrina, filled with curiosity. Eldrina selected one and gave it a shake.

These are marriage proposals for Siriel.

Marriage proposals?

Yes, as youre aware, Siriels appearance is exceptional, and shes renowned for her outstanding martial prowess. After all, she carries the bloodline of the empires strongest.

So, weve been receiving these kinds of offers since she was very young. Naturally, Ive rejected all of them.

Youve had a hard time.

Its been far from easy. Despite my husbands close ties to the emperor, the sheer number of nobles sending marriage proposals is overwhelming. This includes prestigious martial families like the 3 Dukes and the Versailles, making outright rejections challenging.

Eldrina let out a deep sigh. For a brief moment, a shadow crossed her face, aging her. After rubbing her neck a few times, she leaned on the armrest and continued.

I had hoped to wait until Siriel was older, but Ive grown very tired of it all.

Um Its quite shocking. I had no idea such discussions were happening behind my back.

Shiron crossed his arms and frowned, troubled by the thought that Siriel, whom he considered a sure bet, might slip through his fingers

I wasnt entirely indifferent.

Observing the young mans troubled expression, Eldrina allowed herself a subtle smile before regaining her composure.

Now that Ive mentioned it, it might seem like Im pushing for Siriels engagement just to lighten my own burden.

I fully understand your situation.

However, understanding alone isnt enough. Thats why Ive prepared some benefits youll receive by getting engaged.

Benefits you say?


Eldrinas smile widened slightly. She noticed a flicker of eager anticipation in Shirons eyes.

I can fill in what you lack on my end.

Such as?

For example, I can grant you a noble title that you lack.

The reason Eldrina could wield influence in the social circle was not solely due to Hugos fame but also because she was born into nobility, known as Countess Ailurus.

Even if Siriel loves you, the world cannot survive on love alone. So, Ill do my best to bestow a title upon you. At the academy, theres no need for you to be perceived in the same manner as those riffraff who graduate without inheriting a title.

Even if you are the rightful heir to the esteemed Prient family.

The significance of being an heir has vanished.

Shiron thought of Lucia at the academy.

Since Lucia became the head of the family, she would remain the head of the Prient family unless something extraordinary happened.

And thats not all.

Eldrina took out a stiff piece of paper she had been holding.

The debt of 70 million shillings attached to you. I can somehow settle it. Of course, its a significant loss for me.

Um I had forgotten about that.

Did you intend to just ignore it?

Eldrina looked at Shiron as if he had simply forgotten.

No, thats not it.

Shiron took a sip of tea, caught off guard that his overdue card debt would be mentioned here, and burst into laughter involuntarily.

I wasnt worried because its an amount I can repay at any time.

Boasting isnt good.

Eldrina narrowed her eyes. 70 million shillings was an amount that easily surpassed the defense budget of a small duchy. She couldnt fathom why Shiron was laughing in this situation.

Its not boasting. If you want, I can repay it right now.


Of course. I know many ways to make money.

If thats really the case I wont pry further.

Eldrina decided to withdraw from Shirons confident assertion.

Then, can we view the engagement positively?

Would discussing it further just lead us in circles?


Eldrina smiled with satisfaction.

Well need to start by measuring the ring size.

Meanwhile, at the academy, Lucia leisurely strolled through the courtyard.

Why isnt anyone challenging me?

While thinking this, she looked around. Her attachment to studying at the academy had dwindled. Prepared for expulsion due to unexcused absences, she had resolved to beat anyone who dared pick a fight with her to a pulp, as usual, upon returning to the academy.

However, strangely, no students came forward to challenge Lucia.

Just a few months ago, classmates and upperclassmen would come in groups to challenge her to duels. Having given up on her academic aspirations, her disappointment was not insignificant.

So, its settled then?

Thats for the best, she thought, heading to the cafeteria to get lunch. After a moment, Lucia spotted a familiar figure.



Gracie Versailles, a friend she had made through Siriel, turned around.

Whats wrong, Gracie? Why do you look like that?

But something was off. The face of the friend she had joyfully called out to bore dark shadows under her eyes, and her shoulders were drooped, making her look so unwell that Lucia was immediately concerned something had happened. It was a stark contrast to Lucias demeanor.

Did someone hit you?

What are you talking about? As if Id let anyone beat me up. More importantly, where have you been all this time? You missed the opening ceremony and classes.

Ah I had some things to take care of.


Yeah. But its nothing to worry about. Everythings going to be fine now.

Thats a relief. You seemed to be having a hard time, and I was worried.

Gracie didnt press for details. As a friend who sincerely worried about Lucia, always finding herself in unwanted trouble, she managed to smile genuinely at her friend who she hadnt seen in a long time and who had now returned looking cheerful.

However, despite her feelings, there was something unsettling about Gracies smile.

If its not about being hit is there another problem?

Lucia noticed and cautiously asked.

Well there is a problem. But its not just me. I wonder if Im worrying over nothing.

What is it?

At Lucias question, Gracie glanced around the cafeteria. Roughly half, maybe even more, of the students wore gloomy expressions on their faces.

A conscription order has been issued.

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