Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 68: Dangerous When Alone

Chapter 68: Dangerous When Alone

While Johan led his knights to scout the lodgings, Shiron took Lucias hand and headed to a secluded place.

Of course, the place Shiron sought wasnt some desolate alleyway prone to crime. Due to the Subjugation Festival being one of the most significant on the continent, many influential people from neighboring countries and from the higher circles attended it. Shiron thought that there must be a quiet and pleasant space for just them.

Soon after, Shiron found an unexpected location that suited his needs. After wandering around the train station, he ended up on the 6th floor. The viewpoint offered wide views of sprawling meadows through its glass windows.

Its better now.

Shiron took several deep breaths, as if to calm himself. Whether before or after his transfer to this world, Shiron disliked crowded places. Especially when the source of chaos were burly figures it wasnt strange that he was almost in a state of panic.

Having heightened senses isnt always a blessing.

With the vast open landscape as his backdrop, Shiron took a sip of cold water. His unusually sharp sense of smell gave him nausea and dizziness. The imposing aura of the men wandering around wore him out more than expected.

Who wouldve guessed Id have such a terrible experience?

In his past life, the game Reincarnation of the Sword Saint certainly had many strong women in it. So, thinking about it now, a decade later, the situation didnt seem much different.

Thankfully, Lucia is here.

To shake off his unsettled feelings a bit, Shiron gazed at the girl sitting beside him.

What are you looking at?

Lucia shifted a bit, startled by the sudden gaze.

Just grateful that youre here.

Are you sick? Why are you being so creepy?

Lucia shivered, rubbing her arms. Whether or not it was a joke, Shiron continued to smile at her without looking away.

Its those big guys wandering around that are creepy.

Shiron, who mumbled weakly, looked a bit pale. Has Shiron ever looked this worn out before? Such thoughts made Lucia soften. A conversation that usually wouldve continued was cut short. Unable to press him further here, Lucia quietly stood up.

Due to the throbbing in her head, Lucia left Shiron, who was nearly slumped in his chair, to look around the station.

Promotional posters on the pillars. Quaintly packaged souvenirs. Old snacks popular with the elderly.

[Beware of Lost Children: Do not leave your child unattended.]

Among them was a warning sign that seemed out of place, but Lucia lost interest quickly. There was no reason for a child to be at this sweaty festival, nor was there a reason for Lucia to get lost.

Guess this isnt just a festival in name.

Gazing at the clear scenery through the glass, she murmured. An unfamiliar band played unknown instruments, and makeshift buildings made of wood and tents were filled with burly figures in armor.

Compared to that, the viewpoint she was in seemed relatively peaceful.

There were plush sofas facing the massive glass window and readily available snacks, but few enjoyed them.

A middle-aged man with a finely groomed mustache, a man in completely white medium armor, and a female knight Johan pointed out earlier.

Excluding Shiron and Lucia, there were only three, but all of them were looking at Lucia.

Whats with these guys?

Without showing her irritation, Lucia turned away from the window. She then approached Shiron, shielding him from their gazes. The subtle stares, though not overtly hostile, irked Lucia.

Is this what Knight Johan was talking about?

Before coming here, Johan had warned that looking down upon others could lead to trouble. Lucia, who was rarely underestimated in her life, reflexively sent a displeased signal to them.


A clicking sound came from someones mouth.

Then, the three changed their gaze to an even more overtly curious one.

Ah Im just a kid right now.

It was a blunder. Lucia rubbed her temples. She was currently not her past self, but a mere child. She regretted not acting more like her age and showing her fear.

Step, step.

And then, among them, the female knight moved. Seemingly conscious of the gaze from the other two, she was the first among the three to step forward and approach where Lucia was standing.

Upon getting closer, the female knight, perhaps trying to put the tense Lucia at ease, removed her helmet.

Little one, who did you come here with? Do you not have a guardian with you?

Upon removing her helmet, a refined beauty was revealed. The brown-haired woman, without dropping her guard, gifted Lucia a smile.

Its dangerous for a child to be here without guardians. What if a witch appears and takes you away?

Who are you?

Lucia, trying to suppress her irritation a little, responded. If the other party wasnt being hostile, its better to refrain from speaking harshly. She wasnt in a position, as she was in her past life, to speak recklessly.

The knight, noticing Lucias guarded posture, blinked and broke into a warm smile.

My apologies for not introducing myself sooner. My name is Ailee Suarez. I lead the One-Horn Mercenary Group.

A mercenary?

So she wasnt a knight but a mercenary? Lucia cast a doubtful glance at the woman who introduced herself as Ailee.

Yes, dont you know? Its a group made up entirely of women.

Im not interested in that. We already have a group. They will be here soon. Hey, wake up.

Lucia shook Shiron to wake him up. On closer inspection, Shiron had fallen asleep.

What happened

Shiron tilted his head to look up at Lucia. His eyelids were still half-closed, betraying his lingering drowsiness.

Wake up. What will you do if you sleep here?

I fell asleep?

Shiron sprang up from the sofa. He seemed very flustered, as if he hadnt even realized hed fallen asleep.

Do you have some business with us?

Shiron then cast a skeptical look at Ailee. Ailee chuckled at his reaction, which wasnt too different from the redheads.

No, I didnt really have any business with you. But

Finishing her statement, Ailee swiftly scanned the surroundings. Including her, only three people remained at the observatory.

The man in the white armor and the middle-aged man with the mustache had left the observatory.

Someone tried to do something strange to you. I tried to keep an eye out for you, but it seems Ive made myself the target instead.

Something strange?

Yes, didnt you feel strangely lethargic out of nowhere? Like just now.

Ailee looked at Shiron as she spoke. Her gaze seemed to say that Shiron might have been targeted by some deceptive spell.

Should I thank you?

Shiron said with a lukewarm smile, looking at the insignia etched on Ailees armor. A horse with horns. It was something he hadnt seen in the game.

Ailee chuckled, waving her hand dismissively.

Its okay. I didnt do it for thanks. In a way, its for my benefit.

For your benefit?

Lucia took a step towards Ailee and questioned. Perhaps because she behaved rudely to the noblewoman, Lucia felt somewhat uneasy.

Yes, my heart is bound by an oath.

You dont have to say more. Well accept your goodwill.

Shiron gave a slight bow to her and pulled on Lucias arm. Through the glass window, they could see Johan and his group of knights approaching.

Sh-Shiron?! Why are you doing that?

Lets go.

Lucia, slightly taken aback, followed Shiron as he tugged her along.

Ailee watched as the two children quickly left the spot, and she remained in the now empty observatory for some time.

Shiron quickly rejoined his group and entered the accommodations Johan had arranged.

The place they arrived at resembled a nomadic tent, the kind one might expect wandering tribes to live in. Johan had rented ten of these traditional houses, mainly used by the indigenous people of the Arwen Plateau, inclusive of the allotment for the knights.

I have something to discuss with you, Knight Johan.

Shiron, sitting near the central hearth, called Johan and Lucia over.

We encountered a witch at the observatory earlier.

A witch?

Lucia widened her eyes, leaning towards Shiron.

You mean a witch wearing armor? Not a pointed hat or robe?

Theres no rule saying a witch cant wear armor and wield a sword.

Can you explain why you think she was a witch?

Johan, with a serious expression, stroked his beard.

She mentioned that her heart was bound by an oath. As far as I know, binding ones heart with an oath isnt magic. Its more akin to a curse used by particular individuals.

I see what you mean.


Lucia turned to Shiron, opening her mouth.

She said she was the leader of a mercenary group. Why would she lie about that?

I dont know. She could have stolen the position from someone whos already dead, or maybe she formed the mercenary group just for fun.

Shiron paused, gazing at the fire for a moment.

But one thing is certain. You and I had a conversation with a witch.

It seems like youve earned some demerits.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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