Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 75: A Day In The Army

Chapter 75: A Day In The Army

The sheer number of beasts pouring out was so vast that they couldnt be described even with magic. She had never seen such an army, even in my previous life. However, despite their large numbers, they werent particularly difficult to deal with.

Shiron had scampered away like a scared dog.

Lucia took several short breaths. She could feel mana spreading from her fingertips throughout her body. Although she didnt need any mana to deal with these creatures individually, Lucia purposely infused her Dark Iron Sword with strong energy.


The ground trembled, and the beasts were rapidly approaching. Yet, she didnt retreat. Instead, she took a step toward the onslaught of creatures.

Suddenly, as if things had turned in her favor,

a creature opened its wide mouth, revealing its red gums, attempting to swallow her.

Damn it!

Lucia spat out a curse. Her face turned red. At the same time, she swung her sword. Even without applying much force, the momentum allowed her to easily cut through the beast.

Son of a-

She cut the creature from head to tail in one swift motion. Even a skilled swordsman with immense strength would find it impossible to slice a beast that was two or three times the size of a water buffalo in one go. However, the sword and energy Lucia possessed made it possible.

She wasnt even breaking a sweat. Enemies that typically wouldnt be easily dealt with and cut down werent a match for Lucia. They were just beasts grazing the ground. With wide eyes, Lucia swung her sword at the next enemy.

Damn creature!

Puhwaak- Kagagak- Kugugung-

The unleashed energy tore through the air. Blood spurted out from the masses of flesh that fell one after another.

You stupid, dumb, hate-filled creature!

Lucia shouted with all her might.

Whats all this fuss? What did you say? Are you trying to deceive me? Huh?!

While swinging her sword, Lucia couldnt concentrate on the enemies in front of her. Even though she was effortlessly slashing through the beasts, the situation was clearly critical.

If she tripped,

or if she dropped her sword

The protective energy could guard her body to an extent, but it was just a supplementary measure. Lucia was still a ten-year-old girl, and compared to her previous life, she was barely tapping into a fraction of her strength.

Youre really trash!

Amidst this precarious situation, Lucias mind was filled with the face of a mischievous young boy.

Before her eyes, Shirons face seemed to flicker into view. Facing the boys mocking smile, Lucia swung her sword with more force.

Im so annoyed!

Kagagak- A monkey-like beast tried to bite the blade of the sword. Thousands of its sharp teeth gnawed at her sword.

After getting my hopes up so high!

Lucia increased the output of her mana. The swords energy concentrated at one point, piercing through its head.

I really had high hopes!

It was the first festival she attended since her reincarnation. She couldnt express how happy she was when Shiron suggested it with a smile.

With a fluttering heart, she couldnt sleep properly, even went to buy a sword she liked because it was necessary, and in retrospect, it might seem childish, but she also showcased her rare skills in front of the blacksmith.

Her feelings when she rode a train for the first time She honestly didnt know, but she thought it was probably good.


By the time she had cut down monsters that numbered in the triple digits, Lucia exhaled her heated breath into the air.

The cold winter air made the battlefield, which was virtually a sea of blood, even more chilling. Standing on the blood-stained grassland, Lucia bowed her head.

Really I had hopes.

Kuhung- Keek-

Lucia wiped her eyes with her sleeves. The slightly reddened eyeballs felt a bit warm.

Why am I like this?

She shook her head as if trying to shake off the thoughts. When she looked up, more beasts were still pouring out of the fog.

Gripping the hilt of her sword tightly, Lucia once again took her stance.

While the participants busily slaughtered the beasts, members from their respective families or organizations were not simply idling around.

Beyond the wall of figures encircling the mist, camaraderie was building amongst the prominent men of the continent.

Dexter Dras, the leader of the Western Red Lion Knights, looked down at the participants battling the beasts. At a glance, he seemed entirely engrossed in the scene, but he couldnt truly focus on the battlefield.

Instead, he tuned into the murmurs around him.

The standout in this subjugation event is certainly the second lord of the Dras family.

Of course. Ive heard rumors that the young man is the ace of the Dras family His movements are refined. To display such skill in this chaotic place, he truly deserves to be called a prodigy.

Dexter swelled with pride at the praise for his nephew.

Normally, its rare to praise the representative of another family or group during the subjugation festival.

Its only natural in a competitive setting to commend ones own family, especially when there were no clear evaluation criteria for the event.

Who killed more beasts?

Who dispatched them with fewer strokes?

Who never moved from their spot?

However, openly praising ones own kin could seem conceited, making it even harder to get compliments during the subjugation event.

Hmm I dont see it.

Yet, Dexter deliberately kept his elation in check. Even though he was over the moon, he knew better than to accept praise at face value, lest he be seen as arrogant or naive.

Dexter attempted to maintain a serious expression.

Hes still lacking. Just look at him. While his swordsmanship seems competent, the energy he emits is a bit disorderly. Didnt everyone in their prime emit a more harmonious and refined energy?

At Dexters slightly teasing remark, the men around him chuckled.

Haha. Looks like youre a bit hard on your nephew, being family and all.

That seems to be the case.

True to their words, the young man in the red armor emanated blue energy that was just beginning to take shape and showed decent power.

Furthermore, it had been nearly two hours since the beasts started pouring out. Over time, drawing mana from ones fingertips became more challenging, and maintaining the form of the sword energy also got harder.

However, Erman Dras, the newcomer of the Red Lion Knights, was amplifying his sword energy.


Admiration erupted from those around.

Dexter, finding it hard to suppress his rising grin, ended up covering his mouth.

At that moment,

What are you all talking about? Isnt Lucia Prient clearly the best here?


The unexpected voice of a young boy caught everyones attention. There stood a boy, about ten years old, chewing on dried meat.


Thats right.

Shiron looked up at the towering figures around him.

The leader of the Western Border Defense Force.

The chieftain of the Bemir region.

The head of a renowned martial arts family.

All of them turned their gazes to Shiron.

That audacious black-haired boy was definitely one of the kids that Johan Urheim of the Sky Knights took around.

Although some thought of him as an insolent brat, the prestige of Hugo and the Sky Knights was too great for them to easily dismiss him. Everyone present recognized Hugos reputation.

Igor Kairon, a bald man with a golden beard and the leader of the Western Border Defense Force, approached the cheeky boy.

You seem interested.

Lucia Prient. Hugo Prients niece.

When one man showed interest, Shiron responded with a bright smile and an enthusiastic nod.

Just look over there.

Shiron pointed towards a particular spot. However, no person was visible there, only purple-tinted beasts collapsing one after the other.

Indeed, somethings happening there. It wasnt particularly noticeable, so it escaped my attention.

Igor squinted slightly, focusing on where Shiron was pointing.

I suppose shes not noticeable because shes so small.


Igor tilted his head at Shirons response.

If she has Hugos lineage, how could she be

Shes only ten years old.

Shiron seemed to anticipate what was on Igors mind and spoke preemptively.

Do we have anyone here who, at ten years old, can manifest sword energy? Anyone participating in the subjugation festival?

There was no answer.

Shiron tried hard to suppress his smirk, rubbing his face with both hands.

None, right? And among all, Lucia is the youngest, isnt she? She may have a bratty temperament, but isnt she the most beautiful? Isnt our Lucia the best?

Adults couldnt imagine a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant. To demonstrate excellence, it was always most effective to highlight numbers. Fortunately, proving that Lucia was the best was not a tough task. Lucia was indeed the youngest, and compared to the dark-skinned men, Lucia was as beautiful as a celestial maiden.

Heheh- Hahaha- Ha-ha-

The atmosphere lightened as Shiron burst out laughing. Even he felt he was being a bit cheeky.

A few men looked displeased, but what did it matter? Their feelings werent important to Shiron at the moment.

Its enough bragging about my little sister.

Ignoring the gazes directed at him, Shiron slipped his hand into his pocket with a sly smile. In a flash, he held a few brown glass bottles.

They were bottles of wine from Dawn Castle that he had prepared earlier.

Skilfully, Shiron opened a bottle cap.

Have a drink.

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