Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 83: The Slave Hiding Their Power (3)

Chapter 83: The Slave Hiding Their Power (3)

The bidding that started at 1 million shillings suddenly skyrocketed to 17 million.

It was a price five times that of the fallen noble lady seen a little while ago. Even if not in the citys center, it was an amount with which one could buy a mansion on the citys outskirts.

Who is it?

But Shiron, clicking his tongue, continued to press the higher bid button without pause. Was it because of the auctioneers clamor? Or was there someone who knew what that item truly was?

17.5 million, 19 million, 20 million

Regardless of Shirons anxious heart, the bidding continued to climb. Honestly, it was an overly generous price for a staff.

Magic staves only serve a supplementary role in handling magic. At best, they made mana computations a bit easier and allowed for more precise control; that was the setup. That was why wizards who had reached a certain level, like the one-horned Yuma Roselin, didnt use staves in life-or-death battles, claiming they got in the way.

However, that staff was different. The auctioneer might prattle about transcendent stones and such, but the true value of that staff lay in the fact that it had been used by Seira.

[The Forgotten Magician Seira]. Shiron needed that staff for the future, for when he would meet her.

27.5 million shillings! Sold!

He had finally won the bidding war.

Brother, it seems you really liked that staff.

Siriel alternated her gaze between the panel displaying the enormous sum and Shiron. Even to her, who had lived a life of luxury, the figure of 27.5 million was an unimaginably large sum.

Brother cant handle mana, can he?

Siriel cocked her head with a hint of suspicion but did not voice that fact out loud. She always took care not to speak of training in front of Shiron as much as possible.

It wasnt because she feared Shirons jealousy or envy.

She simply hoped that Shiron wouldnt be conscious of his inability to handle mana.


Shiron, taking a moment to breathe, did not look at Siriel as he replied.

Its not that I like it I think it will be useful later on.

Even though its not needed right now, you spent such a large sum?


Shiron nodded as he responded.

Theres no harm in being prepared in advance. Who knows? There might come a time in the future when Ill regret not having bought that staff.

I see.

Although Siriel nodded, she didnt fully sympathize with Shirons intentions.

I should ask my mother how to deal with a man who has a serious problem with wasting money.

Siriel sighed a little as she engraved the feedback she would receive from Eldrina in her mind.

After the auction of Seiras staff ended, the following items didnt carry the same impact:

  • A fairys hornpipe filled with moonlight.

  • Alberts Piano Sonata No. 14.

  • A self-portrait of Imanuel.

These were mostly luxury items or collectibles for the nobility.

This necklace was favored by a concubine of the Emperor 200 years ago. It contains the essence of ice, so it keeps the wearer cool even in the summer.

A relic of a unique grade

He quietly pressed the bidding button only when items that seemed useful appeared. However, no item incited competition like Seiras staff.

1.5 million shillings! Sold!

How dull.

Shiron yawned languidly and glanced sideways.

Siriel, isnt there anything you like?

Huh? What did you say?

Perhaps due to the late hour, Siriel seemed a bit sleepy.

Its nothing. You can keep sleeping if youre tired.

Okay, got it.

With that, Siriel closed her eyes. Soon, her soft breathing could be heard. It was only natural for her to be tired, having been busy since dawn.

Shiron watched the stage in a more relaxed posture. The fervor of the overheated auction room gradually cooled, and the items became increasingly mundane.

Next is our final item of the day!

Noticing the cooling atmosphere, the auctioneer started to speak with even more exaggerated gestures.

A woman with restraints all over her body began to walk onto the stage.


There were no footsteps, but the chains on her ankles made a grating sound. Unlike the young lady presented at the beginning, this one was not trapped in a cage but walked on her own, which was unusual.


Shiron let out an exclamation and narrowed his eyes.

It was her beauty that was remarkable.

Her skin shone as if lit by light. Her eyes were deep black and unfathomable. And her vibrant crimson hair was truly fantasy-like.

As our regular guests might well know, a highlight of our auction has appeared.

A highlight?

The auctioneer seemed to respond to Shirons thoughts.

This slave always decorates the end of our auction. Shes infamous for her unmatched beauty but has never been sold.


Indeed. There have been clients in the past who tried to bid for her, but somehow, they all asked for refunds. Isnt that interesting? Thanks to her, our auction house consistently profits without any loss. She might well be the goose that lays golden eggs.


The audience began to laugh, possibly amused by the auctioneers banter.

Whats so funny.

But Shirons lips did not twitch.

Instead, his brow furrowed.

There were too many suspicious pointsthe fact that she came onto the stage by herself, the previous owners requests for refunds, and more.

Why not just give her a lump sum of money and release her onto the streets? Who would buy such malignant stock?

At that moment.

Despite the considerable distance, Shiron found himself locking eyes with the lady.

Shiron felt as if the ladys black pupils shone brightly.


Crackle- The buzzing sound echoed in his ears before fading away. Shiron guessed that the lady had attempted something against him. No, she definitely tried to do something.

However, Shiron was under the protection granted by Latera, so it was ineffective. Shiron thanked Latera mentally as he gazed at the touch panel.

That bastard what did she try to do to me?

The bidding window began to rise slowly.

Has everyone forgotten what the auctioneer just said? Bidding now, with a refund so clearly in the near future? It made no sense.

The starting bid was 1 million shillings. Even though it was a hefty sum not easily offered out of mere curiosity, the bidding window kept rising.

These guys, theyre total scumbags.

Shiron grinned as he watched the bid increase, feeling like he had figured out a trick in the middle of a magic show. His interest waned. As he promised himself never to return, he was about to tidy up the touch panel when

Click- Drip-drip-

Something hot began to trickle from his philtrum.


My Lord, are you alright?

The woman who had been massaging Shirons feet looked up at him with a worried expression, attempting to approach him, but was promptly restrained by the knight who was acting as Shirons escort.

Well take care of it.

Wary of the woman, the knight pulled out a handkerchief from his garment.

Seeing the woman slowly back away, Shiron took the plain white cloth and began to cover his nose.

Was I too tired today? Whats happening?

It was a nosebleed, which he hadnt experienced even during the most rigorous training.

Shiron frowned at the sudden and inexplicable physiological phenomenon as he looked back at the touch panel.

Surely, Shiron wouldnt accidentally press the bid button with a nosebleed. Fortunately, the blood did not reach the touch panel.


-4.7 million shillings. Sold!

Next to Shiron, the touch panel that Siriel was holding lit up with a flamboyant effect.

No way

Excuse me, Siriel?

Huh? Why?

Did you, by any chance, place the bid?


Siriel answered with a bright smile.

Ill choose that woman as a gift.

I thought you didnt like slaves? You just scolded me for showing interest in a noble lady.

Ah, thats different. Isnt it pitiable that such a pretty woman hasnt been chosen by anyone? And if its not me, she would have to stay here, right? Its too sad.

Ah Um

After I bestow her with love, Ill educate her properly so she can return to society I will make her free! But brother, what are you doing now?

Siriel asked, watching Shiron waving his hand frantically in front of his face.

I thought maybe I was cursed with some sorcery.

Oh, come on. Its not that.

Siriel blushed slightly, feeling inwardly happy that her beloved brother was worried about her.

She turned her back and pointed to the blue ribbon tied in her hair.

This here? Its a magical device created to prevent interference with the mind. I inherited it from my mother. Um, so thanks for worrying about me, brother.

Most men like women who say thank you first.

Siriel recalled the advice Eldrina gave her last night and beamed with a smile.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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