Reincarnated With A Divine Bloodline System

Chapter 50: -50- Entering the major world of the Supreme Peng Dynasty

Chapter 50: -50- Entering the major world of the Supreme Peng Dynasty

Soon, Silas, Thea, Kai, Red, and Nebula were all in the main hall, ready to enter the wider world.

"Senior," Silas called out.

"Yes?" the old spirit said as he appeared before them.

"I'd like to thank you once again for all your help... we are now about to leave this place," Silas said.

The old man nodded. "Good. As a cultivator on the path of an immortal, you have to temper yourself... but before you leave, I will give you a small piece of advice..."

"What is it, Senior?" Silas asked.

"Do not tell anyone that you two are the inheritors of this immortal estate... it'd be best if you all don't even mention that Silas and Kai are the disciples of Daoist Silent Sage... If you do, there's no telling who will come for you to try and take your place. You all will surely die to people much stronger than you who wish to monopolize this place for their descendants or sect."

Silas nodded and looked around at the rest of the group. "I agree. I don't think we should tell anyone..."

"I agree as well," the rest all said.

"Good. Now before you go, I have one last gift for you..." the old man said as he handed Silas a small magic treasure.

"What is this?" Silas asked.

"This is an estate-type magic treasure... it is currently only a spiritual-grade magic treasure since that is all you can bind, but it is extremely expensive. You are absolutely forbidden from selling it... Deep inside the estate, there is a region where this immortal estate is linked with your estate. There are layers upon layers of protective formations guarding this area... If you wish to enter this immortal estate or the inheritance realm, you must first enter this region, and I will allow you to be teleported in."

"Wait, so we are going to be able to carry this immortal estate with us?" Silas asked in excitement.

The old man nodded. "Of course... While you can't bind it until you are a True Immortal, I will allow you to carry it around on you..."

"Thank you, Senior," Silas said. He had thought he would have to leave the immortal estate where it was and constantly make trips back and forth whenever he needed something, but now it looked like that wasn't the case.

"Senior, one last thing—do you perhaps know where we currently are?" Silas asked. He knew that they were on the Supreme Peng Dynasty's major planet, but that was about the extent of his knowledge.

"I'm not exactly sure where you are, but I have a general idea of where the immortal estate was dropped when the last disciple of our late master was killed... but that was millions of years ago..."

"Anything would help," Silas said.

The old man nodded. "Well, as you should know, we are currently on the major planet ruled by the Supreme Peng Dynasty, who founded their empire around five trillion years ago during the Endless War Era. While the Peng clan are the true rulers of this world, they didn't unify this world on their own. They did it with the help of eight ancient clans... As thanks, and to solidify their rule since it is impossible for the Peng clan to govern this entire major world on their own, they created eight kingdoms, each ruled by one of the ancient clans... They further split these eight kingdoms into over 100 dukedoms, all ruled by legacy clans, which were the first clans to submit to their rule at the founding of their dynasty. Over the many years of their existence, they have further split these dukedoms into over 1,000 marquisates, each ruled by a powerful clan... There are some marquisates that are large, while others are small, but even the smallest are boundless (each marquisate is much larger than all of Earth)."

"The Peng Dynasty was founded so long ago that by now all the kingdoms, dukedoms, and marquisates have long been established, so I doubt much has changed... As far as I know, we are currently in the Marquisate of Mistfall, which is under the Starforge Dukedom, which is under the Stellarblade Kingdom..."

"While we should currently be in the Marquisate of Mistfall, I'm not exactly sure where we are in it, so once you are on the outside, you will have to figure the rest out yourselves..."

"Another piece of advice: do your best not to anger anyone... you never know who belongs to a powerful clan or sect and, with just a call, can have you annihilated..." the old man said while looking specifically at Kai.

"Also, there is one group you should do your best not to anger... the group is known as the Skywing Legion... the Skywing Legion is what the Supreme Peng Dynasty relies on to rule their vast empire... on average, you cannot even enter the Skywing Legion until you have the strength of a rank 4 Adept, and a powerful one at that, so do your best not to anger these cultivators... not only are they all strong, but they have the Peng Dynasty as their backers. Not even the ancient or legacy clans dare trifle with the Skywing Legion... but of course, anyone with enough power can join to be a Skywing Legion guard, so each powerful clan will have many members of Skywing Legion guards in their ranks..."

"Ok, I've given my warnings. Now it's time for you to set off... once you exit, I will place this immortal estate inside your own spiritual-grade estate," the old man said.

"Thank you again, Senior," Silas said.

The old man nodded, and then they were gone.


Silas and the rest of the group all appeared in the real world for the first time in their lives.

They were currently in a forested area about halfway up a large mountain.

"Alright, guys, which direction should we fly in?" Silas asked. Now that they were all rank 3 Disciples, they were more than capable of flying.

"I don't know; I guess we should just pick a random direction and go until we find someone," Thea said.

Silas nodded in agreement and looked to the south.

"How did you all get in here!?" Silas heard a feminine voice behind him yell.

"It doesn't matter! Since they have entered, they will have to die...!" a rough masculine voice yelled.

Silas quickly turned around, summoning his scythe as well as his [ten scythes of requiem]. They were now in the real world, which was much more dangerous than the inheritance realm they grew up in. He had to be on guard lest he lose his life.

[Cougar (Fierce Beast) - Qi Cultivation: Early Revolving Core - Body Cultivation: Late Transcendent]

There was a tall, slender man holding a spear.

[Human - Qi Cultivation: Early Revolving Core]

And a short and pretty woman holding a whip-type magic treasure that could likely lengthen itself.

"Be careful, they're each at Early Revolving Core, and the male is also a body cultivator," Silas quickly sent to the entire group. While he had his system to easily see the ranks of anyone, the rest did not.

"Dibs," Nebula quickly called out.

"What? You can't call dibs," Kai sent back in slight anger.

"Quit fighting. Thea and Nebula, you take this one. We will have your back," Silas quickly arranged the fight. While he was easily the strongest and likely could take them out in a moment or two, he knew that the others needed experience as well. Since he would likely gain nothing from this fight, he decided to allow the others to try it out, and if needed, he would be there to step in.

"Got it," Thea quickly sent in acknowledgment.

Thea quickly pulled out her sword, and Nebula, being a beast, readied her claws.

The conversation was instant; not even a second after the male cougar, who was in human form, said they all had to die, Thea had already drawn her weapon and started to position herself in front of the group.

"Die!" the male yelled as he charged forward.

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