Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 143 - 143

They got finished just before lunch, so Cain and the girls stop along the way back to the house to grab takeout. They've got a little over an hour before the next group, but after all that running, a shower is a necessity along with eating. 

If they didn't have anyone with them, Cain would have just sent the groups led by Vala and the Oath Breakers on their way and stayed by the door to have a picnic and play cards. The summons don't sweat, let them do the running. 

But that would be a bit overkill when leading a raid, and lead to inflated expectations, so they'll have to do it properly in the future.

They finish the boxes of beef and noodles as they reach the house, finding a few early arrivals already present. One of them recognizes Misaki, so they disappear together to chat while they wait. The group is almost all arrived before Cain gets out of the shower and heads down to greet them. 

"It looks like we're only waiting on two warlocks named Sam. The handwriting and pen is different, so I don't think they're the same person. Anyone know them?" Cain asks. 

"The brats? They're level forty, born right here in town. I ran them off for their prank. We can go a few short." An older man informs him with an annoyed voice. 

"Were still here!" Comes a young teasing reply from behind a nearby fence. 

"Well then get over here. You signed up to do a dungeon run and I'm going to see that you do it even if I have to put you in a sack and carry you." Cain calls back, signaling Nemu to go grab the youngsters, who turn out to be a pair of mountain Dwarves in their preteen years. Likely not in actual years, as Dwarves age more slowly, taking nearly thirty years to make full maturity, but in appearance. 

There's a struggle as Nemu stuffs them into a pair of burlap bags with only their heads showing, but they stop when the Felians start bringing them back to Cain. 

"Look, we're sorry, it was just a joke." The lighter haired boy apologizes. 

"But I'm still bringing you. Don't worry, we'll keep you safe. Plus, it will be entertaining for everyone else. Who here has seen what happens when you bring someone sixty levels below a dungeon in with your group?" A few hands go up at Cain's question, but most look perplexed.

There's enchanted training dummies in the school that grant experience, most kids with the interface train there or in the woods hunting wild Beasts, since the Guild didn't allow them to go into the Beginner's Valley to level up. The thought of taking them somewhere as dangerous as the Demon Dungeon never crossed their minds. 

"Alright, we're off to the dungeon." Cain says, hefting both sacks of warlock over his shoulders. 

The boys mom catches up to the group just before they reach the entrance, loudly shouting about the punishment they've got coming to them for 'Playing pranks on the City Councilor'.

"Don't worry ma'am I've got them. I'm sure they'll be plenty repentant by the time they return, but I won't let them be seriously harmed, you have my word. 

She looks skeptical, but one of the group whispers to her about the nausea and headache caused by the flood of notifications and she repents, promising that they've got more punishment coming when they get home. That makes the boys look like they'd rather live in the burlap sacks, but at least Cain is no longer in danger of being called a kidnapper. 

The moment they enter the dungeon, Cain calls forth all his summons, and Vala expertly splits her groups off to the sides. He only calls four Oath Breakers this time, but Laura calls all her Drakes, Eight per clone, which fills the nearby sky with pale white scales as they circle overhead. Cain sees Succubi, so this must be a Lust or enchantment type instance. The Drakes are freezing the demons nearby while the Oath Breakers wait eagerly for everyone to arrive. 

"Since it's everyone's first time here with me, let be explain. The summons in the groups to the sides will go do their own thing and clear the dungeon. The ones nearest to me will accompany the raid. The white Dragons and the Drakes will be our scouts, locating groups. Now, who wants to carry the warlocks?"

"I've got them." A big warrior laughs. "We've got plenty of front line fighters today, I'm sure one more won't be missed. Plus I want a front row seat to this, these brats painted my store windows green just last week."

He takes control of the sacks, making the boys both turn pale in fear. But there's not much they can do now, even if they used a spell to cut themselves free, they would still be trapped in the dungeon by twenty angry transfers nearly three times their level. Plus the Felian that caught them is really fast. No way could they escape from her. 

All eyes are on the boys as Cain sends Vala's groups and the Oath Breakers out. The wave of notifications hits them hard, the text blurbs in their vision sliding off in every direction as the next one takes its place in the center of their interface. The warrior carrying them sets the bags down and lets them try to stand for a moment, but the dizziness overcomes them and they collapse in seconds, complaining about how evil Cain is and that the punishment doesn't fit the crime. 

But they're getting a lot of levels, so there is not much sympathy for their plight among the transfers, most of whom would have gladly taken their place when they were young adventurers in the Beginner Valley. 

Cain signals for the man to pick them up again, and he simply flips one over either shoulder, facing the ground, before falling in with the group. 

"The Drakes have found us a lot of targets, everyone be safe and have fun." Cain says, leading them to the first group of frozen demons not mauled into bits by the Oath Breakers. 

There's an odd pattern to this dungeon though, some spots where there clearly should be demons, there is nothing. It has Cain stumped until they find the perfect ambush spot in a muddy alley abandoned and see the footprints. These are Lust Demons, just like the Oath Breaker, who lusts for battle. The Legendary demons have been collecting those they deem worthy to accompany them through the dungeon. 

Cain isn't sure what they're planning to do with them later, but for now is not a big deal, a few missed targets is normal in a raid this size and layout. 

Getting a dungeon spawn in an underground labyrinth would be a pain for the group though. Cain hasn't come across any too small for his demons, but trying to walk that many Dragons and Drakes through an enclosed dungeon would be a mess. Though the Dragons could at least transform. 

With only four Oath Breakers the dungeon feels more like a dungeon, they're constantly in battle, following the lead of the drakes and Laura to find a continual stream of targets. Cain even finds a bunch of new demons to add to his list in this dungeon, an uncommon sight, as he's collected so many already. 

They're long since done and back at the entrance, watching the boys curse, whine, pout and try to deal with the notifications before the two warlocks are functional again. 

"I'm level 87. Eighty Seven. That is amazing. Thank you so much Mister Cain. How can we ever make it up to you?" The darker haired Sam asks. 

"No more playing Pranks. You're grown adventurers now, so it's time to be responsible and start acting like the growing young men you are." Cain says sternly, the targets of his lecture not at all looking like the young men he called them. 

"Yes sir. We certainly will." They agree in unison and the warrior that was carrying them laughs again, as he's been doing the whole dungeon.

"Don't forget, your mom is still right outside the exit, waiting for you. While Councilor Cain has forgiven you, you know your mom isn't so easy to please." He informs them and they look panicked. 

"Can you hide us in the bags again? Just for a day or two until she calms down. This is the second time we've been caught this week, and our backside can't take any more." The Darker Haired Sam begs. 

"Sorry boys, call it a learning experience, to remind you of your promise not to play pranks like little boys anymore." Cain says, ushering them out to meet the glowering face of their mother. But she's not alone, a second Dwarf in a flour covered apron has joined her, standing with his arms crossed.

"Dad, hi, we didn't expect to see you here. We can explain. Really this time." The boys begin before being dragged away by their parents.. Hopefully they learn this time, or Cain has just created much stronger practical jokers. 

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