Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 63 - 63

Getting out of bed was a sudden and unpleasant experience for everyone in the Darklight Host Guild House. Just before noon the attack alarms began to blare all over the city, and much to their misfortune, they weren't far from the wall.

"I could justify killing someone for waking me up at such an unholy hour." Dimnys complains. "What time is it anyways?"

"About 3 in the afternoon." Clara answers with a small smile. "I made breakfast today, because Tanya is still asleep. Nothing fixes the morning after quite like bacon grease and orange juice."

Soon, everyone is gathered around the table, drawn by the smell of food and coffee. The consensus is that the Ogres deserve exactly what they are about to get today, so they're going to go down to the mission hall and sign up for the city defense quest. After one more cup of coffee.

The hall is packed when they get there, mostly with angry and hungover transfers from last night's party. The Guild members get a great deal of positive attention when they enter, despite the state everyone is in. A lot of polite nods, and a few claps on the back and handshakes in thanks for hosting such an elaborate party.

"You going to give us the quest or are we going to raid them without a quest? Because something is going to die for that alarm." A large barbarian asks the much harassed clerk.

"Please, wait. The raid quest will be up soon. If you form groups now, we can save time." She shouts to be heard.

"Hey Darklight, send a raid invite! Let's get this done." the Barbarian insists and Cain sets loot to individual and hidden before sending an area invite.

[Raid Groups can have a maximum of 100 members]

What was that? In seconds the group was a hundred strong and more were complaining they couldn't get in.

"Start a second group, first raid is full." Cain calls just as the quest goes up.

"To the west gate! Quest is for the West Gate." Cain calls, leading everyone out the door.

They make an impressive sight, five wide and twenty deep as they jog through the streets to reach the gates. Most attacks only one or two guilds answer the call, but they've come out in full force today.

Two huge barbarians carrying shields flank Cain and the Vala twins in the front row, followed by eight tank spec warriors surrounding the rest of Darklight Host and two healers from the tank's guild.

At first the gate guard thinks this is it, and they're happy to see so many tanks and healers, but the procession keeps coming, rank on rank. The guard force hurries to put volleys of Arrows into the Ogres, as it's clear this raid is out for blood and not intending to wait for them to soften the targets.

The Barbarians are wondering what kind of tank a Puppet Master is, to be standing up front with them against Ogres, but once the Raid group clears the city guard, Cain calls his summons, choosing Dark Elf clerics as the Companion option.

"Now that's more like it!" the mountain of a fur clad Barbarian known as PussySlayer6969 calls. Huh, guess it wasn't prohibited by the system, just already taken.

The Ogres react with predictable hostility to the presence of the Cave Trolls, the only opponent close to their own size. Even with the height disadvantage, the Trolls most likely weigh more than the Ogres, given their ample builds.

A roar goes up from the transfers when the first handful of Ogres are knocked from their feet by Troll clubs. Most of the Ogres are level 50 or so, and these summons have a whole raid group worth of buffs on them.

Slayer, as he instructs everyone to call him, is making short work of his own opponents. The interface says he's level 73, and it seems he's got a skill that lets him use a heavy two handed axe in one hand while still holding a shield. It's knocking Ogres to the ground almost as well as the Troll Tanks, and doing even more damage.

The Tanks have made a defensive semi circle, protecting the casters and healers from retaliation while a Kaleidescape of spells land in the Ogre lines. The Raid party is only outnumbered 5 to 1, and the second raid group of a little over a dozen transfers is coming in from the flank.

Ogres are dropping at a rapid rate and a fresh volley of Arrows from the city guard is coming. The mission was to rout the attack, but it seems likely they will annihilate it at this rate.

Cain is still spreading explosive arrows around, getting the bleed effect to increase damage from Fae on as many targets as possible when the notification comes in.

[Quest Conditions Compete]

[Level Up]

Oh, yeah. There's a hundred transfers in his group, plus their summoned pets and elementals today. That's a serious experience bonus.

"Level UP!" The cheer sounds from various spots all over the Raid group and the Darklight Host party members all laugh. This should have been expected.

What few Ogres are left break and run at the cheer, but the raid doesn't show any mercy, cutting down every one they can.

"Problem Solved. Now turn off that siren and we can go see if that barkeeper has gotten any stock back in. First round is on me." Slayer shouts and the Raid group turns to go back into the city, leaving the guards in shock at the Massacre they just witnessed.

He does indeed have stock in, as promised. after a couple quick rounds the group breaks up and they all go back to their plans for the day before they were so rudely interrupted. Mostly sitting around their houses and hotel suites relaxing.

The Mission Hall is thoroughly confused about the day's events though. The clerk is trying to explain that a hundred and some adventurers just barged in and demanded the defense quest, but it sounds so far fetched that nobody believes her until the City Guards return and verify the odd sighting.. There were so many spell casters, they insist, that each one only had time for a couple spells before it was all over.

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