Reincarnator’s Stream

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

A pair of old boots that looked like military footwear. The only decoration was a small feather motif, making the item appear rather ordinary.

But Suhyuk recognized it immediately. There was no way he couldn’t.

“Whose turn is it for item distribution? Suhoon’s?”

“Hey! It’s my turn this time!”

“Wow, you got lucky. Here you go.”


He vividly remembered the face of the one who ran excitedly around the dungeon with that item. And he saw just as vividly the image of that same person lying on the ground with a gaping hole in their chest.

The memory was so clear, it lingered even when he closed his eyes.


His molars ground together from the tension.

‘How dare they.’


Lightning crackled from his hand, clenched tightly under the table.

Anger surged.

The fact that his deceased comrades’ possessions had ended up in Blue Zone’s hands.

That their relics were being used as booty and turned into mere entertainment prizes.

John Dale continued speaking.

“The item, ‘Nimble Thief’s Footwear’. Are you interested—”

“I am.”

Suhyuk didn’t let him finish.

“Very much so.”

He had no intention of letting anyone else have Minjae’s relic. The Nimble Thief’s Footwear.

An item that increased the user’s movement speed and allowed a second jump in mid-air. It was an item that perfectly suited Minjae, who was already naturally quick.

He would retrieve it at all costs. He couldn’t stand the thought of it ending up in Blue Zone’s hands again. In fact, he couldn’t stand it even now.

“Is that so?”

John Dale, taken aback by the unexpectedly strong reaction, took a large gulp of his coffee before continuing.

“Well, that’s a relief. This content requires your participation…”


“Yes. Given the nature of your stream, the story of you obtaining relics from fellow Blue Eyes members would make for compelling content.”

So this was what he wanted to discuss.

‘I should have known.’

He had briefly forgotten in his anger. The man in front of him was a team leader at Balhae Entertainment. He was someone who planned and managed streamers’ streams.

To him, this was, after all, a form of content.

‘I don’t like it… but this is his job.’

Seeing his reflection in the coffee cup, Suhyuk realized, ‘No, this is my job now too.’

Separating the two was laughable. Balhae Entertainment was his partner. John Dale sharing this information with him was also for the sake of the streaming business.

A tournament with his friend’s relic as the prize. His job now was to turn that into content.


‘Still, maybe…’

After a moment’s contemplation, Suhyuk nodded.

“Let’s do it.”

“Really? That’s a relief.”

John Dale’s reaction wasn’t as enthusiastic as one might expect. It was as if Suhyuk’s agreement was a given. Well, considering that he was unaware of Suhyuk’s relationship with Blue Eyes, it made sense.

“Then, we’ll announce it to the viewers after the collab stream. Ah, I’ll have Un Hyang relay the tournament details to you separately as well.”

“Does Balhae handle that kind of stuff too?”

“Of course. It’s our role to provide every convenience to the streamer.”

It was quite convenient. Suhyuk had just been thinking about finding out where and how the tournament would be held.

“Just let us know if you need anything else.”

“Yes, there is something.”

A prompt reply without hesitation.

“What is it?”


Suhyuk gestured alternately between his mask and the now completely lukewarm coffee.

“Could you arrange for a custom mask? I’d like to be able to eat something.”


Under the blue sky stood a cabin. On a makeshift chair, Yerang was fiddling with her kit.


Just moments ago, she had been watching the kit with sparkling eyes, but now a sigh escaped her lips.

A moment later.

“It’s over…”

『Lee Suhyuk has ended the stream.』

With the familiar notification, the thrilling stream came to an end.

Whip, whip—

She quickly turned her head to check her surroundings. She was worried that Kim Shiwoo might have caught her watching the stream.

But, as expected. The usually busy Shiwoo was too preoccupied to notice what she was doing with the kit.


She hadn’t been caught. If she had been caught, she would have faced a barrage of nagging about watching that stream again.

Clenching her fist in relief, she pocketed the kit and stood up.

Crunch, crunch—

She crossed through the frozen forest, the sound of her clogs clashing against the ice. The world, which had been green just minutes ago, had transformed into a forest of ice trees.

“What a mess.”

The path was longer than expected. Judging by her experiences, it would likely take some time for the ice to thaw.

It seemed they would be dealing with an unforeseen winter for a while. She had been walking for some time when—


In the middle of the frozen forest. Hundreds of players were frozen solid.

“Is it over?”

Her question, naturally, was not directed at the frozen players. Amid the white ice, Kim Shiwoo, who was the only one not covered in frost, turned around.

“It’s been over for a while now.”


“I was debating whether to kill them or let them live.”

Just because they were frozen did not mean they were dead. Death would be decided afterward. They could either die of frostbite inside the ice or break apart if their bodies froze entirely.

Shiwoo had the luxury to decide their fate.

“What’s there to debate? Just kill them. We know who sent them anyway.”

“If it were that obvious, I wouldn’t be debating.”

“What’s not obvious?”

“If it were Ilsoo who sent them, he wouldn’t have sent such weaklings.”


Agreeing with his logic, Yerang nodded.

That made sense too.

It was Kim Ilsoo.

Once a member of Blue Eyes, he knew their capabilities well.

“These kinds of guys were a dime a dozen 20 years ago.”

Twenty years had passed. While they might not have progressed quickly, they had been moving forward continuously.

But the skill level of the players who had come today was laughable even by the standards of 20 years ago.


“And with you here, sending a horde of half-baked goons would be useless.”

Shiwoo was there. Fighting multiple opponents was his specialty. Had he had sufficient magic that day 20 years ago, things might have turned out differently.

“You’re quite the quick thinker.”

“Use your own brain.”

Crunch, crunch—

The ice on the ground rose. Countless hidden weapons formed, their sharp edges pointed at the targets.

In that moment.

Crack, crack, crack—!

The icy projectiles flew and pierced the heads of the frozen players.



“What are you doing all of a sudden?”

Red blood flowed through the white ice forest. In an instant, Yerang had pierced their hearts and brains, hitting lethal spots. Nonchalantly, she spoke.

“If we let these guys go, it will confirm that we’re still alive, won’t it?”

At her words, Shiwoo looked away. Every time, Yerang made Shiwoo feel ashamed of his weak hesitation.

“Get a grip. You’re too soft-hearted.”


Shiwoo tousled his hair with one hand, trying to shake off his indecision.

“Sorry. It’s happened again.”

“You’re going to kill me with worry, you idiot.”

“You’re not my older sister.”

“What’s your birth month–”



Shiwoo pulled out the kit from his pocket, already bored with the oft-repeated exchange.

“I handled this one, so it’s your turn next.”

“Huh? Next one? What are you trying to make me do now?”

“Just check it out first.”


Shiwoo’s expression was serious.

Taking the kit, Yerang’s face turned grim upon seeing the screen.

“That bastard…!”


Crack, crack-crack-.

Her emerging magic shattered the surrounding ice, sending shards flying everywhere. As if anticipating this reaction, Shiwoo casually deflected the shards with his hand.

“Right? It’s infuriating, right?”

“Infuriating? This is beyond frustrating, it’s maddening!”

“Gotta retrieve it, right?”

“Of course!”

Yerang answered stoutly, then realized her mistake.

“Wait, what?”

Turning to Shiwoo to find his expression unchanged, she saw the slight, knowing smirk on his face.


“Great. Then off you go.”

“Why me?”

“You said it was obvious.”

Things were off to a rocky start.

Yerang inwardly chastised herself for her impulsive response, rolling her eyes.

“Well, yes, but wouldn’t it be better if you went?”

“I’d like that too.”

This time, it wasn’t just about convenience. Shiwoo retrieved the kit from Yerang and looked at the screen.

『Reward: Nimble Thief’s Footwear』

Below a clear photo was the name written. These boots had once belonged to their comrade, Minjae.

“Don’t you get it? It’s bait. To lure us out.”

Relics of Blue Eyes.

They were important to Blue Zone as well. Their possessions served as proof that Blue Eyes was the predecessor of Blue Zone.

Yet, Kim Ilsoo had put Minjae’s item on the line for one reason only. To lure out any of them who might still be alive.

“He’s figured it out. That we might still be alive somewhere.”

“So why me?”

“You know I’m terrible at stealth. It’s always been your and Minjae’s job since the old days.”

Glancing around, Shiwoo surveyed the scene. The forest covered in white as if hit by a blizzard, a typical aftermath of Shiwoo’s battles. In contrast, Yerang’s abilities were the opposite of his.

“Make sure, though. We will retrieve it, especially in some stream.”

Then Shiwoo finished his thought. The question was whether and how Shiwoo and Yerang would deal with the situation.

Yerang was discreet and silent. Her specialties included stealth and infiltration.

“I should’ve known.”


“You taking care of these guys before I even asked. It was just to make me handle this, wasn’t it?”

Shiwoo’s grin infuriated her. She felt like pinching his cheek out of sheer annoyance. But she couldn’t argue since he wasn’t wrong.

“You know, right? You need to handle this as quietly as possible.”

“You mean right now?”


Shiwoo shook his head.

“That’s too risky. They might have eyes watching the area.”

“You think I can’t evade some watchers?”

“Your enthusiasm is great, but we have to be sure.”

“So what’s the plan?”

Shiwoo, noting Yerang’s impatience, concluded.

“Steal it from the winner. It’s much safer that way.”

Yerang sighed, understanding the logic behind his words. Though she disliked being manipulated into action, Shiwoo’s plan made sense. They needed to avoid drawing unnecessary attention and ensure their mission’s success.

She nodded, ready to carry out the plan.

“Alright, then. I’ll wait for the right moment and make my move.”

Shiwoo smiled, satisfied with her agreement.

“Good. Let’s make sure Minjae’s relic comes back to us.”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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