ReLife Player

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

[Good Morning (2)]

It was a different kind of intimidation than facing the Kraken.

If he had to choose which was scarier, hed pick the latter, for now.

Youre not hurt?

Nope. No



Eunha sounded strangely respectful.

And Euna?

She just fell asleep because she ran out of mana, and now shes been potioned.



After confirming that Eunha and Eun-ah were safe, their parents looked less worried.

But their faces didnt soften.

No Eunha.


His father lowered his voice.

Eunha lowered his head.

Why did you do that?. Why wont you listen to Dad?


He didnt have to tell him what he was talking about. Even though he could tell, Eunha didnt say anything.

He didnt know what to say.

Im sorry, sir.

The words he uttered to his father, who waited for a response, were the usual apology.

Before his regression, he couldnt understand people on the front lines saying sorry.

Each time, he would get angry at them for not understanding and say, Sorry?

Sorry? If youre sorry, why did you do something to be sorry?

Sir, Im sorry. didnt mean to do that.

I told you, dont apologize and dont make excuses.

I couldnt understand it.

Why do something youre sorry for.

Especially if you know youre going to be sorry.

But when I found myself in a similar situation, thats all I could say.

Im sorry.

Words I never understood before regression.

Honestly, its hard to understand even now.

Sorry for what?

In the end, the family survived. Everyone lived, which was the best outcome for Eunha.

So why am I sorry?

Pressured by his father and mothers mood, he said she was sorry, but in truth, he couldnt understand what he had done to deserve it.

He didnt understand.


His father looked down at him with mixed feelings.

His mother looked at him with regret.

Meeting his parents gaze, Eunha realized something.

Im sorry. It was wrong.

It didnt take long for the words to come out again.

The outcome was for the best; he had saved the family he had lost before the regression.

The problem is, his parents arent asking about the outcome, theyre asking about the fact that he took a risk and ran to the Kraken.

It was too late for him to realize that beneath their anger, they were worried about him.

Thats all?

Her mother asked, still watching.

Once again, Eunha was speechless.

What to say next.

He wished someone would tell him the right answer, but now he had to find it on his own.

His parents werent angry now. They were worried.

Theyre worried,

Ill never do that again.

Thinking about it, Eunha bowed his head.

I wont do it again.

He was sorry to his parents, but it was a lie.

He would continue to risk his life to protect them.

That made him feel even more sorry, and he lowered his head even more to hide it.

Next time, dont do that.

Mom and Dad were so worried about you. If you do it again, Mom will scold you.

His parents forgave him, though it took a long time for him to apologize, but it didnt take long for them to forgive him.

Awkwardly hugging his parents, Eunha felt both grateful and sorry.

So he gave up thinking about it and decided to stay as a child.

Thats what his parents would want.

At this time, while everyone else was going through a hellish time, only the Eunha family was enjoying a peaceful time.

His father, who was suffering from mild mana exhaustion, received the same fluids as Euna. Her mother had gotten some antiseptic from a passing nurse to treat the abrasions on her fathers body.

Wow. You dont have any wounds, do you?

Im fine, Mom.

After removing Eunhas blood-stained clothes, her mother was surprised to find that he didnt have a single scratch on his body. She could only blink at the sleeping Euna, who was also unharmed.

Eunha waved it off, saying she didnt know. There was no escaping her mothers suspicions, but she nodded and dressed him in new clothes.

Im going to take care of some paperwork. Dont go anywhere, but wait here, especially you, Eunha.

Im going to go fetch water for Eunha. You stay here, okay?

Eunhas trust in both of them had been shattered by this incident. Thinking that he would suffer like this for a while, Eunha had to let them go, saying, Yes, Ill wait for you here no matter what.


Alone, Eunha ate the chocolate pie that the aid workers had given him, and because he looked so cute, they gave him another chocolate pie and yogurt.

He was hungry, and the chocolate pie and yogurt were a treasure.

I like Monsieur, he says, but a chocolate pie is the best when youre hungry.

He had just graduated from the academy.

He hadnt had a chance to eat since the monsters had invaded Seoul. He used up all of his rations that evening.

He ate the last of the chocolate pie and was overwhelmed by its power.

It gave him the strength of a tiger, and he was able to go and defend the area where the convenience store was located that day.

Wheres another one, he said, Im getting a sweet tooth from all that strength.

There was one left for Euna, but she didnt want to touch it.

Eunha rolled his eyes at the thought of getting more chocolate pies from the aid workers running around.

Here, eat this, too, kid.

Oh, thanks.

The chocolate pie was suddenly in front of him.

Eunha accepted the chocolate pie and looked up to thank him.

His eyes opened wide.

There was Kang Hyun-chul in front of him.

What are you doing? You said you wanted a chocolate pie.

Hyun-chul shrugged when he saw Eunha standing still with the chocolate pie. Then he kindly tore open the bag and popped one into his mouth.

With a giant chocolate pie in his mouth, he couldnt help but panic.

Was it time for him to die? Oh, hes not dead yet.

Then hes finally crazy.

No, hes always been crazy.

Berserker used to be a synonym for crazy.

But why is this guy here?

Eunha quietly began to search for the reason for Hyun-chuls approach. He wouldnt have come to offer him a mere chocolate pie if he was crazy about fighting.

It must be because of his sister.

If Hyun-chul even mentioned fighting Euna, hed be there in a heartbeat. After all he had overcome the obstacle of Kraken but he had to face him.

But Hyun-chuls reaction was unexpected.

Kid. How old are you?

Six years old.

Thats really young. How old is your sister?

10 years old.

Your sister is also young. Okay, whats your name?

Why are you asking my name instead of my sisters?

When Eunha tried to say something grumpy,

No, not your sisters name. Your name. Whats your name?

Noh Eunha.

Hmm, Noh Eunha.

Hyun-chul laughed as he said Eun-has name.

This, this, this bastard!

Eunha knew the look on Hyun-chuls face.

He couldnt help but notice.

Youre the one whos called Undead? Are you so good at killing monsters? Ive been hearing your name everywhere lately.

This was before the regression, when Hyun-chul had first seen him and challenged him to a duel.

Now hes showing him favoritism.

Have you thought about joining an academy? I can recommend you to one.

I havent even graduated from kindergarten yet.

Damn, why are you so young?

Who knew what he was up to.

Surely Hyun-chul would put him in an academy and train him to be a player.

And when hes an adult, hes going to duel.

It was a chilling thought.

Now I realize he wasnt crazy, he was a pervert!

He has no one to fight, so hes trying to raise someone to fight!

The man who would one day be called the strongest man in Korea was labeled a pervert.

Well. Then think about it slowly

No eunha, No eunha. Okay, Ill remember.

It was taken. Tightly, too.

It seemed like Eunha had let it go, but it wasnt the worst outcome, so he couldnt be relieved.

You should ask for the sisters name too. You just ask for the litle brothers name and leave?

Then you ask. Did you see his eyes earlier? It was the eyes of a child who has been through everything.

Hye-rim interrupted Hyun-chul as he was leaving. She slammed her stoneware on the floor, and when she remembered Eunhas gaze, she shut up.

Youre still going to let this go?

That was clearly a miracle, a miracle! Its a <miracle> that hasnt been reported in Korea yet!

Youre going to pretend you didnt see it and move on?

Im not interested in miracles or whatever. Whats important is whether youre strong or not.

You idiot who only thinks about fighting!

Dont you realize how amazing a <miracle> is?

The gift from the fairy godmother alone is the most valuable in the world, but is.

What a fool. Youve reached the position of being part of the twelve, so you should keep your mouth shut. Youre younger than me. Haaa, have you said everything you wanted to say now? Who among us is the one who receives the most national reports? Huh? Forget it. Lets get some rest. Call a helicopter.

Haaa, yeah, Ill take that as a whatever.

Im hungry. Lets get something to eat along the way.

Yeah, yeah.

Lunch, I look forward to it.

Are you crazy? Why would I buy lunch!

Ive been working hard and Im craving something sweet. Shouldnt I have a chocolate pie?

Are you even listening to me?

I couldnt believe I was listening to two people bickering as they walked away. They were like that when they met before the regression, who were referred to as the National Siblings.

Well, I dont think theres anything wrong with my sister and I.

Kang Hyun-chuls attention was on him, so Hye-rim couldnt bring up the subject of Euna.

Hye-rim isnt going to pry about Euna either.

Shes a very recognizable person.

She cant ignore the high stakes for Euna when she reports that the elementary school student is the first person in Korea to possess the Gift of Miracles.


I should be careful from now on too. Even if that person is one of the best ones among the Twelve, she is still a supporter.

Hehe, Euna.

Looking down at her sister, Eunha smiled a rare smile.

When Eunhas family arrived in Incheon, it was the evening after the Kraken attack.

Her grandmother, who had been notified by phone, was waiting for them in front of her house.

It was a nationally televised event.

The number of deaths was about 600, and the search for the dead was still ongoing.

The fairy government had been criticized a lot by people since the inauguration of their administration.

After such an incident, Grandma was overwhelmed when she received the news that her family was safe.

She thanked her ancestors.

How much she thanked them until they came.

Mom, are you out?

Why are you out, Mom? Youre not feeling well.

I came out to see you guys. I wanted to see my grandchildren too.

After confirming that the two people who got out of the car were safe, the grandmother was relieved. She then approached the car to see her grandchildren, whom she would never get tired of seeing.

Oh, my.

Looking at the two children sleeping soundly in the back seat, she smiled with her eyes.

You must be very tired. Yes, sleep well. My babies.

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