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Chapter 25: Lecture

Chapter 25: Lecture

Hearing the voice calling out to him from the distance, Shinto turned his head over towards the direction of the voice as he saw Frey running over towards him.

As he saw her running, he noticed that she wasn't watching her way as she ran, thus Shinto hurriedly shouted out in an abrupt manner,

"H-Hey...! Frey watch out-"

The moment that Shinto cried out, he was a second too late. Frey who was waltzing through the streets bumped into a man in front of her.

"Ah!" Frey cried out as she fell down.

"..." The man who Frey had bumped into, looked down on the fallen Frey, said in a demeaning voice, "Tsk. Watch where you're going." Quickly, the man walked passed her as he went on his way.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Shinto hurriedly rushed towards Frey, swiftly helping her up.

"Hey, you okay...?" He said as he extended his hand over to Frey.

"Yeah! I'm fine" Frey replied as she grabbed onto Shinto's hand as he pulled her up, "Man, that guy was rude, he could have helped me up or something..."

"...Well you did bump into him, and from what I can hear from his voice, he seemed to be in quite a bad mood."

"Ah really? Well, I guess it can't be helped..."

"Ahem, Anyways. You should really watch where you're going, something like that wouldn't have happened if you had looked where you were going."

"Ahaha..." Frey nervously laughed, "I got too caught up with the atmosphere when I saw you..."

"Got too caught up in the atmosphere?"

"Mhm! The fight was exciting! Which made me all pump and itching for battles! You saw it too right?!"

"The fight from earlier? Well yeah, I guess I saw the battle. Though it was only the ending of it."

"What did you think of it?!"

"...Nothing really? The verdict was already decided when the brawler captured him and began consecutively doing combo after combo, so I don't really had an opinion on it."

"Ah? You didn't say his shining ray thingy?"

"Shining what now?"

"That swordsman did a cool trick at the start of the battle! I don't know what it was, but it was cool!"

"Err...? A shining ray attack?"

Shinto thought to himself about the aforementioned attack, for a guy who was top in the rankings and incredibly well versed in the swordsman abilities, he should know what this 'shining ray' should be. However, as Shinto continued to think to himself, he couldn't find any attack that appeared in the early stages of the game that had an animation like a shining ray.

'Was it a high-level fight in the newbie village then? No that can't be possible...'

Shinto had seen that the brawler had used only low-levelled skills as well as the swordsman having equipped low-levelled equipment as well.

'Then... Could it be a hidden ability?'

Unlike exclusive skills which are catered and locked towards a certain class, hidden abilities are skills or passives in which can be obtained through a medium. Through titles, equipment, shops, quest and the like.

For Shinto, who had changed classes and had everything temporarily locked and reset, he didn't have an opportunity to earn hidden abilities through buying them from shops or quest, thus he only had them from titles and equipment.

'Hmm... Anyways, I wonder what kind of ability it was... Too bad I missed it,' Finally ending his trail of thoughts, he looked up at Frey, "So, Frey, what's your status right now?" He asked.

"Hmm? My status? You mean my profile thingy right?"


"Uhh... Let me check!" Frey murmured something out as she glanced at her screen, soon after, she looked over towards Shinto, "I'm currently level 9!"

"Oh? Last I remembered you were level 8 last night."

"That's cause I played a bit earlier today, then after that... I kind of got distracted with the match aha!"

"I see. What's your stats?"

"Mmm, my stats? It's 50 in Strength, 20 in Agility, 10 in Stamina!"

"Eh? You put most of your points in strength?"

"Is it bad? Did I make a mistake?!"

"Well no... Not exactly? What kind of build and set up are you trying to go for your brawler class?"

"What do you mean?" Frey stared blankly at Shinto.

"What I mean is, are you trying to be an all-out attacker? A steady damage dealer? Specialize in combos?"

"Hmm... I never really thought about it. What's the difference?"

"Well, for an all-out attacker, usually the playstyle would be more on the rough side of things, like a dogfighter. They would endlessly stomp on the opponents whilst connecting with big burst attacks, though the interval between attacks would be slow," Shinto said, "For a specialist in combos, their playstyle would be more on connecting combo after combo to prevent your opponents from being able to move. The interval between attacks for this would be quick and fast." Shinto continued, "As for a steady damage dealer, you would be more even on the side of an all-outer attacker and a specialist, dealing steady damage whilst also being able to steadily do combos."

"Oh, I see! But what does that have to do with my stats?"

"It matters because stats are one of the factors that decide the growth of a character and their playstyle. For an all-out attacker, they would be more focused on strength and stamina, to be able to burst out damage and also survive hits from the enemies. For a specialist, they would be more on the agility and strength side of things. While for a steady damage dealer, they would be more on the evenness of the stats with slight differences between each of them."

"Ah! I get you, so it means I'll need to decide on what kinda playstyle I'm trying to go for in order to invest my stat points into stats?"

"Yep," Shinto nodded his head.

"Hmmm... I can't decide though! All the playstyles seem so fun!!"

"Well if you can't decide, then you don't have to worry about it. You can decide it later, it doesn't matter right now." Shinto reassured Frey, "For now, just invest some stat points into agility and stamina for a more balanced build first and then save the rest of your points."

"Will do! As expected of Master Shinto!"

"Cough..." Upon hearing the word 'Master', Shinto let out a sudden cough.

"Mmm... I'm curious! What's your stats and level?"

"Huh? My stats and level? Err... I'm currently level 7, with my stat points mainly invested in stamina, intelligence and agility. Each having 8, 10, 10 respectively."

"Eh, why so low for a level 7?!"

"Well, I didn't use all my stat points. I'm saving them."

"Saving them? What for? Isn't it better to just use them straight away?"

"That would be useful for the short term, but I'm thinking on the long term side of things. Who knows what situations would I come across where I might need to urgently invest a certain stat?"

"Hmm... Right, right..." Frey thought to herself, "So I should save my points too?"

"Well yeah, you should. But since you already invested most of your stat points into strength, might as well invest the later stat points you get into agility and stamina first so you can have a balance of stats."

"Alright! Then what about intelligence? Wouldn't it be a lonely 1 if I keep investing in the rest of my stats?"

"Ah, right," Shinto suddenly remembered the importance of intelligence, "Yeah invest in that too. In fact, invest in it for the next few levels, you would need it if you were to want to self-sustain."

Shinto had forgotten about the usage of intelligence for melee physical classes. Unlike the importance of intelligence for mages and the like, for melee classes, intelligence is important to increase one's MP to be able to use multiple skills more often. He overlooked that fact since his old class, 'Lunar Swordsman' had an exclusive swordsman-resource only for most of his abilities, as well as 'Shadow Diviner' skills completely negated the usage of mana.

"So intelligence first... Then balance my stats and then save... Alrighty! Now I know what to do! Thank you for the lecture, master!" Frey excitedly said, "Anyways... Shall we go out and fight some monsters and level up now?! My blood is still pumped up from the earlier match today!"

"Sure, let's go."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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