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Chapter 37: PK Drop

Chapter 37: PK Drop

Dealing the final blow over to the slow thief, Frey let out a sigh of relief as she pouted. "Jee, that's finally done!"

"Good work, Frey." Shinto turned towards her as he stretched his arms.

"Will they come after us again?" Frey asked as she glanced over to her boots

"Hmm... I don't think they'd try to challenge us in a fight anytime soon. We did win in a two versus three after all." Shinto shrugged.

"They won't?" She raised her brow, "...The way they tried to forcefully get me to give their boots... Makes it seem like their the persistent type, are you sure?"

"Well, if they want to suffer more losses again, then sure they can fight us."


"When you die you lose portions of your experience and gold, besides that you also have a chance to drop an item."

"Eh?! Really?!" Frey shouted out in shock, "Wait... Was that the reason why they were so obsessed with my boots? They were hoping I'd drop them when I die?"

"Basically so."

"What? Jeez, their bad people! Can't they just get the drop fair and square like us?!"

"I guess they figured that they'd have a better chance at getting the boots from us rather than fighting Centripedas over and over plenty of times." Shinto shrugged.

"Hmph! Then they deserved dying!" She pouted, "Anyways... Did we get anything from killing them?"

"Hmm... I didn't get anything on my side." Shinto sighed, "Anything from you?"

"Uhhh let me check!" Frey turned her eyes over to the notification window, "Oh...! I got something!"

"Oh? What's the drop?"

"It's this cloak!" Frey said as she took out a green cloak made out of leaves from her inventory. Soon after, Shinto and Freya scrutinized the detail of the item.

[ Old Wood Cloak ]

Rarity: Epic

Defensive Power: 90

Durability: 320/320

*Agility +4

*Intelligence +4

*Earth Resistance +5%

*Outgoing heal is increased by 4%

*Incoming heal is increased by 4%

*The skill 'Soft Root Heal' is generated

A cloak made from the soft leaves of the old wood treants within the canyons. The cloak is a treasured possession by the trolls living within the forest as it was said that the old wood treants would give blessing upon those who wear it.

Condition(s): Level 10 or above.

Weight: 75


[ Soft Root Heal ] [ 80 MP ] [ Cooldown: 3 Minutes ]

Summons forth a small root on the ground within a grassy area as the root heals surrounding allies within close proximity for 20HP every second until the small root is destroyed.

*The small root's durability and health are based on 25% of the master's stamina stat.

*You can only summon up to two small root.

Frey's eyes glistened as she read the details of the item. For a level 10 item, this was an amazing rare drop obtained from the trolls within the old wood dungeon. Just like the Centripedas Boots, it was one of the best early game items, especially for clerics where their healing is boosted.

"Woah! This cloak is amazing!" Frey shouted in excitement, "Did we really get it from those bad guys?"

"Huh... This dropped?" Shinto's mouth opened wide, "How unlucky for them that something like this drop..." Shinto felt pity for the thieves. Just like Centripedas Boots, this cloak had similarly drop rates. For such an item to be dropped, the thieves would surely taste the bitterness of defeat.

"Since this item is like... The same rarity as the boots, does it mean this is a rare drop?"

"Yep. It's one of the good items that can be obtained from the dungeon alongside Centripedas Boots."

"Woah really?! And we have both of them?"

"Mhm. To get such items on the same day is just..." Shinto couldn't make up any words. The rates for these items were just bad, getting them on the same day is just way too lucky. Though granted, the drop from old wood cloak wasn't from the boss but from the thieves, but even then getting a drop like that takes chance too.

"Are we that lucky?" Frey said excitedly, "What happens if go to a lottery, would it mean that we can win!?"

"...I don't think so. We, or should I say you, shouldn't try your luck on it."

"Aww fine. But still! This is a rare drop and we got it!"

"From the thieves," Shinto stated.

"Ah- Right... We did get that drop from those greedy people..." Frey disdained, "Well serve them right for trying to be greedy for my boots!"

"Aha... Anyways, as for who keeps the cloak..." Shinto said as he was interrupted by Frey.

"You keep it!"

"Ah?" Shinto blankly stared at Frey.

"You keep it! I already have the boots, so you get the cloak!" She smiled.

"...Thanks." He was at a lost for words. Although he was going to ask for Frey to give him the cloak, he didn't expect that she'd give it to him without him asking for it.

"Yay! Now we each have an epic item!" Frey cheered. "Now then let's get back to town!" She turned around as she waltzed forward, heading out of the forest.

Shinto stared at the back of Frey as he thought to himself, 'I had thought she would want to keep the cloak since she was the one that did the final blow... But I guess I was wrong.'

He let out a sigh as he equipped the cloak, quickly he followed behind the excited Frey back to town.


Reaching back to the town of Parm, Shinto looked around as he saw that the streets weren't as busy as before. Compared to this morning, there were fewer players around, most of them should be doing quests or dungeoning at this time.

"Alright. Now that we're back, Frey... About those quests." Shinto turned towards Frey as he stated.

"Ah... Those quests, err... Where do I find them?" She asked back.

"There should be a few beginners quest back at the temple, you should go there and do them."

"Just them?"

"For now, just them. They should provide you with some rep and gold for completing them. It'll do you good to at least do them for the reputation in town."

"I see! What about you then? What will you do then while I do the quests?"

"I'll be going and resupplying some stuff as well as buying some new equipment."

"Ah, so you're going to the marketplace then?"

"Yep." Shinto nodded his head.

"Oo! Can you get me something as well?"

"You do need some new equipment too," Shinto said, "I guess I'll get you some as well."

"Alrighty! Then we meet back here in an hour or so?"

"Yeah, after that we can go over to the next town or head to a dungeon or something."

Nodding her head, Frey parted ways with Shinto.

"Now then... Back to the market place to buy stuff..."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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