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Chapter 42: Demand

Chapter 42: Demand

"If only things went differently?" Shinto asked.

"Well back then, Tavern Parmic used to be a hotspot in town. Everyone would come and go, enjoying their favourite meals, resting after a long day or just enjoy themselves,"

Greld walked back and forth behind the counter as he looked over the empty Tavern. His face bore a slight smile while he reminisced on the past.

"Just watching their smiles and happiness placed a smile on my face as well. However, that didn't last long..." The smile he had made earlier turned in a sad face. "A little over a year ago, things turned upside down as a few members of the nobility came barging into my tavern."

Hearing the words from Greld, Shinto raised his brow. "So, this situation has to do with the nobility huh?"

"Right..." The man sighed. "Soon after they barged in, they came up to me and demanded that I sell over my Tavern and the property over to them."

"Wow... Such a demand," Shinto frowned at the arrogance of the nobles. He had always disliked the way many nobles treat others who are below them like disposables. From the first time he played the game to now, nobles were the reason why many were in poverty or lived a miserable life. Although he knew not all nobility were arrogant or prideful, the majority of them were like this, thus his attitude towards them was indifferent. "I assumed you rejected them?"

"Of course. But refusing wasn't an option to them. They kept demanding for me to sell my place, however since I owned the place, I stood my grounds," Greld had bought the property to open up his tavern. Why would he sell it over to the likes of them?

"Their demand was baseless, right? They can't do anything even if you refuse," Shinto said.

"Yes... That is what I thought. But, after their fruitless efforts, they left and said a parting word to me, 'You will regret this'. And after that day, things went downhill."

"Everything went downhill from that day?"

"Yeah... From that day onwards, I had been getting fewer customers in my tavern. There weren't many of my regulars anymore and all I saw were a few first-timers coming," Greld frowned. "I suspected it was the work of the nobles, but, when I tried to ask my regulars in town, I found out that they had left town."

"...They left town?"

"I heard they moved out from Parm," he sighed. "And as days pass, I've been getting fewer and fewer customers, to the point where there were days I had none."

"Then... The reason why you're in this situation was..."

"Yes. I was forced out of my place through bankruptcy."

"Tch... So that's how they did it..."

"Sigh... Yes, and there was nothing I could do about it. I had tried all means, like reporting the situation to the baron overseeing this place, but he refused an audience with me. I had tried to find my remaining regulars, but they seem to have gone away. The days pass and I couldn't make any profit, thus leading to this situation."

"...I see," Shinto felt pity for the man in front of him. The nobles had manipulated the situation to the point of him being unable to fight back. They had power, and they used it against him. "Did you know why your regulars moved out of town?"

"I don't know... But, I only heard that once the nobles visited them, the next day, they left town." Greld helplessly shook his head. "Anyways, I'm getting ahead of myself, you go on ahead and enjoy your meal. If you need me I'll be in the kitchen..." The man hurriedly headed through the door behind the counter.

"Sigh... Typical work of the nobles. Though... Them having done all the work seems a bit too much, why did they want the tavern so much to the point they spend the efforts to make him go bankrupt?" Shinto thought to himself as a whisper was sent to him.

"Uh... Master? A little problem..." The whisper was from Frey.

"Huh? What's up? I'm already waiting in the tavern," Shinto replied back.

"Well... That's the problem... Where's the tavern? You said the tavern was in the town centre but... Where is it?!"

"Ah. I forgot to tell you this after finding out the place myself... Sorry."

After finding out the directions to the Tavern, he had forgotten to inform Frey the information. No wonder Frey hadn't arrived yet.

Without wasting any more time, Shinto sent her the directions to the alleyway. Moments later, the door to the Tavern opened.

"Phew... I've finally made it!" Frey walked through the door as she looked around the room, "Wait... This is the place right?" Seeing the place in front of her, she felt that she had wandered to the wrong building.

"Yep, this is the place," From the distance, Frey heard Shinto's voice.

"Ah, master! Phew! Glad to see you here... I thought I went to the wrong place aha..."

"I guess I can understand where you're coming from. Anyways, you said you had to make a delivery here right?"

"Mhm! I have to give this parcel to a man named Greld who lives here... But, I don't see anyone here?"

Just as Frey mentioned his name, Greld walked out of the door. "Ah, I see your friend has arrived?" Greld asked as he turned towards Frey.

"Ohh~! Perfect timing! Uhh, Mr Greld, I have this parcel for you!" Frey said.

"Oh? A parcel? I'm not expecting anything today though..." Greld said as he walked closer to Frey, quickly he received the package from her. "Hmm... It's quite small..." The man swiftly opened the parcel as he was greeted by a yellow sheet of paper, as well as a small box within the parcel.

Taking out the yellow sheet of paper first, he read through what was written on it. After reading till the end, the man sighed as he placed the paper down on the counter.

"Is there anything else besides the parcel?" Greld asked Frey.

"Uh... Well, that's the only thing they gave me to deliver to you..."

"I see. Thank you for delivering this to me. Anyways, would you like anything to eat? You must be hungry after going around town, right?"

"Ah um..." Frey looked at Shinto as she saw that he nodded his head. "I guess I'm quite hungry, so... Yes?"

"Mhm. I'll cook you something up! Don't worry, you won't regret eating here, your friend over here enjoyed the food very much," The man turned his sad face to a laugh as he handed over the menu to Frey. "Please take your time and order when you're ready!"

Frey received the menu from Greld as she began to read through it. Meanwhile, Shinto looked at the perplexed man, as he then looked at the paper that he had placed down.

Soon after, he asked. "Is that yellow paper something to do with a debt?"

The moment he asked this, a sudden quest window appeared before his and Frey's eyes.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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