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Chapter 44: Disbelieve

Chapter 44: Disbelieve

Shinto starred at Frey in utter disbelieve. Earning 5000 gold in just seven quests? Just what kind of quest has she been doing to be able to earn that insane amount? Maybe if it was the upper levelled quests, then it would be possible. However, this was a newbie quest that Frey was doing.

"...You're not kidding right?" Shinto asked.

"Nope! I got 5000 gold just from doing seven quests!" Frey happily replied.

Shinto continued to stare at Frey in utter disbelieve. "...Just what kind of quests have you been doing?"

"Err... The quests you asked me to do? You know! Those quests at the temple! Oh, and some extra quests I found while doing the temple quests..."

"Like what?" Shinto raised his brow.

"This delivery quest as well as that escort quest which I barely managed to do!"

"...Escort quest?"

"Yeah!" Frey nodded her head.

"What was the detail of that quest?"

"Well... This man begged me to help escort him somewhere because he was being chased by someone, so I accepted the quest otherwise he'd die! So while escorting the guy, he ranted on and on which bore me..." Frey explained. "Just as things got boring, the guy that chased the man appeared out of nowhere and started attacking us! Did you know I almost died?! But thankfully... I managed to survive!"

"So... What happened then?"

"Well uh... After running away, we kind of lost him I guess?"

"Ah, you didn't win the fight?"

"Nope! Not at all! He was just too powerful! I don't even know how I managed to escape..." Frey shuddered. "Anyways! After escaping that guy's reach, the man said he wanted to go to the underground of the town because that's the safest place."

"Huh? There's an underground area of the town?"

"Oh? I thought you knew? I was just about to ask you this since I got a notification saying that it was a dungeon or something."

"A dungeon?" Shinto raised his brow. He never knew there was such a dungeon below the town. "What did the notification say?"

"Uh... Something like receiving an area discovery buff for discovering this area?"

"W-What?" Shinto said in shocked after hearing what Frey said. "The quest... What was the difficulty of the quest?"

"Oh! Like S ranked or something?"

"..." Shinto blanky starred at Frey. "...You completed the quest right?"


"What's the reward...?"

"Uh... 4000 Gold and uh... This key to the underground!" she took out a stone key from her inventory as she showed it to Shinto.

"I see..." Shinto breathed in as he calmed himself down. Hearing the events that happened on Frey's side gave him too much of a shock. To find a hidden quest that was S ranked was rare, but for a newbie to be able to successfully complete it was astonishing. "So, this is where you got that much gold from in an hour... I'm kind of surprised that much happened during that time frame..."

"Yeah! So much happened! It was so fun!"

"Ahem... So about the man that gave you the quest..."

"Oh him? After we went to the underground area, he kind of just disappeared?"


"When my attention was on the notifications that I got, the guy just disappeared. He left a bag of money and a key, which was the rewards of the quest," Frey explained. "I tried to look for him, but the underground was so dark and the dungeon gave me a very cold shoulder feeling... So I immediately left!"

"Then, right after that, you went and did the delivery quest?"

"Yep!" Frey nodded her head. "Anyhow... Did I do good for my first time doing quests?!" she looked at Shinto with bright shiny eyes filled with excitement.

"Uh..." Shinto could only helplessly open and close his mouth as he looked for the words he wanted to say. There was just too much that happened in that one hour Shinto went to the marketplace. Not only did she stumble upon a hidden quest and managed to complete it, but she also found a hidden dungeon. "Yeah, for your second-day playing, you did really well," Shinto gave a smile to Frey.

Shinto could only think of those words to say. Although he still felt very shock, he couldn't say that the shock didn't come with a feeling of happiness for Frey. Although some may feel jealous or envy the fact she got a hidden quest, Shinto didn't feel that. Why would he? She was just enjoying the game. He had no rights to wish otherwise.

"Yay! I did well!" Frey cheered. "So, what happened on your side? I want to hear it!"

"Cough..." Shinto let out a cough after hearing Frey's question. "Uh... Well, nothing much... Compared to what you experienced, mine was just boring."

"Well, it can't be that bad!"

"...It can," Shinto sighed as he opened up his inventory. Soon after, he took out the gloves and vest that he had bought and passed it over towards Frey. "Anyways, here, sorry that there wasn't anything better I could get for you. These were the only good items I found. The rest were all, well... Useless."

"Oh! Thank you, Master!" Frey smiled happily as she immediately wore the gloves and vest that Shinto gave. "Wow, it's so comfortable!"

"Aha... looks like you like it. When the time comes, we can get better equipment, but for now, this will do."

"Right!" Frey happily nodded her head.

As the two conversed with one another, a light aroma filled the air as the door behind the counter opened up. Coming out of the door was Greld who held a plate of fried chicken wings that Frey ordered.

"Here you go, fried chicken wings freshly cooked!" Greld delightfully said as he walked over towards Frey.

The man placed down the fried chicken wings coated in a sizzled red sauce. The aroma around the chicken gave off a very pleasant smell that made one feel the need to have a bite of it as soon as possible.

"Hope you enjoy it!" Greld said cheerfully.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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