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Chapter 56: The Boss's Chamber

Chapter 56: The Boss's Chamber

[ You sense a force of great evil lurking behind the doors of old. ]

"...Ah?" he blinked at the notification that he received. 'A great evil lurking behind the doors of old...?' he couldn't understand the sudden message that the system was giving.

'Does it mean the boss of this dungeon?' he speculated. 'It would make sense seeing as how Shivuliz was once a demonic being that was sealed away in this place... But why the notification all of a sudden?'

For all the times he had run the dungeon previously, he had never gotten such a notification before.

'Is it because it's related to my class?' he glanced over towards Ethaniel and Raina who had yet entered the room. Upon a look at them, the two didn't seem to have gotten the notification that he had received. 'If it's really related to my class... Then what does Shivuliz has to do with this?'

A demonic being of evil, she who had once served the demon kings but was defeated by a hero and sealed away in this treacherous place. That was the lore given to the players when they first heard the whereabouts of this dungeon.

'Hmm... Could I finally receive my class quest then?' A glint of expectation and excitement shone within his eyes. 'But to get it in such a place like this...'

Shinto had figured that he needed to head to another Altric related hidden dungeon like the one he went to in the mountains in order to obtain the class quest. Never would he expect to get it in Shivuliz's Den of all places.

'No, to get the class quest in a place like this would be weird.' he shook his head of the thought. 'The 'hero' that sealed away Shivuliz was a swordsman. There shouldn't be any relations to this class in general,' he reasoned to himself. '...Though, maybe there was a possibility that this would be related to Altric instead?'

While deep in thought, Shinto felt a sudden touch on his right shoulder. '...?' Looking over towards the feeling, he saw Raina poking at his shoulder.

"Err, Shinto? Is something wrong?" Raina asked.

"Ah, no, nothing at all," he wittingly replied.

"Oh then good! We're going in now, Lucas has already got the boss aggroed."

"Right," he nodded his head as the two stepped into the boss room.


The moment the two entered into the boss room, they were immediately greeted by countless notifications and the appearance of the boss that Ethaniel and Lucas were already fighting.

With her silky long black hair and almost naked body that only cobwebs and black lines covered, this was the appearance boss, Shivuliz. She had the looks of a human, though that was only the top of her body, below it was that of a body of a spider.

[ The weakened soul of the spiders, Shivuliz, has awakened from her slumber! ]

[ All players within the area will be more susceptible to status ailments by 15% whilst in the presence of her. ]

[ You have resisted. ]

As they were greeted by the notifications of the boss, Shinto noticed that the boss was already downed by 20% of it's HP.

"You mortal beings! You dare interfere with again?!" Shivuliz roared out as she sent countless cobwebs on the floor of the grounds. "I'll make you all pay for sealing me here!"

As the cobwebs spread across the floors of the dungeon, Lucas and Ethaniel swiftly dodged the attack as they dealt a pincer attack towards Shivuliz. Moments later, Lucas gave a glance over towards the Shinto and Raina.

"Shinto, silence the boss when it's downed 40% of it's HP! Raina prepare to cast Burning Wave on the incoming waves of the servants!" he ordered whilst continuing to attack the boss.

"Got it!" Raina gripped onto her staff as she chanted.

"...Dang, not even a minute into the battle and the boss is already downed by 20%," he muttered as he scrutinized the bosses' health waiting for the moment it was downed by 40%.

The barrage of attacks continued on Shivuliz as it reached towards the 60% mark of its health.

"You...! You will pay!" she screamed as she spread countless eggs around the cobwebs that were laid on the floor earlier. Soon after, she prepared a skill.

"Shinto, now!" Lucas shouted.

"On it." Without a second to lose, Shinto casted [ Hallowed Crest ] on the boss quickly silencing her. Although he was in the dark right now, he still dealt a considerable amount of damage.

"Ack!" Shivuliz screeched as she felt a burning pain from the light of Shinto's skill. "...This... This..." she looked at the wound inflicted by Shinto with wide eyes. In the next moment, she turned towards Shinto with bloodshot eyes. "...You! You dare come back here?!"

Enraged by the sight of him, she swung her eight legs over at Ethaniel and Lucas, quickly knocking them back. Soon after, she swiftly made her way over towards Shinto.

"...!!" Shocked by the sudden attack, the two couldn't avoid it. "The aggro was shifted?!" They hurriedly turned towards Shinto who was now the target of the boss.

"...Huh? Why's it suddenly going to me?!" Shinto said in shock. There shouldn't be a shift in aggro all of a sudden just by using one of his skills. The damage that accumulated through Ethaniel's and Lucas's fight with Shivuliz should have suppressed his own.

"...This shouldn't be possible!" Lucas said as he hurriedly made his way over towards Shinto. "Reposition yourself behind me, I'll get the aggro back!"

"Damn it, you should've done your job properly!" Ethaniel clicked his tongue.

"...You! I will make you pay, you wretched diviner!" Shivuliz continued to roar out as she madly rushed over towards Shinto, ignoring all of her surroundings.

'Diviner...?' Shinto flinched at the sudden mention of the word from Shivuliz. 'Is this why she's suddenly gone mad?' The thought passed through his mind, however, Shinto couldn't think any further as he heard a voice from the distance.

"S-Shinto! Watch out!" Raina shouted out.

"W-What?" Shinto's eyes opened wide as he turned towards the direction of Raina. From her direction, he saw that the mobs that she was supposed to handle were all making his way towards him. Not only was Shivuliz chasing him madly, but the army of spiders that she spawned as well!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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