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Chapter 90: Provisions (3)

Chapter 90: Provisions (3)

"Oh, you're done?" Shinto asked as he turned to the cheerful voice by the side of himFrey.

"Mhm~ I've finally set up that darn storage system!" Frey cheerfully smiled. "Who knew it'd be this complicated?"

"Took you long enough," Ethaniel scoffed. "Now, can we finally get going to that dungeon you were talking about earlier?"

"Right," Shinto nodded his head.

"Hmm? What dungeon?" Frey titled her head. "Old Wood Forest?"

"Uh, it's that dungeon you found, Frey," Raina said. "Something like a catacomb?"

"Ah! Right! That one!" Upon realizing the topic of the conversation, Frey quickly nodded her head. "What are you waiting for then? Let's go!" She began to make her way out of the bank without waiting for the reply of her other companions.

"..." The three looked at one another as they shrugged. Quickly, they followed after Frey.


Through the crowded streets of Parm, the group followed Frey's lead as they headed towards the northwest area of town. Unlike the southwest area where the marketplace, as well as the temple of Viera, lied, the area where the group were at was a fairly unpopulated place.

Although Parm was a hotspot for newbies to spawn in for their first time, Parm was a town for all levels. Thus, the northwest part of town was mainly catered to the upper levelled players.

"...the catacombs is in this part of town?" Ethaniel raised his brow as he glanced around the area, noticing the scarce amount of players within the vicinity. "This is an upper levelled area you know..."

"Huh? Is it?" Frey asked in confusion. "What makes this place so different from the rest?"

"Well, as far as I know, this path that we're taking leads to a pretty dangerous field outside of town which has quite a lot of high levelled monsters..." Shinto explained.

"Is that it?"

"That's it. People don't come here just because of that," he stated. "Though... I don't think this part of town is well maintained. Most of the buildings here are abandoned or old... so that probably adds to the reason why players don't step foot here."

"Oh... so that's why not many are around..." Raina muttered out.

"Wait...! Did I hear correctly? Not many are around the area?" Upon hearing the words coming from Raina, an excited voice rang out through the shadows of the groupKon. "Master! Does this mean I can go out?!"

"," Shinto said helplessly. "There are still people around, so you can't go revealing yourself like that."

"...sigh. But, it's only just a few!" Kon stated. "...and I don't think they are that interested in their surroundings, so it'll be fine if I go out for a bit!"

"No chances," he shook his head. "We're almost there anyway, I think... so you can get out of the shadows when we arrive."

"Awww..." Kon whimpered sadly.

"It's too bad for Kon that he has to stay in the shadows..." Raina frowned. "If only there was something we could use to cover him up so he doesn't have to stay in there for too long..."

"Even if we carry that guy in our arms, he'll still stand out like a sore thumb," Ethaniel scoffed.

"Hey! what do you mean I'll stand out like a sore thumb?!" Kon shouted out. "I'm a cute fox!"

"Haha... but that's why you stand out. You're unique," Raina chuckled.

"Mmm... fine, I'll stay in my shadow then!" A grunt could be heard from Kon. "I don't want to make trouble after all..."

"Ahem... anyway, Frey, when are we reaching the place?" Shinto turned to Frey as he asked.

"Almost! It's just over there," Frey pointed over towards a small broken-down building by the distance. "That's where that dungeon is."

"Hah...? Over there?" Ethaniel said in disbelieve.

"Yep! That's where that old man asked for me to escort him to," she nodded her head.

"...for a dungeon to be in an abandoned building, I guess it makes sense," Shinto shrugged. "But, for a catacomb dungeon to be there..."

"That seems off. I expected the dungeon to be in a more... I don't know, by the cliffs or something? To be in an abandoned building of all places..." Ethaniel said, still in disbelieve.

"Right... I expected that too," Shinto said as he soon shrugged. "But, we'll just have to see for ourselves what the dungeon truly is."

"I guess," Ethaniel said as he stepped forward. "Then let's get going then."

The group nodded their heads as they quickly made their way over towards the abandoned building. From the exterior of the building, it looked to be a three-storey building, though, there were many cracks and holes on the walls, not to mention moss spreading everywhere.

"Ugh... when you said this place was not maintained well... I didn't really expect it to be at this state," Ethaniel said as he took a look around the surrounding area.

"...this is one of the few buildings that are like this from what I heard back then," Shinto stated. "Though, this is my first time seeing it for myself."

"A place like this to be this broken-down in a very populated town... just why's that?" Raina questioned.

"I've no idea..." Shinto shook his head helplessly. "But, it seems to stem from the fact that this entire part of town is neglected."

"Well whatever it is, are we going in or what?" Ethaniel asked.

"Cough... right, let's go in," Shinto let out a cough as the group quickly entered the building.


Entering the broken-down building, the group was quickly greeted by the sight of debris scattered throughout the interiors of the room. From the floors, there were many holes, and from the ceiling, sunlight protruded down.

Stepping foot onto the old wooden floorings, Ethaniel helplessly looked over to Frey. "...hey, Frey? Are you sure this is the place?"

"Yeah, this is definitely the place!" Frey nodded her head. "I vividly remember fighting those guys her."

" fought who now?" Ethaniel raised his brow.

"Uh, well, some guys that were after the old man, of course!" she stated.

"Right, right, you did mention that happened... though, I'm still surprised that you cleared the quest..." Shinto said whilst glancing around the area, from the shadow of the group, Kon jumped out of it as he hopped onto Shinto's shoulder whilst sniffing in the air.

"Ahh~ Fresh air! I'm finally free!" Kon wagged his tail in delight. "It's fine if I stay like this, right... master?"

"Yeah, it's fine," he nodded his head as he turned to Frey. "Anyway... where's the entrance? All I see is debris everywhere."

"The entrance of the dungeon? It's more inner into the building!" Frey said. "Just beyond that debris and then we head down," she continued whilst walking further into the area.


Following Frey, the group swiftly continued making their way through the building's broken hallways as they reached a staircase. Heading down, they soon saw a passage in which was blocked a stone door.

"Is this it?" Raina asked as the group stopped in front of an old door.

The door was made out of a stone that seemed to have held up over the years. On the entrance, there was many patterns and carvings, however, it seemed to be just for decorations.

"Yep! This is the place," Frey nodded her head as she took out a stone key. "So, do I open the entrance?"

[ Parm Catacombs Stone Key ]

Type: Miscellaneous.

A stone key in which was given by a man who made a run for his life. This key seemed to have aged for a long time.

Effects: Unlocks the old door that leads to the underground.


"...wait, before that..." Shinto turned to Ethaniel whilst taking out his staff. "Are we all prepared?"

"I'm ready!" Raina nodded her head.

"We are. Just hurry it up and open it already," Ethaniel said impatiently whilst holding onto the sheath by his right tightly.

"Alright!" Nodding her head, Frey swiftly placed the key into the keyhole of the door. The moment she did so, the door of the passageway opened as they were quickly greeted by a notification.

[ You have opened the instance dungeon entrance to 'Catacombs of the Deserted Sanke' ]

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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