Return of Salazar Slytherin

22- Sorting Hat

22- Sorting Hat

Professor McGonagall led the first-year students near the teacher's stage and asked them to line up in a row facing all the senior students.

Rhys could feel the professor's eyes on them from behind. At this moment, all the students and ghosts in the auditorium were also looking at them. Caught between thousands of eyes, many freshmen began to sweat from behind.

Not only did Rhys notice that the dome of the auditorium was unusual, Hermione also looked up to observe the ceiling for a moment, and then she whispered: "The ceiling here has been enchanted and looks like the sky outside. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History".

"Yes," Rhys agreed, "there is an extremely profound spell cast on the dome, which was cast by the four founders together. It can be consistent with the outside sky, and powerful wizards can also change the weather conditions on the dome. "

He squinted his eyes, looked at the dome, and added: "If someone with ulterior motives enters the castle, the weather on the ceiling will also worsen."

"Really? It's never mentioned in the book!" Hermione was surprised. She didn't expect that the ceiling of the auditorium could have such an effect.

"If it's just an ordinary synchronized weather, then why bother the four founders to do it together? This is confidential, and only the Headmaster and vice headmaster level know about it." Rhys said with a smile on his face, this was given by the four of them. One of the precious legacies left by future generations is part of the defense system of Hogwarts Castle.

"Then how did you know?"


While Rhys and Hermione were chatting, Professor McGonagall walked up to them. The stern-faced witch holds a square stool in one hand and a pointed wizard hat in the other.

She gently placed the four-legged stool in front of the first years and placed the wizard's hat on the stool.

Rhys looked at the patched and tattered old hat with a complicated expression.

'My days... has no one washed this hat in a thousand years? ' He almost couldn't hold back the desire to complain. The thought of putting this hat on his head that had not been washed for hundreds of years gave him goosebumps.

It's no wonder that the successor doesn't dare to clean the sorting hat. If the hat is damaged, who will sort the new students?

The Sorting Hat, which carries the will of the four founders, has never assigned students to the wrong house. It is the embodiment of the will of the four founders. Not all of the succeeding Headmasters have the ability to recreate the Sorting Hat, and the will of the four founders contained in the original Sorting Hat cannot be reproduced.

Over time, not cleaning the sorting hat has become a Hogwarts tradition, inherited by generations of headmasters.

After the Sorting Hat was placed on the stool, a wide crack opened in the brim, and then the hat sang.

♪♫ "Oh, you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find! A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head! The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you—Where you ought to be!

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart;" ♫♪

Rhys listened patiently to the Sorting Hat's song. Not to mention, the lyrics rhyme quite a bit.


You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffis are true And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind...." ♫

I don't know which old friend's handiwork actually allowed Hat to compose such a great song on his own.

♫♪"..Or perhaps in Slytherin, You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means

To achieve their ends....." ♫‼

Rhys: "? !"

Cunning folk use any means... well, its somewhat true but isn't the vocabulary indicating a bad impression, not on the wise people but on the young little children who had a prejudice of those kinds of words..?

If things continue like this..

His eyes were full of disbelief, and he turned his head and spoke to Daphne who was standing next to him: "Will the Sorting Hat arrange Slytherin House like this and no one will care about it? What does it mean to use any means? Shouldn't it say by glorious means? The other three houses all have good things to say, is the house has become like this? Are we going to talk about cunning sceems here in Slytherin House?"

"...So put me on!

Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none) For I'm a Thinking Cap!"♫♪

He finally understood that since he left early with minor 'bad terms' with his friends, the other three people must have tampered with the hat after he left!

Can you be more neutral and objective? This is a sorting ceremony, can't you say something nice?

Daphne thought about it and felt that there was something wrong with the lyrics of the Sorting Hat, but it seemed to be true?

"It didn't lie either. Slytherin House has indeed given birth to many insidious and cunning people over the years. Ever since the mysterious man was introduced, the house's reputation has become even worse."

Seeing that even a die-hard Slytherin like Daphne felt that the Sorting Hat was not lying, Rhys couldn't help but sigh.

Why is the House's reputation so bad?

After waking up, Rhys didn't have a clear goal. Now that he has one, he decides to reverse the reputation of Slytherin House.

At this time, Professor McGonagall held a roll of parchment in her hand and took a few steps forward.

"Whoever's name I call now will put on the hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting," her voice echoed in the auditorium: "Hannah Abbott!"

"Hufflepuff!" The hat shouted.

"Susan Bones!"


"Terry Boot!".

One name after another came out of her mouth, and the queue in front of the staff table gradually narrowed.

Neville Longbottom was called forward.

There was silence for a while after the sorting hat was placed on his head. The hat seemed to have some conflicts with Neville, and it began to communicate with Neville.

After Neville blushed and shook his head firmly, the hat called out the name ..Hufflepuff!

The Sorting Hat's decision did not surprise those who knew Neville. Isn't it normal for him to go to Hufflepuff?

If the conversation between the Sorting Hat and him was exposed, many people would be shocked - the Sorting Hat actually thought he could choose between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and it was Neville who insisted on going to Hufflepuff House, so the Sorting Hat sorted him into Hufflepuff.

Hermione Granger and Daphne Greengrass are in front and behind each other. The Sorting Hat made the decision to sort Daphne into Slytherin almost as soon as it touched her head, but it was slower to decide on Hermione. 

About three minutes later, the Sorting Hat sorted her into Ravenclaw House.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but Rhys felt that the little girl winked at him before walking to the long table in Ravenclaw House.

Rhys could tell that Hermione initially felt that Gryffindor was the best because of Dumbledore - she wanted to enter Gryffindor, perhaps because it was the best house. Now she can face her own heart and choose the house that suits her best, which makes Rhys very happy.

Gradually, the student's last name transitioned from "Granger's G" to Lint's "L"

"Rhys Lint!"

Seeing Professor McGonagall calling out his name, Rhys walked over to the four-legged stool and sat down. Professor McGonagall walked towards him, and just as she was about to put the hat on his head, Rhys stretched out his hand to her, took the Sorting Hat from her hand, and put the hat on himself.

Hat, I don't know if you still remember me. I even rubbed your body when you were a kid!

Before putting on his hat, a nasty thought suddenly flashed through Rhys's mind.


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