Return of Salazar Slytherin

25- The school song that made the founder despair

25- The school song that made the founder despair

After the desserts were removed, Dumbledore stood up again, and silence returned to the restaurant.

Headmaster Dumbledore briefly talked about some precautions in the school, and emphasized that " this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."

Some students thought Headmaster Dumbledore was joking, but judging from the serious expressions on most students' faces, they took what Dumbledore said seriously.

While Professor Dumbledore was speaking, Rhys carefully looked at the professors on the faculty bench.

In his opinion, the teaching staff at Hogwarts this year is quite good. There are several professors who exude strong magic fluctuations, which were enough to help in the civil war between wizards and muggles even a thousand years ago.

Professor McGonagall who led them to the sorting; another short professor who looked part goblin blood; a middle-aged witch who looked very Hufflepuff-like at first glance; and a man with greasy black hair and a hooked nose; A middle-aged wizard with sallow skin wearing a turban. Apart from Dumbledore, these four people are the wizards with the most powerful magic circulating around them inside the hall.

As for Dumbledore, when Rhys looked at him with his naked eyes, he could only see a smiling and amiable old man with a white beard. Once you use magic detection, you will have a stinging feeling like looking directly at the sun.

He is the strongest wizard he has met since his recovery. Even if he faces the Gryffindor of the past, he may not be at a disadvantage - in the sense of magic power of course- but considering his age and physical condition, there is almost no need to worry about who will be the winner.

Rhys had eye contact with Dumbledore once during the banquet. At that time, he saw a pair of blue eyes as deep as a lake. They seemed to have some kind of magic, attracting people to fall deep into the eyes.

This contact only lasted for a moment before it was interrupted. Professor Dumbledore tapped the goblet in front of him with a golden spoon as a toast to Rhys.

Among the professors, except for Dumbledore, the hook-nosed teacher and the professor sitting next to him wearing a purple turban impressed Rice the most.

The magic power exuded by the hook-nosed professor had a cold and indifferent feeling. However, after careful tasting, Rhys found that his magic power could give people the illusion of burning fire.

The professor with the purple turban surprised Rhys the most. He gave Rhys a vague sense of discomfort, but he couldn't tell what the problem was.

He decided to look for an opportunity to observe him closely in the future.

While Dumbledore was telling the school rules, there were also enthusiastic busybodies at the long tables in each house introducing the school's professors to the new students.

Due to her noble surname, Daphne received a very warm reception, and Rhys, who was sitting next to her, also benefited from the privilege and heard a lot of information.

"That's Professor Severus Snape, the head of our house. Although he seems difficult to get along with, he is the best to the students in his house. As long as you don't contradict him face-to-face and do the work he gives, you will be fine. And even if you make a mistake, being a Slytherin, you won't be punished too harshly."

"Also, don't underestimate Professor Flitwick. It is said that he once won the duel competition when he was young..."

"That's Professor Quirrell. He used to teach Muggle Studies in school. According to reliable information, he is going to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts this year!"

"Huh? He looks quit timid for being a Dark Arts professor, and you said he used to teach mugg—"

"Ahem!" Dumbledore cleared his throat, and the voices in the audience subsided. "Now, before everyone goes to bed, let us sing the school song together!" Dumbledore said loudly.

School song? !

Hogwarts actually has a school song now!

They originally wanted to create a song, but later gave up because they couldn't find a suitable song. Unexpectedly, later generations actually took over their will.

This is really... great!

Rhys' whole body became excited.

He adjusted his posture, straightened his robes, and sat upright, preparing to listen to the Hogwarts school song.

What Rhys didn't notice was that the smiles of other professors seemed to freeze after hearing Dumbledore's words.

Dumbledore flicked his wand, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand, twisting and coiling like a snake above the high dining table, forming lines of text.

"Each one chooses a tune he likes," said Dumbledore, "get ready and sing!"

Rhys: Let's hear the school song! ┗( ^0^)┓

Rhys: Huh?!!

┗( ◎_◎)┓

He was stunned by the school song "Chorus" by the teachers and students of Hogwarts: everyone had their own tune, and when combined together, it formed a scalp-numbing sound, as if his head was soaked in a pile of heaps. Like a barrel full of live octopus.

What was a school song, sung by Hogwarts professors and students seemed like some kind of spiritual forbidden spell.

This really is the Hogwarts school song!? Rhys's heart was shaken.

However, seeing Dumbledore's serious conduct and other students singing along "seriously", he had to accept the reality that this was the Hogwarts school song.

 Rhys felt that his knowledge of Dumbledore was still too lacking.

When the last note faded, applause rang out in the auditorium. Rhys tried to comfort himself.

It was better to have a school song than not. The lyrics of the song were not bad, but the singing was not very consistent.

After such self-deception, I finally stabilized my emotions. (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)

Dumbledore also announced that it was bedtime and everyone could return to the dorms to rest.

Students from each House stood up from the table unsteadily and headed towards the common room of their Houses under the leadership of their respective prefects.

A girl with fashionable curly hair and delicate light makeup stood up from the end of the long table in Slytherin House and said loudly in a clear voice: "First-year Slytherin students, please follow me."

After all the freshmen gathered behind her, she led them out of the auditorium.

"The Slytherin's common room is tucked away in the castle dungeons, and I hope you will remember the way to it.

Dear Merlin, if one day I meet a Slytherin student wandering around the dungeons looking for the entrance to the lounge, I will definitely suggest Professor Snape to expedite the transfer procedures for you. "

The first-year students of Slytherin followed the prefect named Gemma Farley out of the auditorium hall, and along the marble stairs into the underground space of the castle.

The underground space of the castle is extremely complex, giving people a sense of familiarity like a maze, but in Rhys's eyes, the road here is so familiar to him that he can walk with his eyes closed.

As for the infrastructure here being like this? It is certainly not because the four founders were idle and bored.

When Hogwarts was first built, along with being a school, it also served a military role for a period of time.

It was just that as the days gradually settled down, the military purpose of the dungeon was gradually abandoned and forgotten.

But until now, the depths of the castle dungeon were still forbidden areas, truly forbidden areas, the kind of forbidden areas with magical barriers to prevent naughty little wizards from entering.

Gemma led the freshmen to a plain stone wall.


As the password was spoken, the stone wall of the dungeon suddenly cracked in the middle and trembled apart to both sides, revealing two large snakes entwined together.

After the stone wall was completely separated, the big snakes also loosened their entangled bodies, forming an arch.

The Slytherin House common room appeared in front of the new students.


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