Return of the Calamity-Class Death Knight

Chapter 289

[Translator - Kie]

[Proofreader - Kawaii]


Chapter 289: Alfheim (1)


It was unfortunate that Damien's attempt had failed.

No matter how many times Damien used the Authority of Lust and tortured him, he could not weaken his mental fortitude. Damien couldn't brainwash Alterio. His spirit was too strong.

'The Authority of Lust is far too weak compared to other powers.'

Sometimes, he even doubted whether this was truly the power of a Demon King.

"Ugh, uugh... hoo..."

Then, a strange sound came from beneath his feet. Damien stopped his thoughts and turned his gaze.

Alterio had a vacant expression on his face and drooling from his mouth. Due to the continuous torture and brainwashing attempts, his sanity had been completely destroyed.

Damien didn't feel particularly sorry about him. Alterio must have committed countless sins to become one of the Giant Evils. Compared to those sins, this was nothing.

"I hope you rot in hell."

Damien swung Dawn and beheaded Alterio. The Giant Evil of Pandemonium thus lost his life so anticlimactically.

Damien returned to the warehouse after killing Alterrio. The people were looking at him with tense faces.

"There's no need to be afraid. As I said earlier, I came to save you."

Only after Damien explained again did people begin to relax their guard one by one.

"Sir K-Knight... T-Thank you."

"If it weren't for you, we would have been... what would have happened to us now?!"

Perhaps because they were relieved, people grabbed Damien and poured out all sorts of emotions.

Damien clapped his hands. At the sound, people came to their senses.

"It's too early to completely relax. There are still many of the Giant Evil's subordinates left in the harbor."

Thousands of people were kidnapped and smuggled through the harbor by Pandemonium and regularly sent to Alfheim.

It was strange that no one noticed such a large-scale crime. Perhaps even the harbor governor was involved with Pandemonium.

"T-Then will you help us?"

People looked at Damien with expectant faces. But Damien could only shake his head.

"I have something I need to do."

"T-Then what about us… "

"Don't worry. There are people who are perfect for this kind of work right nearby."

People looked puzzled. They didn't seem to understand who Damien was talking about.

"Go straight to the Church's branch in the harbor right now. The paladins there will protect you."

Damien trusted the Church above all others, as dark mages were incapable of wielding divine power.

"Hey, come here for a moment."

Damien beckoned to the boy he had first rescued. The boy quickly stood in front of Damien.

"Give this to them when you go to the Church. They will do everything they can to help you."

Damien handed over the badge of the honorary paladin he had been carrying. The boy hugged the badge tightly.

"T-Thank you, sir... really."

The boy bowed his head and spoke. Damien smiled warmly and patted the boy's head.

"But, kid. You've been saying something really annoying since earlier."


Damien pressed down on the child's head and said.

"Why do you keep calling me sir?"

"B-But you are a s-sir..."

"Shut up. Call me brother from now on. If you call me sir one more time, I'll give you good beating."



Damien showed his fist and spoke. The boy nodded vigorously.


"W-Who the hell are you! Kill him!"

"Intruder! Sound the alarm!"

As soon as Damien attacked the ship, the sailors rushed out to defend. They all had dark magic artifacts in their hands.

But they were no match for Damien. He cut down all the sailors in the blink of an eye.

A group radiating a sinister aura appeared as he was cleaning up the sailors.

"You brat, do you have an inkling whose ship this is for pulling off a stunt like this?

"You've awakened a sleeping lion, and I'll make sure that you will pay dearly for your insolence."

The group manifested their dark magic and red flames erupted suddenly.

It was a very high level of dark magic. They all seemed to be Alterio's close aides.

Damien swung Dawn and split the flames in half. When the dark magic scattered at a single blow, Alterio's subordinates were all shocked.

"H-How did you... our dark magic... Kyaaak!"

"Lord Alterio... we have to call Lord Alterio...!"

Damien subdued them all without killing them.

This was because he needed the sailors to take him to Alfheim right now.

"I have a request for you. I need you to take me to Alfheim."

At Damien's words, Alterio's subordinates all spat out curses.

"Don't talk nonsense and just kill me!"

"Lord Alterio will burn you all to ashes!"

"If you don't want to, there's nothing I can do. I'll just have to force you."

Damien grabbed one of the subordinates by the head.

"Y-You bastard... What are you trying to do... Kyaaa!"

Damien used the Authority of Lust.

Authority's power penetrated the man's mind and shook his brain back and forth.

"A... Aa... Aaaa..."

Soon, the man's emotions gradually changed from pain to ecstasy.

When the whole process was over, the man fell at Damien's feet without a moment's hesitation.

"M-My... My lord... P-Please give me an order...! I will do as you command, even if I have to give up my body and soul to you!"

At that sight, all of Alterio's subordinates were terrified. Damien also made a similar expression.

'It's kind of creepy that these words coming from man.'

It was disgusting, but he couldn't give up here. Damien grabbed another person's head.

"W-Wait a minute...! S-Save... Aghhh!"

It took quite a long time to brainwash them all.

"O-Oh... Lord... Please give us an order...!"

"Please...! Please! Treat me like a slave!"

All the brainwashed subordinates pledged blind loyalty to Damien.

Damien made a disgusted expression and gave an order.

"We're leaving for Alfheim right now. Do whatever it takes to shorten the voyage. Understand?"

"Just leave it to us!"

The subordinates moved immediately.

A short time later, the ship carrying Damien set sail for Alfheim.


The ship carrying Damien continued to sail southeast.

But day after day, all they could see was the endless ocean.

However, Damien was not impatient. He knew the secret of Alfheim.

"My Lord, I will open the illusionary barrier."

One of Alterio's subordinates spoke to Damien in a respectful tone.

Among the people aboard, he was the most skilled dark mage of cause without counting Damien.

Alterio's subordinate took out a large stone tablet and split it in half. The dark mana poured out from the tablet and seeped into the void.

Soon, a black mark began to spread in the void.

The mark continued to grow until it was large enough for the ship to enter.

"Everyone, row! We're going in!"

The oars of the ship moved simultaneously. The ship advanced powerfully and passed through the black mark.

Only then could Damien see it.

A vast island instead of the endless ocean.

In this way, Alfheim was protected by an illusionary barrier.

That was why most ships could not reach Alfheim.

But Dorugo knew how to open the illusion.

Even in his past life, the illusionary barrier of Alfheim had not been able to prevent Pandemonium's invasion.

"Bring the ship close to shore."

"Yes, sir."

The sailors moved the ship towards the shoreline. Fortunately, the sea was deep enough to get as close as possible.


At that moment, a peculiar sight caught Damien's eye.

A battle was taking place in the forest adjacent to the sandy beach.

"Haha! They're valuable! Don't let a single one escape!"

"They're already exhausted! Just push a little harder!"

On the one side, there were dark mages and dark knights.

And the beings fighting them were...

"They're elves?"

The elves were fighting the humans with spirits and bows.

But they were being pushed back because the dark mages and dark knights were too strong.

If Damien didn't help them, they would be dead bodies soon.

Just as Damien was about to go out to help the elves.

"What are you guys doing?"

Damien turned to the sailors and asked. The sailors were already standing on the deck with their weapons drawn.

"We've been waiting to help you!"

"You guys?"


Damien paused for a moment.

Originally, Damien had planned to kill them all as soon as he arrived in Alfheim.

But it didn't seem like a bad idea to use them to fight against Pandemonium.

After all, he could also have them do all the annoying work.

"Okay then. All of you, charge! Save the elves!"

At Damien's command, the sailors immediately rushed out of the deck.


"Jackpot. We hit the jackpot."

Dark knight Bantadi grinned as he looked at the resisting elves.

Elves were creatures with nothing to waste.

Flesh, blood, bones, and even souls.

There was no creature more useful to a dark mage.

And to be able to capture more than twenty of them, not just one...

"You're all mine! I'll catch you all and offer you to Him!"

That was when.


One of his subordinates suddenly shouted. Bantadi asked in an irritated voice.

"What is it?"

"Oh, it's our allies! I think our allies have appeared!"

Bantadi looked in the direction his subordinate was pointing. Sure enough, a group of humans was running towards them.

The only humans in Alfheim belonged to Pandemonium.

"Why are those bastards sticking their noses into other people's business?"

The expression on Bantadi's face was not good even when allies appeared.

In a situation like this, they were not allies. They were nothing more than parasites trying to steal his achievements.

"Hey, you guys! Can't you just get fuck off?!"

Bantadi shouted at them. But they didn't stop walking.

"These guys are really crazy... W-what are they doing?"

Those who he thought were allies simultaneously manifested dark magic.

Immediately after, red flames engulfed Bantadi's unit.


[Translator - Kie]

[Proofreader - Kawaii]

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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